R8 me please? Please be honest

R8 me please? Please be honest


Please be pleasant. How about this angle?


Cheers m8. Topzozzle m8, topzozzle

Are you this nig from the r8 my face thread?

wtf is zozzle and who are you



U look great.

>biting the bait
>calling newfag

newfag detected

OK seriously what is this guy's name.



If you blow on your thumb really really hard, that vein on your forehead might pop


david Zoccler or something. Thats where zozzle came from

I don't know why but I want to say he looks Romanian.

source: knew one Romanian


Anybody else have a. Zozzle folder

Anders Hegg, king of Sup Forums



Can you make a duck face?

How about this angle?


zozzle m8

Would bang. Sexy

Can we have a bigger preview of what you're currently wearing?



You look like a joke



Freaking sexy mate


Cheers m8. Topzozzle m8, topzozzle.

Was your mom klenching her pussy when you were being born?

don't fucking diss this guys a playa

You're the joke. You're just jealous for not being as sexy as him.


cannot be described by words, just numbers: 2 out of cucking 10


R8 my hairstyle, Sup Forumsros

dude you look like a fish from spongebob

Am I alpha now?


So is this guy aerodynamic with his head like this?
Actually curious


Yes -->

Of course m8

This guy is fucking alpha now, can't dirty his gleaming shit

Adding on, if a human sized bow that fired humans needed to get troops some where while also damaging the enemy this guys genes would be ideal because they can attach a giant arrow head to his head and be able to get to enemy lines fast