What could've been : Godzilla 1994

>Somewhere in the icy waters off Alaska, a salvaged ship is retrieving reactor cores dumped there by the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Something goes wrong and a mammoth explosion destroys the ship. On shore, the snow catches fire and a crevice opens up, oozing out steaming piles of what appears to be blood. A U.S. government scientist called Keith Llwellyn is flown to the site to investigate the incident, leaving behind his wife Jill Llewellyn and daughter Tina Llewellyn behind.

>Soldiers carry off entire barrels of the 'blood', which upon examination resembles nothing more than amniotic fluid. Upon arriving, Keith and a few other scientists discover Godzilla in the caverns, where the 'blood' was oozing off from. The monster awakens and unintentionally kills Llwellyn and the rest of the investigation team. Godzilla then attacks the Japanese Kurila islands. A surviving fisherman calls the monster "Godzilla", after recognizing him from an ancient Japanese legend.

Twelve years later, cryptozoologists Aaron Vaught, a best-selling author and his assistant Marty Kenoshita, sneak into a mental hospital in Japan to interview the fisherman, and the fisherman shows them pictures he drew of Godzilla locked in battle with another monster. The military police then arrive and apprehend Vaught and Kenoshita.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Somewhere in Kentucky, a meteor crashes into lake 'Apopka'. In Massachusetts, the U.S. military has established the St. George project, a top-secret project to find Godzilla. Jill Llewellyn is the project's director. Vought is brought on board to help find Godzilla, despite that Jill doesn't approve of the idea. Meanwhile, back in Alaska, another military base was constructed where Godzilla was first found. Then, a strange light was seen illuminating from a previously undiscovered cave, branching off from Godzilla's cells.

>In lake Apopka, the strange bio-metallic meteor begins to stir, flowing through the sediment like a mass of liquid metal. The probe enters a cave and absorbs a whole colony of bats, creating 12-foot wingspan creatures called probe bats. Vaught, Llewellyn and Kenoshita fly to the facility in Alaska where the amniotic fluid has begun to flow again in the cavern. Vaught then insisted this was the proper time for Godzilla to be reawakened, but the salvaged ship disrupted things and released them early. The side cave is lined with strange organic structures, remnants of an ancient society with advanced bio-technology. No one sees a small creature strike Marty Kenoshita and bury into his neck, even Kenoshita doesn't feel the creature burrowing into his neck. Events progress in Kentucky, as strange events occur.

Would've been great, a lot better than the ferris bueller one

Apparently gamera GOTU took a lot of stuff from this script

>In the Pacific, Godzilla is reported swimming towards San Francisco, where the St. George project is established at the procedure. Llewellyn and Vought soon arrive but Kenoshita becomes ill and is rushed to a hospital. The navy is the dispatched to counter Godzilla. After a crushing defeat, the military considers using a small nuclear device to destroy the monster, but Vought advises against it. He feels that Godzilla is a living nuclear reactor, and that what the monster breathes is not fire but something that ionizes oxygen so great it turns it into heat. Llewellyn further postulates that the amniotic fluid was not food as previously supposed, but a tranquilizer to keep Godzilla asleep. The fluid is hastily spread at the mouth of San Francisco Bay. Godzilla swims right into the oily liquid and collapses on the southern extremity of the Golden Gate Bridge.

>The military secures the unconscious Godzilla and airlifts him back to the St. George project in Massachusetts, where he is housed in a huge hangar. Tina realizes that her mother has been trying to hunt and kill Godzilla for the past twelve years. She protested that the monster is just a force of nature, not responsible for the damage he causes. Not wishing to listen to this point of view, Jill sends her daughter to stay with her aunt in New York. At an army hospital, the strange infection Kenoshita has grows worse, consuming his internal organs and leaving his face lifeless and with eyes pitch black. Before he dies, Kenoshita tells Llewellyn that he has been taken over by an ancient force. The force has told him of his history and the threat that has come to Earth: an alien civilization that deploys probes to aid its colonization of the universe. These probes consume the native life of the target world and create a doomsday beast from the genetic material. By the time the aliens arrive, the probe would have wiped out all the life on Earth. An ancient Earth civilization warded off these probes by crafting Godzilla from the dinosaur genes. Godzilla would awaken when the probes arrived and destroyed them before they could reproduce.

