Civil War opens with $181 million in the US, worldwide box office climbs up to $675 million

>in release for 1 week worldwide
>already made ~80% of Batman v Superman's box office

Other urls found in this thread:

>it might actually make a billion this week alone

top lel


I'll laugh when it beats XMen and Alice next week

> slap thigh
> hold chest
> throw head back and engage fake laughter

this guy is literally a meme

>trying to hate basedevans

>fake laughter

>being this butt rustled

only becasue there are more marveldrones than dcucks.

I can just spot a fraud.
autistic people cant.

watch other videos of him laughing, the sequence is always the same:
careful, planned. and measured.

any body language expert will tell you its not natural.

Is he doing this on purpose, now?

Maybe that's just how he laughs? Everyone has a set of mannerisms they constantly use and repeat.

>says he isn't autistic
>rigorously describes a person's behavior from obsessive observation

"Evans poster assemble!!"


>this excuse

> he thinks this is natural

is it time?

Yes, because Marvel makes better movies so has a bigger fanbase. That's like saying your band is only unpopular because nobody likes it


why wouldn't it be?

It's time.

Evans posters ASSEMBLE!

Why do we care how much a movie fucking makes?

Shouldn't this go to /biz/ or something


I hate Disney so much, I've been boycotting their films for a few years now.

I doubt they need my money anyway.

Rare Evans is Rare



You marvel/dc faggots are ruining this board

>this thread

Only rare Evans allowed

God bless him.

It is the only way to build up my Evans folder


Zootopia also surpassed BvS domestically this weekend. Only a matter of time till Jungle Book does the same. mfw Disney btfo DCucks with three movies

>>already made ~80% of Batman v Superman's box office
Fuck, it's true.


>because Marvel makes better movies for 8 year olds


>DC gives depressed Afflicki
>Marvel gives based Slut-Slayer


I want them to breed



Is there anything these madmen can't do?

>marvelcucks pay to watch capeshit in the theater



I'm straight and I want a threesome with them

>Yes, because Marvel makes better movies
>biased critics say they're good so they are


>the Thursday and Friday numbers were actually higher for BvS
People wanted to see BvS succeed
Snyder didn't allow it
What did we do to deserve this fate



>yfw CW gets nominated for best picture
>yfw CW wins

stop making shitty movies rusos pleaseeee

>falseflagging dcfag

>nothing funny about this picture
reddit pls go

>marvelcuck doesnt know what falseflagging is

Thanks for additional evans for my collection, dcuck.

Renner gay as fuck m8. He doesn't care about sluts and that's why they fear him.

Useless posts

They only post common Evans

but thats wrong, other me

Thank you Wesley.

>675 million

what the FUCK

isn't that like only 200 million below BvS total atm? isn't it also LITEARLLY made more than The Winter Soldier? holy fucking shit

honestly I am surprised a movie with the word "America" in it is doing so well internationally.


Every thread.

Yup, look here

Is chris gay?

>675 million opening weekend

Except it's not opening weekend because it's been a staggered worldwide release. Still impressive though being just 200 million behind BvS numbers and having only been released in the U.S. for two days.

Worldwide this movie will slay a billion easy, it's not even a question.

I saw it. It was pretty good. Very well done for a superhero movie.

This'll probably end up around 1.3 billion, third most succesful MCU movie (after Avengers and Age of Ultron)

He's omnisexual.

but they were expecting over 200m opening weekend
it flopped


Its like 50 mil away from passing tws so like 2 days off, given the current projections it's likely to make around 1.2-1.4 billion in its run.



I wonder how DC feels about this

Post rare Lizzies



>mfw it blunders to x-men apocalypse

Is Celery Man welcome in Evans thread?



Record yourself at all times around people.

You might notice some about your own actions that after a while seems fake because it is always the same order.

Is Evans a bot?


Meanwhile, at DC...

>based caps and based ants become buddies
>the greatest quips in the history of cinema
>based rudd and based evans BTFO sluts in interviews everywhere

not everything is disinfo cointelpro shit


All me ;)

She's literally the only part of civil war I cared about

can this man be stopped?

Dat Seb. Kek.

>"A" Cinemascore
>BvS has a "B"
>BvS has a lower Cinemascore then God's Not Dead 2 and Divergent
>beat BvS's opening weekend
>going to hit a billion in a week
>going to outgross BvS
>highest-rated comic movie of the year
>higher Metacritic than Winter Soldier
>RT score is literally more than triple BvS's score
>my fucking face

It's marketed as "The First Avenger: Civil War" in other countries Ameriblob

How can Marvel be more popular than DC?
Their comics are mostly shit now, their cartoons are shit, their vidoe games are shit, the movies are all the same.
Are most of their fanbase tumblr fangirls?


Daily reminder that Alice in wonderland #2 and Apocalypse are out this month.

In a week actually.

R.i.p marvel studios