Solid 10/10

>solid 10/10
>still a 46 year old virgin
Fuck this shit man.

You're 46!? You look 10 years younger!

You're more a 6

Get a haircut and trim the beard so it looks better. Then, hit the gym

you'll be fine

Dude you don't look a day over 22

I'd fuck you

You are not. 10/10.
If you're willing to lie to yourself and these good people about that, I'm betting that you're also lying about your age. Unless that picture isn't actually you.


>solid 10/10

Not really. But you're also not ugly enough to be 46 and still a virgin so thereĀ“s that

It's probably from your breath always smelling like cheese Charlie


Solid eat/a salad fat face

Your "beard" looks like you taped your pubes to your face

Because you're too busy doing all that Charlie work.

Rate me and my cat?

you can see defeat in those eyes, I can't even imagine what has beaten you down to that point.

Op, get on tinder. Take a picture with a big confident smile and a beer as your profile pic and mention that you are looking for some fun in your profile description.

best of luck

>my cat
why do you keep lying to yourself? at best you are her human. Probably nothing more than her pooper scooper

You are not competent enough to be making assumptions.

Not , but why you post your face AND your cat?


Holy shit, you look like Charlie Day.

wow, did I touch a nerve?

No offense, I just find men with cats to be subhuman pieces of shit.

You look like a combination of Cr1tiKaL, Charlie Day, and Ray William Johnson.