>In Kentucky, the probe bats continue to absorb animals, returning to the cave with their genetic collections to deliver to the main mass of the probe, which is slowly starting to take on a definitive form. Vaught, upon hearing Kinoshita's story, concludes that Godzilla was headed for Kentucky, where the meteor crashed. Local store keeper Nelson Fleer drives Vought to the lake. The two men don scuba gear and dive into the water. They discover a tunnel leading upwards from the bottom of the lake that leads them into a series of caves. Vought is terrified when he sees a giant paw. The paw is attached to the newly formed shape the probe has assumed. The monster has the body of a puma, the huge wings of a bat and a hydra-headed tongue composed of snakes. The probe has become The Gryphon, of the Japanese fisherman's drawings. Fleer accidentally bangs his air tank against the cave wall. The sound then awakens the dormant Gryphon, and the men hastily retreat but the monster pursues them. As they surface, they seems safe. Suddenly the water churns and the Gryphon emerges into the air. The Gryphon flies away and heads to Harrisburg, Virginia.

>The monster destroys a train and a blast fuel storage tank with energy bullets, killing hundreds of people in the process. Despite the dip of amniotic fluid being given to him, Godzilla awakens, destroying the hangar and slipping into the Atlantic. It is clear that he has sensed the Gryphon's awakening. It is later determined that the two monsters will run into each other in New York. Jill tries to make her way into the city to save Tina in the midst of the evacuation. She is trapped in the Queens Midtown Tunnel when Godzilla steps on it, but manages to swim to safety. Jill finds her daughter as the Gryphon arrives and engages Godzilla in battle. The Gryphon attacks Godzilla from the sky, forcing the dinosaur back to the shore. Godzilla loses at first because a tank filled with the amniotic fluid is still attached to his neck, but Fleer and Vought manage to destroy the tank and Godzilla begins taking the upper hand against the Gryphon. Victorious, Godzilla roars and returns to the sea. Air force jets begin to attack the monster, but Jill Llewellyn calls them off and finally comes to terms with Keith's death and forgives Godzilla. Jill, Tina, Vought and Fleer watch from the shore as Godzilla disappears into the ocean.

>In 1992, Toho sold the rights to produce an American Godzilla film to Sony Pictures Entertainment, who assigned the project to its newly-acquired subsidiary, TriStar Pictures. Terry Rossio and Ted Eliott were brought in to write a script for the film, which was completed in 1994. TriStar was satisfied enough with the screenplay to begin searching for directors. The screenplay caught the attention of director Jan De Bont after he had just finished directing the hit film Speed. De Bont originally wanted a budget of $130 million for the film, but Sony and TriStar's executives were unwilling to place that much money into the project, eventually forcing De Bont to leave the project and sending Godzilla into development hell. Various writers were brought in to perform rewrites to try and reduce the projected budget, but the difficulties scared away several potential directors.

>Eventually, TriStar approached the Independence Day team of Roland Emmerich and Dean Devlin, who had previously declined the project when it was pitched to them years before. This time however, Emmerich and Devlin accepted the project on the condition they could discard the original script and handle the film however they wanted. They were complimentary of the original draft, and said it showed them that a film could be made, but concluded "It wasn't a story we wanted to tell." They kept some elements from the original script, but changed most. Emmerich and Devlin brought in designer Patrick Tatopoulos to redesign the titular character as a more fast and agile creature based more heavily on dinosaurs. When the film and its new version of Godzilla were pitched to Toho, they were initially surprised but ultimately approved it when they contacted Emmerich and said "Okay, you make [the] new Godzilla; we keep [the] old one."Emmerich and Devlin's GODZILLA was eventually released in theaters in May of 1998. Eliott and Rossio were given story credits in the finished film, as Emmerich and Devlin insisted they never would have been able to make the film without their original script. De Bont was vocally critical of the finished film, blaming Sony for allowing the production to fall so far off course from what he felt Godzilla was all about. Terry Rossio later wrote an essay titled "The One Hundred Million Dollar Mistake," in which he argued that the studio's decision to replace the screenplay he and Ted Eliott worked on with Devlin and Emmerich's completely different vision ultimately doomed the production to fail and potentially cost the studio $100,000,000 in box office revenue it could have otherwise earned.

