Explain why you fags didnt join the military

Explain why you fags didnt join the military

Because I'm not a welfare babby

because I have a standard of ethical behavior that won't allow me to be the empire's hired thug

I'm in the army.
It's kinda bullshit unless you're usasoc

Too young, im joining the Military when im older

Because I'm 15


i dont want to suck on the governments teat for clothes, food, housing, and pay

I don't particularly care about how much money corporations make so I don't feel the need to help them out

I'm straight

I joined the Army Infantry. Best decision I ever made considering my circumstances. It definitely sucked though. Out now for good.

explain why did you join?

When they said "jump", I said "fuck you"

We had just invaded Iraq.

The army doesn't pay well for what you are required to do. Why get $20,000 a year when you can get $60,000 for a desk job with no risk of dying.

Because I can do other things then fail out of high school

I was in a band 'nuf said.


today was my first day back after a few weeks of leave. work was a BBQ to celebrate 4th of july. i will now enjoy the next 4 days off.

it really is a great job.

Because I don't want to fucking die? And I'm not fighting for "freedom" yore fighting to secure the countries assets and interests in other countries.

Killed 1 bloke ..
7 blokes .

3 an

one ex gf

Folk who kno me know this ..

Ha i just enlisted in the navy last week, Any tips on basic/A-School?

the army is pretty gay and they're all a bunch of pussies

Too many video games to play, not enough motivation to do actual work.

Because I'm working on a Ph.D instead :/


I did, but it sucked.

The military is for homo losers

because I had better options

I don't want to be a drain on society

Because I'm a scared, effimate pussy who knew I wouldn't make it so I come up with lame excuses like "DUH CORPARASHUNS" to mask my inner cowardice

Get the Fuck off Sup Forums

this a thousand times

Going to be commisioned as an officer in four months in the Navy. Any man who doesn't enlist or get his stem degree and join is a coward, pussy, dick sucking, kim jong un loving, ass filled with putin's dick faggot who hates his country.

Cause I'm on double the salary of a officer and I just left uni. Thinking about going in the reserves as well though as a Royal Engineer officer.

Don't be an idiot and you'll do great things, it's the Navy, shit ain't hard.

Infantry leads the way.

I did and I can only congratulate to everybody that doesn't. It's a fucked up way to waste resources in an inefficient organization that is based on archaic principles and morales. The main problem with the military is, that it attracts A LOT of stupid and very stupid people. So unless you have an IQ of

Lol keep "fighting for Americas freedom" loser

i was in the police force for a while
one fight againts narcs in mexico made me get on retirement early and now i need to be on a wheelchair for atleast another 2 months

MODS lol see you in 3 years kid

So you are a fuckin hermit who makes his own clothes and food and provides himself with Internet on a homemade computer and walks everywhere is what you're saying? Or are you just talking out your ass

I don't like having a boss that can make me do push ups and run.

If you loved this country you wouldn't waste taxpayer money on feeding you and paying for your schooling, etc

I cant decide between Marines and Airforce

Why would I? we pay people to do that.

i got drafted. it was okay. spend more time drinking and fucking than being soldery. the uniform works wonders with the lady's


Truth a little too poignant for you? Don't worry, no soldier is going to hurt you. I can't promise you they won't fuck your girl though.

Because im fat and lazy.

PMC is legit. Military is for welfare cases who don't know what to do with themselves.


cya buddy

lol fucking loser

Navy fag back again what can i expect from my CTR job, I cant find much online about it.

Depends on what you want. Marines are a special breed. Hard work, difficult mission, constant readiness. Air force is well.. A boy scout camp.

Follow me. Tip of the spear.

because of my schizophrenia, adhd and autism, guess i misunderstood "special forces"
isnt it past your bedtime?

Got my ID with a generals name and phone number stamped on it.
where is my fucking parade ? I see those faggots prancing around, known more than 30 people that were close to me death, they forgot about them just like the goverment forgot about me on operation phantom fury.

>why die on the fury road shiny and chrome when you can live mediocre

Served for 9 years

Talk to your CO or recruiter.

When I was young enough to join, we had Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom - wars I didn't believe in or could get behind.

Now our war is against ISIS, and I wish I could join the military to fight them.

Too bad they won't lol. Get the fuck over it you're not doing anything noble you're a disposable asset for the military. Hahaha it's funny as fuck when people in the military think they're important

how old are you?and cant you join it anyways?

