Newfag here

Newfag here.
What do dubs have to do with that guy from Americam Psycho?
Sorry for my Autism...
(.webm not related)

Have you seen that movie?

i don't know, but keep posting bestiality.

Do you like Huey Lewis and the News?

Honestly, what would have to happen to someone for the desire to fuck animals to arise?

I don't get it, is it just a mental disorder?

Dat webm.... What the fucking fuck?


Op here. I watched the movie, but in german cuz I'm Aryan, perhaps that's why I'm not getting it?

All I know is that human pussy is ugly as hell, and I would happily spend my life worshipping this. Animals are much prettier than humans in general.


>Animals are much prettier than humans in general.

Humans are animals, user.

>this is what happens when girls turn guys down

Lurk more, fag. A lot more.

I know. I'm just saying. Primates are one of the ugliest animal families. Humans have inferior roast beef sandwich vaginas. Give a mare or a bitch any day.

any sauce on this ?


Op again. I'm a hopeless newfag, so wtf is lurk?

I enjoy being with all three.
Sometimes all at once.

Are you autistic?

Not according to the autism tests that get posted on Sup Forums. Are you?

Ok I should not have posted beastiality. This Thread is pretty derailed already

it's okay. your question was shitty anyway. this thread is better now

Well I guess it's time to kill myself now...

Check 'Em!

>Nigga, i dont have words for you, how can you be so stupid?

>Dont you see that he was the first one doing the "Check 'em" gesture????

>Are you blind?

>be me
>didn't notice at all
>realize I'm fucking stupid

Checked my friendo!