>won't give this movie 130 million
>gives 130 million To that back Roland

Bravo sony

>Concept art for the American Godzilla and the Gryphon was commissioned by Ricardo Delgado in August and September of 1994. Stan Winston Studios was contracted to create the special effects for the film, even producing various maquettes and props for the unmade film. Additionally, a teaser trailer for the 1994 film was released in Japan.

Other links :

Full original screenplay :

A very interesting article, with really cool stuff like several storyboards, including the final battle between Godzilla and the Gryphon :





They were so fucking dumb, the 90's was the perfect time for a movie like this. It could've been the next Jurassic Park, instead they got a generic monster movie that killed several companies because of how hard it bombed

Good work OP

I know it's just you and me ITT, but this wouldve been great

Helen hunt was I think attached to be the lead

De Bont made Twister just after the project, basically he put all the cast he wanted for the Godzilla movie

It must be really hard to let go something like that to see some fucking hack like Emmerich shit on it

I honestly would still wanna see this movie made with this story in down way shape or form

They really seemed to put a lot of effort and time into it but sony seemed to always be shit

There was a guy who wanted to make a graphic novel out of it :

But I think he didn't put any new pages in like five years, so it's pretty much dead

Just look at the way they handled the Spider Man rights. They're a bunch of retards

I think the flop of the G98 made a pretty huge shitstorm at Sony's

This is all pretty interesting, op.
Thanks for sharing.

I can imagine

Going through all the time and money to keep the movie in production and higher new writers while losing public interest only to give 2 hacks the same money the original guy was asking for

>tfw we could've had Bill Paxton in a godzilla movie

>godzilla man godzilla

>“Physically, it’s totally different. When you look at our Godzilla, you won’t feel any nostalgia,” Dean Devlin told CNN. During a press junket while filming in Oahu, Hawaii, the producer said, “It’ll look like Godzilla but be more realistic, more to the lizard genesis than just a big fat guy in a rubber suit.”62 Roland Emmerich modestly called his GODZILLA “the ultimate monster movie”, telling reporters that he was initially reluctant to make it, but, “It was one of these things where it suddenly hit you that it could be cool. But only if you changed it totally.”63 John Calley stated, “The present version has survived 20 incarnations. What we’re going to do is a lot more flamboyant, a lot more astonishing.”

>Volker Engel said he was inspired to become an FX director by the Godzilla movies he had seen as a child. But when interviewed for the new film’s official website, Godzilla.com, he knocked those same movies, stating that, “Godzilla has always been this slow-motion man in a suit, and always standing around, looking around, smashing through buildings, looking kind of stupid.”

>Co-producer Peter Winther disregarded fan concerns, believing that what audiences really wanted was Devlin/Emmerich’s re-imagining of Godzilla instead of something closer to the original. “The main thing for Roland and Dean was to bring Godzilla into the present time. And to do that, you have to do some things to make it realistic,” he insisted. “But there are certain things you want to keep, otherwise it’s not Godzilla. You have to make it a little more violent and you have to make it faster. No matter what people say, you don’t want to have this creature lumbering down the street, making him easy to hit with missiles and things like that. It has to be more exciting. You have to give people the ride they’re looking for.”

>Act like complete pricks
>Make a shit movie
>Be shamed for it for the remaining duration of your career

Shit now I'm disappointed that they didn't use the original script. Good thread OP.

