
>*drools nervously*
>So guys, everyone knows this POPULAR >CELEBRITY has this NEW MOVIE coming out right? Ahahahaha-ahahahahaha
>So, POPULAR CELEBRITY. Tell us that goofy, quirky story - ahahaha - what happened while you were working on POPULAR MOVIE?
>Oh my god - AHAHAHAHA - Sorry this is just so fu-
>*snorts cocaine on desk*
>Guys let's look at a quick clip of the POPULAR - ahahahaha - MOVIE on this Samsung™ SmartView® Screen
>Guys let's all give a big thanks - AHAHAHA - to Microsoft™ for supplying today's Meme Clip of the Day® - ahahaha - sponsored by AHAHA-cura®
>*cums in pants, starts sweating feverishly*
>AHAHAHAA guys we're AHAHAHA gonna take *burp* a quick break

Other urls found in this thread:


Who are you quoting?

>yfw you realize no one under the age of 50 watches these talk show shit fests and once all the older losers finally fuck off and die talk shows will too
it will be great to never have to be reminded that these shows exist

You forgot the part where he's an out-of-control alcoholic to the point NBC has a contingency plan to replace him on short notice if he goes full Charlie Sheen.

Fallon is so desperate to be liked. It's repulsive.

Big Bang Theory: The talkshow

Who will they replace him for?

any proof? he doesn't seem like an alcoholic. he looks like a really upbeat, super-fun happy-times kinda guy

millennial redditors love fallon

they always do.

How does this guy have his own show? Painfully uncharismatic and unfunny.

>*snorts cocaine on desk*

If only he was this interesting

He is willing to do everything Lorne Michaels says, on and off screen, without any question.

That's why he got the job.

I hope Eric André will take over his show.



>tfw redditors idolize Jimmy Fallon and his youtube channel alone could fund this shit for decades alone

This garbage isn't going anywhere

Holy shit OP wasn't memeing

>watching an unrelated video
>suggested is their interview with fallon
>thumbnail is literally him doing this shit
dear lord


Hey kike killer kyle

I fucking hate this hack so much

>its a fallon ruins SNL by breaking character episode

literally killed the show

I didn't hate him until I watched the SNL special for Prince

You forgot the hilarious banter with the Roots.

His laugh is so fake.

>Conan doesn't exist

Conan O'Brien is and always has been funny, Colbert is ok, but I just feel he has had way too much exposure and is too much of an actor. That Scottish guy, Craig Ferguson? Was okay too, I haven't caught his show in years, I dunno if it's still on


Craig Ferguson left because he hated celebrities and now James Cordon has taken his show. That fat unfunny brit

>This passes for entertainment in america

I'd rather watch a late night talk show hosted by a seal. I'm dead serious.


colbert went downhill a bit as stewart started sucking hard and then he dropped the persona and went full shitter

*degloves finger*

I actually really liked his show when it was on Late Night but now it's a million times worse. At least he's not as bad as Seth Myers.


Nah man Fallon is leagues more popular with the kids which never really watched those kinds of shows beforehand because he's so disgustingly ineffectual. I think Leno hiredd him because he thought he would be worse and didn't want him to upstage him but it backfired, kind of like Smithers hiring Homer to look after Mr Burns.

>That noticeable Louis C.K. contempt
Gotta love him.


>Conan O'Brien is and always has been funny

have you seen his TBS show besides the remotes?

Because NBC screwed over Conan

You can see in that pic he is broken inside.
I bet he spends half a day relaxing his face muscles from the forced smiles he has to wear






yes. he's still the best.


Young adults orgasm over Fallon
Conan and Ferguson are great. Although Colbert's new show isn't as good as the Colbert Report

You know, I don't understand the appeal of talk show (or american tv in general for that matter), it is really unpleasant, like a genital itch you can't quite identify the cause of, and when you scratch it you get this sort of smelly both dry and moist residue stuck under your nails. That is how I feel whenever I watch clips of this kind of stuff.

When can we round up all these people and let commoners beat them do death w/ sticks while filming it on their soon-to-be obsolete multimedia tracking devices?


it's coke actually but yes

All of these insidious subhuman parasites deserve to be spat on and have their faces stomped by angry poor whites

If you think American television is bad, look at how out of touch and painful it is to watch British TV

>I don't understand the appeal of talk show

basically boomers and gen xers were jewed into watching paid plugs on late night tv (not like there was anything else on that hour, though, tbf) and the tradition stuck

>literally watching a two hour long commercial

Only british TV I get is BBC 24 hour news and I legtimately can't watch it for longer than 5 minute w/out wanting to break off my own teeth.

When our own channels broadcast their docus and shit it too is obnoxious and disgusting, but in a distincly less sweaty, but moreso rotten-smelling way sort of like dead fish.

>people who get paid to tell jokes on tv are insidious subhuman parasites

I fuckinf hate talk shows.

Yes, them and their jew masters, their continued existence is like a chronic tooth infection, you have to yank it out by the root

why do you keep comparing things to random things.


Watching triggered a very strong reaction in me and I'm not very good at sorting my thoughts. Too goyische to be an elegant orator so to speak.

Colbert is starting to feel so desperate now. He's constantly doing segments on topical pop culture things he clearly doesn't know anything about because he's 50.

How do I keep in touch with pop culture without looking like a geezer trying to be hip?

I saw Jimmy Fallon in Orlando.
Rosario Dawson was guest.
Animal guy was also on the show and he brought an elephant.
Elephant pissed and shit all over the stage during commercial break.
Jimmy throws a tantrum and stomps off stage.

Fallons a bitch.

I never got the "Colbert is desperate" meme, the man's getting older but he hasn't actually changed much. I think you're reading into it much into it, user.

>american video
of course