Stop right there. You're thinking about her. What's her name?

Stop right there. You're thinking about her. What's her name?

Other urls found in this thread:

missing my ex gf like crazy

Yur mum



LaFawnda, but she dindu nuffin to deserve it

Tracy. I'm the one that cut it off. I dreamt of her this morning.

John :(


I don't know, man.
I missed my chance and believe you me I had a bunch of chances
We fucked and never spoke again
She was super shitty to me during out entire relationship, but she kept coming back and begging me to take her back but I was to scared of getting hurt again.
Right now I don't feel much of anything for them. I'm just so numb rn.

Here's to all the anons that miss their someone. I feel like offing myself. But I'm too much of a pussy.

Fuck this keyboard dude


hailey, completely missed my chance by being oblivious to the fact that she had a crush on me, thats over now

Thanks dude
Tbh I listened to this song way too many times when Jessica and I broke up.



Then there was Hayli
She was a suicidal pretty young southern gal. She sang like an angel and probably the best damn pool player I've ever met. I had to stay with her when I was ready to break up because her father had passed away in a tornado. I check up on her on FB every now and then to see how she's doing and each year she's doing much better and I'm very happy that she's moving forward and she's currently with a guy that treats her well. Probably better than I ever could.

I had a dream about my ex too... Shit sucked. I never felt this bad.


Meowzers 2. I miss that pussy :(

Whenever I feel depressed I'll listen to that and dig up her bones. :(




Ashley - my gf of 3 years. Who's grown miserable.
Marissa - the great white buffalo who has reappeared to the wild lands.

I'm conflicted

Lovely fiance Rachel. I'm away on business right now and she's asleep on facetime right now. Even now, looking at her while she sleeps, I'm so lucky to have a fucking gorgeous woman.

Same here, dude. Roy Orbison helps too


Natalie B


> Was falling fast
> Got scared of long-term
> broke up with her
> I'm skum
> Genuinely hope she forgots about me

Andreea. She just left in America... And I am sitting here in Europe waiting for her to come back... She never will.

Sofia, i think she's kinda into me but we couldn't hang out this past weeks due to university exams.

She's exactly like this girl.

mary jane..
she holds my heart user, i just can't let her go

Mirthe, 4.5 years i had with her. It's all over now.
Awell going out tonight, let's hunt


user. I feel so dead inside.

Shawnteena... I know, bit of an awkward name but she was my bae for 2 months

oh shit aint dat clitorisha's sister?


Carol. We're married. She's great.

I too went through dating terrible fucked up sluts that left me heart broken. They were all terrible people and not worth the time I spent wallowing in their memory.

Don't worry anons. You will one day find a great girl who treats you right.

What's my secret? Forgetting about white girls.

It makes me feel so numb sometimes but Orbison has gotten me through some deep ruts.

Lily,GF, Back in 19 days


>You will one day find a great girl who treats you right.
Got one now, but she's bit to chubby, and lack ass and tits.
Greatest girl personality I've dated.
But I know I can do better on the attractivness scale by a lot.

She's wipping her self into shape and shit, but thats gonna take a lot of time.
Im starting to get "you are like a friend" feeling twoards her, while she's in mad love with me.

kinda sucks.




probably for the best, sounds like you don't deserve her. hopefully she will do better cut free from you

It sucks man. I got depressed after we broke it off. I literally am in the same rut.

but yes
im always thinking about him. hes cute and i love him