Honestly I think they just use the Godzilla name for quick cash
They didn't give a flying fuck about G

Shame, that would have been a great way to have the original vision realised.

Don't know what he is up to right now, I thought he'd have continued after G2014 and the article on scifijapan

Shameless bump

Watch Twister,

It's pretty obvious it's a substitute for the cancelled Godzilla movie

Did you guys see the recent Godzilla movie? I didn't think it was all that bad. It had many of the annoying features we've come to expect from mainstream action flicks, but also stayed true to that original story of Godzilla being a protector against some other alien threat.

Honestly G2014 is a great movie

But G94 was a very ambitious movie that got scrapped for shitty reasons, if it was made it could've been a cult film now

>mfw we got the Emmerich film instead

At least they suffer from it

And they got what they deserved
>movie was panned
>Tristar as a company had to merge with Columbia to survive
>Roland Emmerich and Dean Devlin have a career low point so bad they have to make a sequel to their one decent movie 20 years later
>sony is a shitstorm now

Yeah, but there was also horrible side effects :
>Dark Horse comics no doing Godzilla comics anymore
>Trendmasters who made the awesome Godzilla toy line shut down
>General opinion around the world on the Godzilla's character

It's pretty funny when you know Toho send like 100+ pages or do/don't on the Godzilla's character, because they were afraid of change. I'm curious to know what happened in Toho right after the flop

They immediatly made Godzilla 2000 to try and cash in on the whole "people want the real godzilla" craze, but they didn't see a major flaw
>Zilla really tainted the general Japanese public in that the advertisement really over saturated their minds
>making a godzilla movie every year really added to this, despite how hard the effects people and writers tried

I mean think about it, monsters died after Zilla really did damage. Mighty joe young flopped, and they canceled peter Jackson's 90s King Kong

Imagine in Europe where Godzilla is well less known than in America

A lot of people was surprised that G2014 had nothing to do with the Jean Reno's movie

Why is the new Godzilla so stiff? Except for the tail of course, that things is crazy flexible.

He's just standing there, menacingly

But they probably wanna go for the more slow vibe of 1954, but the tail really fucks with that

I don't think he's gonna be just standing around, they kinda want to have a dick contest with the Legendary version, so I think they might be a few twists in the new film

>It'll never happen now

Thanks for this OP

I'd always been aware of this original concept, but I hadn't know much about the story itself, or why it was scrapped

Legendary can cast Bill Paxton as an American version of the Corn Guy in a sequel

I wonder if G94 is the most documented scrapped movie

Yeah, but I highly doubt it

Reminds me of Bagorah

>I wonder if G94 is the most documented scrapped movie

That would probably be superman lives

There's also Lost in la mancha

But that's not really a blockbuster

I like it. It adds to the creepy vibe they seem to be going for.

Considering they made a movie out of it, I'd being willing to bet Jodo's Dune is better documented.

Not impossible, since it was made around the same time as the Dark Horse comics

George romero's resident evil.
Any other movies like this ones?

It's just funny though because he's like super stiff and doesn't react to anything. Except his tail, that thing is flying all over the place like it's weightless.

>It was one of these things where it suddenly hit you that it could be cool. But only if you changed it totally.

He seemed very expressive in the first shot of the trailer
So I guess he's gonna be pissed off

Yeah, I know what you mean.
Still though, there is something about it that I like.

I want to see this cunt, and Burning Godzilla again, that movie was fucking great

Not a big fan of the glowing red

I hope this is some exposed flesh or something

It might be throwback to burning/meltdown Godzilla. Or maybe just a similar idea conceptually, as in, a walking nuclear reactor.

In the opening shot, a huge silhouette of Godzilla looms over the city skyline. Then we zoom in on one of the apartment windows, where they're shooting Real Hairy Lesbians #34.

Or it might unrelated

I don't think he's gonna fight another monster either

Damn, that other monster looks baller as fuck. A real shame that this never was made.

