Why have creepshot threads sucked so much lately? how do faggots beat it to some of the crappy, low res, blurry...

why have creepshot threads sucked so much lately? how do faggots beat it to some of the crappy, low res, blurry, un revealing shit that's being spammed??

Cfp got taken down so now there is nowhere to hoard new content from.

So instead we get thread after thread of reposts of old good pictures, new bad OC, and the same autistic fuck posting 30 webms of his fat wife.


Give me a good way to convert mp4 into webm

candid fap palace?
creep forum place?

"Webm for Retards"

you can set a filesize limit in the second tab, the filter let you Trim, Resize, ect...

Here some oc

candid fasion police, the old subreddit


Is my OC Shit?


... that was like 2 years ago, wasnt it? they made a standalone website since then
also, thecandidforum was always way bigger than the subreddit, its where 60% of the content comes from


cuz you shouldn't check this Sup Forums for creepshots. check other chans and TCF

OC, while working on the Webms 1/5

does anyone know a good site for creep shots?






the candid forum isn't displaying any threads.. whats up with that?

doesnt seem to work on mac tho

nvm i see you have to create an account


Trips get







God amongst men.


i mean, image quality and angle and everything is good but the ass is subpar



nice work user



some other chick

Any teens?


Milf creep






Anybody used galaxy gear? Phones have limitations pretty good ones.





all she wanted was a place to be alone and have a hot beverage, but instead there had to be that one neckbeard with his camera trying to get an upskirt.



couldnt get a better angle since there was a chick sitting next to me, or is that how you take creepshots, u just dont give a fuck ?

All we wanted was a decent creepshot thread and to have a fap, but instead there had to be that one autist with his opinion trying to come off as morally superior.

This the type a girl that can't fathom why you would be looking at her.


OC of a mom



What a cutie. Who is this to you? gf?

or how bout this

>almost quints feel


Damn, do u know her?

what would you say about a one that dresses like that?

Nope, she brought her kids to the lake for a swim right after I got out of it

This the type of girl that no one knows what she sounds like, not chewing gum. Type a girl that just did or is about to get laid with that razor cut and smooth ass legs.

Of mother where art thou.

any more?

I can't understand why women choose to dress in such cheap clothes. Fashion store have so much for ladies but they all resort to the same peer pressure look trying to fit in.

you're reading to much into it - some people just have shit taste or no taste at all

>calls me an autist

says the real autist who doesn't behave appropriately in public and puts his own self interests before others.


The reason it sucks is faggots like you ruin Sup Forums by making it nothing more than a site where fucks, exchange porn

i guess.

I agree and disagree. Yes she could look better but I have respect for people that conform to the "norm" you are pushing. Again I'm saying that she would look better in nicer clothes.

Also shit taste is a real thing.

>n b4

I wonder about getting a phone with a good camera just to take better creepshots. We're getting to a time that phones will be shooting RAWs so that's hopefull.

This is nice. Please continue to take pictures like this and post them here.


What does OC means?

one cock

original content


open crevix

Original Cunt. Basically the same as OP

i never get trips

newsummerfag posts randomly and gets, fml


At the beach today!

More of this?

zakochalem sie

Nope sorry, only shot I got

my GF's sister, wanted me to check her celphone

ja też, anonie, ja też. spotkałem ja 3 albo 4 razy


Oral copulation.

she's dressing that way for one reason and she's done the best job she can. quirky dresses and highlights won't make men want to fuck you.

ITT: neck beards who never go outside

>because if they did there is no way they wouldn't die from chronic masturbation.