S/fur no 10s on my watch

s/fur no 10s on my watch



There's a strawberry rhubarb pie in my oven, does that count?


Depends on how furry it is, spose

good evening sir


G'evening user

Sometimes you just gotta, doesn't matter where you are

image what

how is one finding this fine evening?

mine is super wet


Depends on so many things

Mine's haw

I saw a young, somewhat terrified-looking, fox yesterday :3

27 years and this was the closest I've ever been to my kind

And s/he ran off, literally jumped into a nearby ditch and vanished into the vegetation

Perchance by 'wet' you meant smth else than rain?

is it raining like mad where you are?



We need more cute /s/caly In here


they're cute, it's been quite a while since i last saw one :(
i remember walking home fairly intoxicated and looking down a side street and there was one just standing there looking back, frozen like this application is not responding.exe for a few moments before it ran away. i miss not living in a densely-populated area :(

nah, just rain

it keeps doing it in little bursts

I should be writing but I'm browsing this thread and thinking about how I kinda want to watch digimon instead.
Wat do?

Cute 2 cute 2 paw 2


That's the shit I can't stand, working outside. EITHER RAIN OR DON'T, MAKE UP YOUR DAMNED MIND

>27 years and this was the closest I've ever been to my kind

Really? They're thick where I'm from. They mostly come out at night, though. before we got plastic bins, they used to get into the trash all the time.

i can deal with it because i'm indoors, but i'd definitely prefer a constant rain because it sounds nice on the window


In texas it rains for a sec or two, then it clears up. This continues for a while, or it just decides to pour.

>there was one just standing there looking back, frozen like this application is not responding.exe
Just exactly this happened yesterday. I was on a walk and casually walked past a little pathway and s/he was there, pawbsolutely frozen. I walked past butt then smth washed over me and I realized what I just saw. So I 180'd, walked back and when s/he saw me return, instant takeoff 3:

>i miss not living in a densely-populated area

because i hate people and i preferred living around fewer of them :)


Everything butt the writing

I prefer a constant rain because if I'm going to be soaked I can just accept life is temporarily shit and deal with it. Having it piss on you again every time you start to dry off is more obnoxious than just being wet


he may not be in this thread, but if anyone comes across him please let Max know an user is praying for his health and fortune

hey neocount.

Just because lol at the chalkboard

Spose they could be numerous butt just avoiding bipedal ape-likes
>which is an extremely healthy thing

Reminded me of this


I wish the ones around would go away, or at least shut up once in a while. Mostly red foxes around here, obnoxious screamy little things at night

If I don't write, I won't have a peace of mind.
Which is why I'm doing exactly that: writing.
While following this thread.

The best sort of pie

I read it like "I miss living in a densely-populated area"

how goes your day so far?

The local foxes are a bit rare and retarded. Not too annoying because thy only ever pop up near the city.

Hello all!

haha, yeah precisely the opposite of that :)

I''m not sure yet.

>obnoxious screamy little things at night
Describes the human population in my neighpurrhood. Niggers and sandniggers

well hello there

How are you today user?

Well, deal with the foxes, they have to go somewhere.

>niggers and sandniggers
Go ahead and trap'n'kill all of those

Slow day? Or just waiting to see how things pan out?

I may have laughed.


tired but otherwise comfortable. got the radio on and the rain seems to have stopped

The ones around my hometown don't seem to fear people. Of course, it's a sleepy place, and they don't really need to. I've even seen them out in the day,

Yeah, I live in a student appartment building with a courtyard and a bar in said courtyard, as well as a nice alcove for the lower class scum to hang out in. I wish foxes were the loudest thing in the night. For some reason I could deal with it when I was younger, but now I'm older, and I'm seriously contemplating murder, or at least mutilation, on a weekly basis.

And I'm telling you, if I could get away with it, I'd definitely do it. I'd enjoy it, even. Wild animals have never brought forth that desire in me.

The lesser used word-ordering got me confused

Also, since UK is getting around to detach itself from the rest of Europe and non-EU people you just mite get what you wish fur :3

Brexit makes you wonder if Trump fur President actually now had a chance to happen...

I'm supposed to have had a date tonight and camping tomorrow. But, she had to work late tonight, and now has to work half a day tomorrow.

So, we might still go off tomorrow after she gets off work, but now she's saying she needs to come back fairly early sunday instead of sunday night because her bf wants to do something with her.

I'm a bit annoyed because we've had this planned for over a week.

up to much?

>Go ahead and trap'n'kill all of those
Certainly butt it takes preparation

Is that crazy fuck who thinks he's a fox from outer space trapped in a human or some shit still around?

Haven't ventured into a fur thread in two years, wondering if he offed himself or not

Sometimes it takes understanding something, knowing that it has other options and still chooses to be a menace, to truly hate it

Tired means you worked hard that's something worth being proud of itself. I hate rain unless there's a thunderstorm.