It's it supposed to be another retelling of the original? Like we don't have enough of those running around

I could be wrong about this, but I think I've heard that it's another "sequel to the original", as in based on the original film and ignoring the other movies that came after.

The special effects director for the film is Shinji Higuchi, who is the same guy who worked on the Heisei Gamera trilogy, and more recently the live action Attack on Titan films.

Anno may have liked the idea of how the Titans in the live action movie would sometimes glow, given how much heat is generated by their giant bodies.

Alongside the glow being Godzilla's regeneration, and the "walking nuclear reactor", this seems a likely reason for the glow.

So it could be the start of another Era of Godzilla movies? I'm down with that

Pretty much every movie in the Millennium era was like that.

According to theatexcellent Sci Fi Japan article, Toho execs accepted the design with minor changes and continued to support it after release. I think fans idolize Toho too much, they're like any other big media company.

Jesus, one of my friends called 1998 the original Godzilla and didn't know Godzilla came from Japan. There is really zero awareness of it in Europe.

>Jesus, one of my friends called 1998 the original Godzilla and didn't know Godzilla came from Japan. There is really zero awareness of it in Europe.

That's frightening.

Thanks OP, good thread, I really like the concept art that they had, it's always interesting to see what could have been, but sometimes it's a little sad.

Consider yourselves lucky, Frenchfag here
In the 90's I had only seen Godzilla 1998 and Godzilla vs Mothra thanks to a special movie night
You can't find anything Godzilla related
I had to download some Godzilla movies when I didn't speak english and watch the fights scenes

Yes and no, they approved absolutely anything for Godzilla 1998, no matter what the fans say. However, they were pain in the ass during the pre-production of G1994, and that's really sad when you see what was left

>However, they were pain in the ass during the pre-production of G1994
Indeed, it seems that by 1998 they were desperate to have any hollywood Godzilla made. Their initial attitude is bizzare considering they've been pushing for a hollywood Godzilla since the 50s.

They seem to have loosened up in the 2010s, Legendary have the rights to their other famous monsters and IDW comics have the rights to basically every Toho monster ever, plus they've done some unconventional stuff with the license like Godzilla In Hell.

In a way, you can thank G98 for that

Godzilla isn't as popular as it was before G98, at least they learned from their mistakes

I also think (but I have to check) that every Godzilla movie since G98 made less and less money in a Japan, GFW was almost a bomb

So in a way, I think Godzilla 2 and the future Kong movie can be crucial to the survival of the Kaiju movies. But since Jurassic World did really well against capeshit, I'm pretty sure it's gonna be the new hype thing

They're losing badly, Legendary's Godzilla looks like a force of nature, even if he is a little fat.

Anno's Godzilla looks like a dried up cat shit, that tail is a joke too.

No wonder I liked G98. Emmerich did to Godzilla what Snyder did to Superman. KaijiKINO at its most pure.

Those movies were total shit.

I thought you weebs said Japs can adapt their source material faithfully?

There's absolutely no movie that did what G98 did to Godzilla
Even the capeshit ones

The new Godzilla is more a zombie like Godzilla, or a badly wounded G54 one, so the design, while he's not pretty, is at least a very cool take on the character

I fucking hate people like this.

>I don't like it so nobody likes it. I'm going to make a movie that has nothing to do with what it's based on because I don't like it.

Sony really has always been a fuckup company.

I just think it looks goofy, and the tail doesn't help.

He's gay German director

I always thought Independance Day was a "fuck you" to USA. I mean all the cliché are too cliché to not be some kind of satire

The tail floating around looks stupid.

The lack of motion and those tiny raisin arms are stupid.

The whole thing is retarded, I'm not excited at all for the team up of a man who gave us End of Evanlelion and the special effects guy who made those shitty Attack on Titan movies.

It can be a good take on Godzilla or a shitty one

Wait and see

I've never seen the show, but television to live action never works.

Higuchi did amazing stuff for gamera, idk why he JUST'd so hard for attack on Titan, something about modern Japanese filming techniques just looks off

I like they took risks with the Godzilla design
