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Belgium is palying Wales. Who ya rootin for?

Wales just scored its second goal.

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Bale is a cunt, look at his stupid hair.





bet 10 bucks on belgium. fml


Don't worry bro, we will win this

At the moment they are losing though. If Wales scores one more time they're done.

The best performence I have seen during this Euro was by the Italian coach at their last game. That guy is just nuts.

He looked the whole time like he was about to storm onto the field and play himself.



Wtf is going on here



>panic mode right here


The cat was in on it.


nice effects, but its fake,, right??

whichever team plays worst, im not following the game though


Cymru am byth!

I just the winner to eliminate the portuguese cancer

Yes. They put jelly on the cat. The rats are licking it off.

Wales just scored its third goal.

Wales just scored 3:1 and won the game.

I'm from the USA so naturally I don't give a shit about soccer, but I am Welsh so fucking go Wales!!!!!



>I'm from the USA
>I am Welsh

No, you are not.


not knowing the difference b/w ethnicity and nationality
a worldwide moronathon since ?

wales will have portugal in the next round, really hope they beat them, love to see ronaldos face. They will get absolutely destroyed by the germans in the final though

Yeesssss wales!!!!!

portugal wins


>ethnicity and nationality

The welsh aren't an ethnic group. And you aren't a British national, so you aren't welsh. There are blacks in the Welsh time that are more welsh than you.


Here see? This guy is more welsh than you!

>tasmanian devils
this filename is 100% crap

Think Portugal will win unfortunately. Shame Wales got some suspensions.

North-Kongo lost!!!

Portugal wasn't that great so far and that faggot Ronaldo doesn't look like he can do it alone.


im portuguese, tbh we are playing awful, i would never root for a country thats not my own but i wouldnt be sad seeing us lose if Wales plays better


>If youmans were drivers



teslatanks? i never played that add on


>tasmanian devils


this with sound??

wtf lmao


but they had the stabilizers down





10/10 filename



f-18? which country?


i just knew that truck was going to roll over the cat...


>Yes. They put jelly on the cat. The rats are licking it off.

the director claimed after much uproar. he also set rats on fire, so it's hard to believe the cat was okay. he couldn't produce the cat on later questioning, but claimed the cat was "retired"


At first I cringed internally at the pun but then I realized she was on a subway.


top lel m8

more like this pls

>he couldn't produce the cat on later questioning, but claimed the cat was "retired"

Do you always carry a cat with you to show it when asked?

>he also set rats on fire

And that is a bad thing to do why?

newman fuckin people up



Sheep shagging scum. Lick Englands arse you fucking shit excuse for a country




I love these supercuts of security cam footage. Makes me feel like Samaritan.


what a sucker punching bitch.

fighting over their sister?

Stupid fucking hipster faggot. I wish they had murdered him.


"Get down on the ground"
"Ok let me ju-"
Kicked in the face







Then you are lucky your parents were socialists, that would get up at three to feed you and change your diapers.