Just working on a project for fun and studying for my next prosecution project.

>literally the post above you
Couldn't haven't gotten closer by accident. He'll never kill himself, he feeds on your suffering

tbh it was a stupid way to write it, but that's fine because i'm stupid :p

ugh, i try to avoid thinking of politics ever, the whole world is a shitshow but now it feels like we've shit in the pool

Requesting more like this please.

Take this as payment

I got it from a paper that actually used
>"Love thy Neigh-Purr"
as the title fur an article about a horse and cat being friends :3

nah, tired just means it's late haha

rain is lovely, but thunderstorms are awesome :D

prosecution project?

Artist is Ajin.
Look it up yourself
e621.net, FurAffinity, inkbunny, etc

Well that's unfortunate...

It's unnerving to think there's people and stupid and crazy as him wondering about


Also, thunderstorms are lovely until you're mowing a lawn in the rain and lightning strikes a tree about 60 feet away. Loudest goddamn thing I've ever heard

that sucks. I was planning on going to the Guadalupe for the 4th but it seems that things have changed and I may just stay in on the 4th and get really drunk. More drunk with more people than usual.

Sounds interesting. Also that kind of thing happens a lot in the fandom.

I meant more hindpaw pawjobs

It's Ajin.
He just posted the gif yesterday on fa, I converted it and it's been making the rounds here now.

unfortunately i don't have any others quite like it. i'd like to find more though.

what is it specifically that you like about it?

webm is mad cute though

Yeah, exactly. I know those people could just go somewhere else. I know they looked at all those darkened windows, every single one of them a room rented by a person, and STILL choose to be obnoxious motherfuckers.

And maybe it's because I'm an autist, but I just don't see the point in respecting THEIR right to occupying a non-stabbed body when they flagrantly fail to observe my right to a good night's sleep. Fuck 'em. One turn deserves another.

Of course, because we don't act like that is why we have a nice society, unlike all those shitholes in the Islamic world and Africa. But my instinct tells me to go out and stab motherfuckers.

Fair enough. I never sleep as well as I do during a heavy thunderstorm. Plus watching lighting flash is always fun. Yeah I have a abdominal cavity to work on next time I make it to the lab.

Hindpaw pawjobs are hot

wait, what? what on earth are you doing?

>Loudest goddamn thing I've ever heard
that must have been awesome though! i get like one thunderstorm a decade and it's a wimpy one, everyone else has more interesting weather :(

>The ones around my hometown don't seem to fear people
There's lots of foxes (spotted) in heart of the city, I hear. Where I live is a bit quieter and they're knot as used to ppl. Also the one I saw was still pretty much a kit :3

I need to start spending more time perusing furstuffs, my "relatively unique" folder of webms I've thrown together is getting old. Starting to feel useless. Just for shit again, have the Wolvalix horse made for you

>instincts tells me
"But you stabbed him *FORTY TWO* TIMES, how is that an accident?"
"Well... he just sorta kept twitchin', so I kept stabbin'"

>crazy fuck
>outer space

>in a human [body]

ah, I see

I have him watched on fa

I remember when that one came out.

Writing what anyway?

Holy shit there's an ISIS attack going on in Bangladesh right now with 60 hostages and over 30 police injured, 6-8 gunmen

It's Prosecution which is where you cut a cadaver to the specifications of the lab protocol

i force myself not to sleep during a thunderstorm as decent ones seem so rare here

abdominal cavity to work on? a lab? what are you?!

Eh, I keep spending too much time either working, vidya-ing, or being bored enough to explore the asshole of the internet for weird shit... usually based on a single image that reminded me of one person around here. Example: last couple of 3-4-hour days I've spent digging through porn has basically been because I saw this in some random place and thought of that sick little monkey Alex and maybe he'd like it. Boredom can take one to many weird places

Religion of peace. Do not discriminate. Not all muslims. Westerners do that too.
But most importantly, has nothing to do with Islam.

A quest on /qst/

That's a shame they can be soo much fun! I'm almost a Medical Illustrator just three more classes.

I dont spend much time looking for fur stuff, maybe 3 min a day to check my feeds .

>a stupid way to write it
That's harsh. No, just uncommon

>ugh, i try to avoid thinking of politics ever
It just iskn't pawsible anymore. Or the alternative is living in woods/desert/under the world's biggest rock 9,001 km/mi from anything even resembling a human society


It was some tabloid paper, they do such stuff all the time

Have this into your folders

I do kinda miss the days of being unemployed and posting in these threads 12+ hours a day though. Nothing at all on the schedule but to see if I can individually look through 30k images on e621 at once. Either way, I still spend way more time looking at stuff that interests other people than my own interests. My own interests are simple enough that they don't take me very far and I get oversaturated after a week anyway

Well, sounds like we are going, just that I get much less time with her then I had originally thought.