Cast em

cast em

Steve Blum, misc. Voices


Left: That guy that played Jax in Sons of Anarchy
Center: That guy that played General Zod
Right: Russel Crowe

Sam Worthington
Jai Courtney
Jason Clarke

>Blood Angels

Mark Strong as Captain Titus
Charles Dance as the Sergeant
Nicholas Hult as Leandros

>big white guys going onto killing spee

nice universe

And Emily Blunt as Mira

>Blood Angels

Really dude

This 2bh

>spiritual liege

The Blood Ravens are a Loyalist Space Marine Chapter of unknown origins and Founding. The origins of the Blood Ravens are shrouded in mystery and are believed to be tied to a dark truth related to the Horus Heresy.

they can fuck off to be honest, meme chapter made by video games

What else do ya need, really?

the dude who played bamham in dead end needs to be in

Scott McNeil

I like this

We'll add a token salamander for the movie.

Why these cunts haven't been purged by the Inquisition is anyone's guess.
Fucking mary sue Thousand Sons with skin.

They basically did though.

>Still Exist
Pick one, Heretic.

Mickey Rourke (marv in sin city) as Marneus Calgar

Soul Eaters.

Idris Elba as the Waaghboss

I think he could look like a decent Salamander and sound like a good Ork

Jacques Pepin as Sidonus

Sam Neill, Sam Neill, and Sam Neill

Amy Schumer as Ulkair



Gabourey Sidibe as Warlord Class Titan

Tommy Wiseau as Big E

Brolin. If he wasn't a manlet with t-rex arms.

>blood raven
>poor mans blood angel
