Hi Sup Forums, how does it feel if I tell you I never have money problems since I have no parasitic gf?

Hi Sup Forums, how does it feel if I tell you I never have money problems since I have no parasitic gf?

man this place is gay

You should see the night-shift.

Question for OP Do you enjoy when your boyfriend sucks your cock?

Yep. Just a permavirgin faggots trying to justify their excuses for being alone and neckbeardy.

Couple that with the fact that you have a picture of a fursuit, I'm guessing that's not by choice.

Wrong pic but it works kinda

are you asking because you're curious or because you're trying to insult me?


How can you say that when your fetish evens out with your statement?

It's because you're a faggot, friend.

My wallet actually prefers it that way ;)

I'm just enjoying life

Enjoying life by being a faggot. Whatever makes you happy but you're still a fag.

>im a faggot that shit posts on a korean weeb site

I bet you are.

considering the choice is between fickle expensive bitches, and lazy landwhales, I actually think being a faggot is the only sensible choice

>"no GF"

no fucking shit

Fursuit is usually only the beginning of mental issue warning signs, i know from experience.

are you saying that women aren't mental?

but i can assure you, you don't prefer it that way. This post is just your way of expressing your insecurities about being a disgusting neckbeard who can't find a girlfriend that'll dress up like an animal for you to fuck her.

no women can be just as mental, but a fursuit is usually a giant red flag that something just isn't right about that person

>>mental health issues

Say what you want, those things cost $3000. At least he can afford to engage in his hobby. Clearly he has some means of supporting himself to do what he loves.

he's right, you know

Not my fault women are uncomfortable risking their perceived social status, sad fact that not enough of our ilk are driving around in expensive ferraris :P

I have been married for years and I never have money problems.

Who cares if he can support himself. He is still a faggot with mental health issues.

>a retard calling other people retarded
You entire validity of your post has been revoked
like how having a fine china collection, gun collection, or literally anything else you can spend money on. Everyone is a walking red flag for insecurity, your bitch ass posting on Sup Forums is a sign of an insecurity. Whatever that is, i am not going to grab at straws. I don't care.
One night stands are the way of life. Or being gay. I have to side with OP that women are in fact parasitic, I am more free without one. I don't want kids, and I like money. There's literally no reason to try to get with one.
pick one. I am not even mad but its pretty common knowledge that all furries are not into fur porn. Even normalfags have apologists for furries nowadays, this isn't 2004 anymore.
Most bisexuals will attest that men are better at outputting then women are. Its basic understand of physiology, women are not men, women have to learn what pleases a man. Men already know. If I had dollar for everytime a girl gave me a blowjob with teeth.

Sup Forums is retarded. Here's my once a quarter post.

trust me, that will end when your wife gets fed up with you and files for divorce :)

inb4 shit grammar

>I don't like what he does so he has mental health issues

top kek

Could you sound more like a neckbeard? It's not just that they're protecting their social status, it's that girls don't wanna be fucked by a gross dude dressed up like a dog. Not everyone shares your borderline zoophilia.

You misunderstand girls, they're all about status signalling, they couldn't care less about the means to gain said status :P

>he has a fursuit he has to be into zoophilia

Eh? You're talking about the bitchy ones. You know, the ones that are like 1 in every 15 girls. Most people (including girls) aren't status whores like you seem to think they are.

they aren't bitchy, they're just looking out for themselves, you will eventually learn, or not I don't care either way

Wonder if it's different per country.

Over here in Australia, like 4 out of 5 girls I've ever met have been all about status signalling. They're all bitches and the other '1' are often just generally good natured and normal women.

Well me and the gf split the bills and she helps me out with uni. But have fun convincing yourself that's why you're single.

>helps you with uni
don't be surprised when you one day discover that she doesn't like you because you're a beta bitch


I didn't mean that to be offensive, but unless a woman is gaining something from being in a relationship, she isn't going to stay, it's just not the natural :)

Or maybe she wants to help me succeed because it's better for both of it and she cares about our future.

you clearly don't understand girls, it's not how they think :P

Or maybe I'm not a neckbeard who has to make the opposite sex out to be bad to compensate for my crippling loneliness.

when the going gets rough and she finds something better you can think back about what I wrote, or maybe you are a really resourceful guy and you don't have to worry, either way I'd prefer that you don't use derogatory terms just because you disagree with me :)

Or maybe you shouldn't be a pussy about something some anonymous stranger says online

w/e, just don't ever take her back if she leaves you, no matter how much she tugs your heartstrings, that never ends well, just a little word of advice :3

Ha, some people huh ?