Anyone have her nudes / thread screens or any pics of her in general?

Anyone have her nudes / thread screens or any pics of her in general?

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lol why

well do you have one or nah m8?


really no one?

her thought he was a boy


I think I have the first one too.

nice dubs

She never had any nudes Sup Forumsrah. Sorry.

isnt there at least a bikini pic or something?

bod reminds me of deb morgan from dexter.
a few beers or some mdma and i.. i'm not certain i could resist.

Didn't she kill herself

Negative. There is a pic of her in a sun dress. But that's all no nudes.

plus that russian girl has awesome thighs. I'm sure I wouldn't resist.
Men just fuck every girl available.

u have it?

I'd fuck her. Ugly, but nice body and hair.

Hmmmm... I might let me take a look.

also why did u save it w internet explorer

She's from krautchan.

isn't this her?

pls user

looks like the villain in the original conan the barbarian

i dont think so that face doesnt look swollen to me like hers


No that's not her. It's a pic of her in a dress trust me it's not anything to blow your lid over.

I've fapped to this lass many times. I regret nothing.

google the filename, the net thinks it's her

Looking... standby.

are you blind ? you can even clearly see it not the same chin and nose

I feel like a fucking whiteknight faggot to say this but . . . I feel kind of bad for her, and I'm a 27-year-old kissless, hugless, handholdless virgin who hates women.

hot body
trainwreck face

I can't even

Do it gentle sir!! i need to fap with the future mother of my children!!

There are hundreds of pics. All clothed though, as far as I know. I had her name a while ago but forgot.

thx i love you user

Kek indeed.

someone paste the filename. phonefag here

>who hates women

That's why you're a virgin


so do i man. she could be really nice. or not, but i don't like people who get shit on by others for things outside of their control.

What board is that?

вероника зайцева

>вероника зайцева 2.jpg

вероника зайцева

Can I get a name please I think I worked with this thing back in like 2000

>That's why you're a virgin

Well, I hate women because they always hated and rejected me. I guess one feeds into the other now.

*don't like when people get shit on etc

вероника зайцева

Yeah there is but no nudes unfortunately. I just refer the one in a short sun dress and there is some serious leg showing buts that's the only one I remeber of her. Sorry Sup Forumsros don't have the set.


dayum, there's a video of her

I'm taking a shit right now and it smells like dead bird and while looking at that picture i imagine that is what she smells like

Forgot link

link pls

ventriloquist training?

she has a more manly face than me and I'm fucking 40

She's russian, a decent woman as is typical in Russia. She deserves a nice and well XXXl dick husband.

The twitter contained some pics. No update since 2014.

Also, nice dubs.

what is it that makes her so disgusting? i mean... aside from her enormous nose, terrible complexion and eyelash-free chink eyes, I can't tell exactly what it is about her that makes me want to vomit blood.


If I post them, what do I get in return?

She scares me, what is she saying? is she posessed by satan?

dude... srsly?

>what is it that makes her so disgusting? i mean... aside from her enormous nose, terrible complexion and eyelash-free chink eyes, I can't tell exactly what it is about her that makes me want to vomit blood.

Her head is about two times too large for her body, and she has the facial features of a potato.

id fuck it, ez

More pics of sexy anne frank ok?

I don't even want to inhale while looking at this monstrosity. Posting this pic of delicious, pure, delicious-smelling Ally because need to breathe but can't look away.

Her body seems to be decent and the face can be fixed with some makeup. It's scary what girls can hide with makeup...

You need glasses and taking a cumshot.

>Her head is about two times too large for her body, and she has the facial features of a potato.
but aside from a shit complexion and her face being what, a few cm, maybe a couple of inches longer than average, and just looking at her makes me want to die. it feels like there's something more which I'm missing, simply too ugly for my brain to process

I bet she wipes back to front

Raised in Chernnobil?

>it feels like there's something more which I'm missing, simply too ugly for my brain to process
she reminds me of the bad kid from A Christmas Story

Suck a dick and relax your fear. You're a queer that hates russian godness.

Learn to use your phone, faggot. It shows the filename.

life can be brutal. she's basically born completely fucked.

Need to see pics of her parents.
I wonder if they're really good looking and she destroyed their lives

image she migh actually have a hot sister

Someone needs to mercy kill her and make her a saint or some shit.

>life can be brutal. she's basically born completely fucked.

Face can be fixed to be at least 5/10, then a big pair of fake tits would make up for her ugliness. A guy born with a

I'm not gonna write the fucking Russian file name .

>I'm not gonna write the fucking Russian file name .

Just copy and paste, Comrade user.


>Face can be fixed to be at least 5/10

>tfw i'm a handsomer male version of her

She looks like if you ever went in her house she'd lock you in the basement and break both your fucking legs

small dick manlet detected



>not ugly
how the fuck is this anything like her at all you flaming chucklecuck?

Her face is still too fucking long

Looking at this pic is warming my whole body since looking at the putrid russian trollop itt.

If she gets a better hairdo, gets some acne cream, and works on her smile-- she could work up to a 4/10.

As is, she's a 1/10.

what did you hear?


dafuq m9, debra is hot
