What's your opinion on self harm, Sup Forums?

What's your opinion on self harm, Sup Forums?

It's for weak willed nobodies who got molested by their uncle

It's bad. Don't do it.

Also buy a copy of Fallout 4 while you're at it.

It's pretty degenerate

It's sexy if it's a female doing it and there's a lot of blood.


self harm is for faggots

seem about right

self ham is for jams

It's for attention loving faggots. If it was a psychological thing where you injure yourself for punishment or something you wouldn't want to make it public now would you?

Attention seeking babies.

>self harm

That looks like you took a shortcut through the bush without your long sleeves m80

But seriously self harm is biologically, culturally and individually degenerate.

>stop letting your parents down
>if the rents are the shit cunts causing it, then stop letting me down

Just hold some salt and ice in your hands if you wanna hurt, don't bleed cause then you end up with ugly ass scars

dont do it mate. you will regret it later i have some nasty scars. if you have to do it use methods that will not leave permanent marks. stick your hand in the freezer or pinch yourself with pliers and twist but not enough to break the skin.

do it if you want i don't give a fuck, you aren't hurting anyone but yourself

Double standard lol it's true

I say if you are into self harm find a sadist in the bdsm world and let them have fun

Leaves permanent scars. I did it when I was 14 I'm 25 and still have them. It all people think differently of you. As an adult it just looks really bad and more info than ppl needs to have about you just from looking at you

The shitty world makes me want to kill everyone everywhere but I can't so I just hurt myself

unfortunately you only get half, but i could splatter myself in ketchup if youre into that
i actually just did those because i wanted to troll people on omegle. not actually interested in self harm, i dont see how people get gratification out of it.

my opinion is it looks more like you've been playing with your cat than trying to off yourself.

If people ever give me a hard time ill just murder the shit out of their family and feed them the slurry of dead family I make for them.

I think it's disgusting.
And I believe that you're disgusting for enacting in such edgy practices.

I've gotten worse cut scratching my balls, you pussy

Not really. Especially if they're deep scars. Please don't do it. It sucks bad later. Imagine going to meet your significant others parents for the first time and you have scars. Or at work trying to be a professional with cut marks on your arms.

my opinion is that you are doing it wrong

is that your tit ? ;P

add me on kik or sc?


Good tits tho. Keep them coming ;) ;) ;) ;)

Drug abuse.
>The best self harm

if you like self harm then cut your throat you are a waste of flesh

Yea those scars are pussy. I once threw a light bulb and used the shards to dig deep in my skin.

what is this shit? did you go get your blood taken for something? come back when you are injecting your nutsack

Holy fuck,
This proves that I need to drop
Thank you

If you're gonna do it, own it, and be unashamed

Yea well you're probably just a kid and you still think that's cool to say. But you're never gonna do that. In reality you're gonna be ashamed and wish you could take it back for decades while people silently judge you. Don't do it. If you hate people now you're really gonna hate them when they're staring at your arm thinking they know you. All because you have them a wide open window to your despair

I used to enjoy some soft self harm. I was just looking for attention, although I wasn't ready to admit it.

>i actually just did those because i wanted to troll people on omegle. not actually interested in self harm, i dont see how people get gratification out of it.

so cutting yourself because of emotional problems etc seems wrong and hard to understand but "i wanted to troll people on omegle" perfect reason to cut yourself, just for the lolz

It's by far not the smartest thing in the world, but I guess nobody does it for no reason, even if it's just for attention. So think about the reason you're doing it, explore those feelings and learn from them. It's not so bad if it helps you maturing (and if you leave it behind you)

Wrist cutting is gay faggot shit

Leg or thigh cutting is dangerous

Burning is masterrace, no risk of bleeding out. I have a few burn scars on my arm, just because it was an easy spot to do, but on the thigh is the way to go, you feel the pain but you don't have to show others, it's great.

I used to do it on my thighs. Sometimes I feel awful and thats something I "need" to do, but I don't really want anybody to see it.

it can be pretty sexy, if you're a girl

I dunno. I cut deep slashes in my leg. Not for surburban teen angst but because I kind of was entertained by it. I liked the pain from it and the feeling of warm blood down my cold leg. It was a strange, sexually confused time for me a few years ago.

sideways for attention, longways for results

Haha they only bled a little and did not hurt. Was worth having these guys going from seeing my smiling face going "hey beautiful xx" to turning absolutely horrified when I ask them if they want me to cut for them.
I'm in psych treatment currently. I've not encountered one person who actually had issues bad enough to warrant them going through treatment that self-harmed. In fact I encountered a few people on Omegle that responded to me with unironic edge. They were all emo teenagers.

Why not cut "Sup Forums" into arm?

Nobody in this thread is over 18 christ

gonna start fapping

its stupid.

think of all the productive thinks you could have done instead of coming here to find attention


Wtf? Are those cat scratches? Faggot pussy can't even cut right.

girls who ain't doing it are lame




never stop

You're an attention seeking faggot. Kill yourself.

We live in a melancholic generaTion of grown up kids wHo are unablE to deal with the most ordinary psycholoGical problems, And hence transforM everything into the drama.
People like this arE pathetic.


Nice cat scratches

I use to do it too. I hate it that i have to wear long-sleeve shits 4 ever... and ever..

Ah yes, look at all the young retards slashing themselves during what is probably only 1/16th of their entire life... stupid, scars last forever.
go throw some plates at a wall or some shit to get your angst out.