Fluffy II

Fluffy II


wtf is wrong with you sithlords?



We've gone over to the dark side. It's cozy here, there's a campfire and marshmellows.

>not the .gif

I'd dump, but my computer is already off. Sry comrade

>Blueberry watches on in horror as you tease Slate with the pain of the Red-Hot Ax
>This continues for an hour, until his little cock isn't even erect anymore
>It's swollen from the searing hot pokes you've been giving it
>It can't leave the hole even if it was greased up
>Blueberry cries
"Nu moaw, no maow. Pwease mistah, swate be gud fwuffeh."
>You look at Blueberry, and take a step forward
>He tries to defecate in fear, but remember - Cork-in-a-Butt
>Little blue idiot couldn't shit even if he wanted too
>You bring the ax close to the glass door of the carrier, and whisper into the vents closest to his ears
"Do you want to take his place?"
>He shakes his head, his cheeks caked with dried-on tears
"I thought so."
>You head back over to Slate, whose own cries haven't gone ignored
"Swate sowwy, wet swate gu, pwease? Me nu wan' gib pretty mawe huggies no moar.."
>You heat the axe up one more time, this time until it is nearly white-hot
>That's one strong furnace you got there
>Maybe you could throw some of the ill-tempered Fluffies in there some time
"I know you won't slate. I won't let you."
>Once this thing was whiter then fedora-tipping fatass, you bring it over to him, this time letting it come into his field of vision
"W-... Wa' dat shineh ting?"
"Don't worry about it."
>You raise it up, high enough for him to see, and high enough for Sarah to see through the small window of the door
>You look at her, and she gives you her regular board expression of :/
>She wants you to hurry up, so you do
>You bring the ax down, where the cock first comes out of the hole
>The ax bends and becomes disfigured by the impact with the table
>Blueberry closes his eyes and recoils
>But he cannot close his ears
>No, he could never block out the unknowable cry of sheer pain and horror that was loosened from the ragged black colt strapped to that chair
>It got so loud, Sarah opened the door.
"You done?"
"Yes. I just need to clean up."


Glad you continued, user








"What about Slate?"
>You look him over; he screamed so hard he passed out
>You unstrap him and he falls on his back, mouth open and drool escaping
>You finish the rest of the cutting, but are sure to leave his testicles
>Let him feel the urge every day
>But be unable to ax on it
>Now, you lay your deformed ax on the table and hand Slate off to Sarah, who takes him to the Ill-Tempered Pen
>Until they can get a new wall, Thunk is just going to have to settle as the wall-blocker
>You give him a treat for being such a good wall
"Fankou mistah. Thunk goo' waww."
>You ruffle his fur and put Blueberry back on his spot
"Now remember Blueberry, remember what I am going to say. If you are a good Fluffy, if you poop in the litterbox, if you play nice with the others, and if you do what the rules say, you could go home with a nice little owner like the Pink Fluffy did."
>Blueberry, now more traumatized then ever before, merely nods from deep inside the carrier
>You raise a finger, and point it to Slate
"But if you are a bad Fluffy, you will go with Slate in the Bad-Fluffypen. And if you continue to be a bad fluffy, well..."
>You raise the Extra-Sorry-Stick #2000
"These will be strapped to a machine that slaps your balls every 15 minutes. Got it?"
>He nods more, holding back his tears
"Good. Now. You've been in there since we got you. It's 1 o'clock, time for naptime. I'm going to let you out and let you sleep with the other Fluffies. But be warned. If I as so much -hear- that you are bad, you're going in the Bad-Fluffybox. Got that?"
>You open the cage door and slowly pull him out, his legs dangling in the air as he tries to move them
>It'll take a few hours for feeling to return
>You take him to the bathroom and hold him over the toilet
>You uncork his butt, and it's like Niagara falls of feces
>It's the Niggara Falls
>You crack yourself up
>You squeeze him gently to get whatevers left out of him
>He squeaks when you do.





>Once he was cleaned, you boop him on the nose and set him in with the rest
>All is quiet in the store now, so you place a sign letting customers know that the Fluffies are sleeping
>You see him wander around a bit, and while he at first wants to play with the ball, you slowly raise up the Extra-Sorry-Stick
>You say in a whisper
"Your balls."
>And like that, he curls up with the rest, blending in with a small group of cool colored Fluffies
>There, you think to yourself
>He finally gets it, maybe now you can have some peace and quiet, maybe chat it up with Sarah, or call the number that Milf left you
>Maybe you could...
>There was a loud thunk from the chute, a new arrival
>A bright pink mare, who was crying inconsolably
>Oh no, the fluffies were beginning to wake up from their naps again

Well done, don't remember the number drop but I probably just missed it.

lol, that was a good ending
post it in the booru fag, for the posterity

Once I have written down all my stories, or at least finish the fifth one, I will.
From OG Darth Maracas to the Micro-Fluffy, to Fluff-E-Prenuer to Jim the Maze-Man. Give it time, give it time.

This has been DM signing off.

Could you get a disease from mating with a fluffy?


Yeah. Hugbox.

I don't think so. The fluffies have such an unique biology that most natural bacteria doesn't infect them.

Plus disease transmission between animal different species is actually quite rare.
Unless you fak the poopieplace then one can become a new host for parasites