Thank you for your service, sir. But I'm afraid I dont have any change.

dont wanna be a soldier mama i dont wanna dieee

if you don't mind being made fun of by the other branches join the air force. it's got the highest quality of life. if you enjoy regretting your decisions then join the marines.

Commissioned as an Army Infantry Officer after 4 years of college, lib arts.

I hate jingoist militarism. I hate it because I used to identify with it. Flaunting quotes from Gates of Fire (still a great book) and random bits of Spartan ideology. College exposed me to critical and postmodern thoughts toward war. I watched Platoon and Full Metal Jacket, read War Is A Racket, 1984, Slaughterhouse Five, A Farewell to Arms, et cetera.

Felt ambivalent regarding supporting a military industrial complex. But hey. I'll be good at it, and I think actively combating ISIS can contribute positively in some way.

Desert storm. Iraqi freedom. ISIS are LITERALLY THE SAME PEOPLE

Too old for any branch.

have fun dying and no one giving a shit


Because my whole family on both sides was military, and they told to do anything but join.

I'm not saying they're more important than you, just obviously tougher. Even your posts exude insecurity. If a stranger on the internet can tell you're a pussy just from how you type, I can only imagine what people must think of you in real life.

And if you go EOD or Special Forces you get all the respect too

Look OP, if I'm going to rape and murder people, it's going to be my good friends in my own neighborhood, not some dirty camel jockey's wife in some dirty middle-eastern country.

My cousin served as a Marine for like 4 years, was a border guard between Syria and Iraq. He said 95% of the time it was boring, and the other 5% was traumatizing.

Also, I'm lazy af.

they secretly wanted you to join, but you are a faggot and dissapointed them all

Because modern militaries are a fucking joke.... a bunch of fat-asses and stupid ppl acting as if they risked their life for their fellow citizens, while even 12yo kids understand that the military is only protecting economical interests. Also in a real international conflict these faggots would be dust 50minutes after the the war began since they'd be primary targets for intercontinental missles with nuclear warheads.

But tbh they didnt want to put me in a combat unit because i was in a mental hospital once and got charged because of mayhem a few times when i was a teenager and i didnt want to be an office person in an gouvernmental burocrazy lol.

I'm a pussy because I said you're not fighting for what you think you're fighting for? Lol sure whatever you say bud. I love the projection though it's funny as fuck keep it going maybe you can give me some new cringe material

>I can tell the tone of text written on the Internet
Haha what a freak

Because I'm a cute girl hehe

Way to prove my point idiot

I like kim jong un and putin more than your fucking niggerpresident lol

I wonder how the Army and Marines feel about the fact that a small group of special forces and a few CIA drones are infinitely more effective at a fraction of the price.

Shit, better seppuku.

Because I'm not shipped to basic for another week

God damn, you're dumb.

Can Hook you up Bro no questions asked, you get payed hard cash.
was in black water, arminia and know you can join just go to www shooterjobs com no questions asked just do your resume of when you were a soldier, they don`t give a shit if you have mental problems stuff like that.
It is Private Security sometimes just a month overseas.

not dying for kikes or niggers.

Yeah that was obviously what I meant. Did you detect sarcasm in that statement? Of course you did. My point exactly.

That's alright, soon we will be saluting president Trump. The God of America.

This. Being "the Marine guy" is sure cool for everyone that knows you when you are back home and tell your great stories about fighting close quarter stare into the eyes of your enemies. You can feel like Doomguy then.

But it also means you feel like Doomguy while doing it. And the chances are bigger that you won't ever tell your cool stories, because one of the enemies fucked you deep. There's no respawn in real life.

Another option is not to join. It's fucked up anyway. If you are enjoying it while doing it, then you are some sort of moron who deserves it. If you are somewhat normal and intelligent, then it is nothing you would wish to do or that feels good.

There is nothing glorious about war or the army. And if you think so, then propaganda already hit you hard.

There is a service provided for him there, dumbass

Because I'd rather not die thousands of miles away from home for rich politicians

cause i have not hit rock bottom yet, i feel it coming tho. :)

No they aren't. ISIS is an ideology.
And those wars were about the US wanting control of the oil those countries provide. We wrecked their country and ISIS filled the power vacuum.


get a sailor tattoo before you go like an anchor on the chest.

Because my country only has a shitty self defence force and refuses to join NATO