Thinking of becoming a hero, any suggestions?

Thinking of becoming a hero, any suggestions?

Fucking lurk. For the love of fuck you can't even an hero correctly.

You fucking retard, h isn't a vowel dipshit

This must be fucking bait...

This thread is now a newfag thread for not knowing what an hero is your on a computer. You can look shit up so quick so you don't make yourself stupid this is advice, please take it.

Either you're trolling or fucking retarded. I hope it's the former.

become a real human bean?

Yeah, get some decent low profile body armor and some sensitive listening equipment. Good directional microphones are amazing. And then I recommend going with guns, unless maybe you're not in America, in which case you should probably spend a few years learning some good martial arts.

Don't just try and run out there and be a hero with no guns, no ability to locate crime and no physical combat ability.

Kek'd so hard I shat out spaghettie

dress stupid clothes and do stupid things

>a hero
>not typing an hero
at least learn your fucking memes before you post them you normie loving fuck

It's clear he wants to be a hero. As in a superhero. He even posted a video of some guy flying out of a window. Clearly a superman reference.

God you people are stupid.

Yet another fake suicide post.

Only betafags enjoy discussing fake death .

Way to not read any fucking post in this thread and post stupid shit like that. Look how stupid you are now.

Newfag gtfo


Realise that there is no reason for you to not change your life for the better
Also remember this is your only go round so you should probably make the most of it

Don't listen to the fags who say don't do it. Your life literally means nothing. In the course of time, your existence isn't even a femtosecond in comparison. You will die, you will be forgotten, the earth will be consumed by the sun, the universe will succumb to heat death and the cold dead mass that used to be the universe will cease.

Plus, nobody loves you. Not really. I mean ,look at yourself. Look at your life. If you knew someone like you, would YOU like them. They tolerate you out of obligation. The only thing keeping you alive is a reflexive instinct to survive.

You can overcome yourself. What ever you do, for fucks sake climb in the tub to do it. Don't be the asshole that makes people get a new floor because you wanted to be dramatic.

The cringe of cringe

Have you considered the benefits of killing yourself

1: Nobody would have to tolerate you anymore
2: You'd be dead
3: One less jew.

I agree with this guy. DO IT.

I mean, I'm not sure how climbing into a tub will make a hero, but I guess there could be some sort of futuristic polymer body armor you have to apply that way?? I don't know. He didn't really explain.

But otherwise he was right on. Why die and be forgotten when you could be a hero instead. Nobody loves you, but I bet they would love you if you were a hero.

Like maybe a firefighter. You could be a hero firefighter. Check with your local volunteer fire department. They should be able to guide you towards how to join up. It's a long process and involves a lot of physical activity but it can be worth it.

Op posts a suicide pic
States he wants to "hero".

What fucking warped reality are you seeing?

>I mean, I'm not sure how climbing into a tub will make a hero, but I guess there could be some sort of futuristic polymer body armor you have to apply that way?? I don't know. He didn't really explain.
Well, the suggestion was to do whatever they did inside a tub so it doesn't make a huge mess. The body gets leaky after death, and if he, for example, takes a shitload of pills and spazzes out on the livinroom floor, some poor sod is going to have to clean up his shit piss mucus and blood. But in a tub, spritz the shower, sprinkle some comet, and then rinse the remains of his sad life down the drain.

Well first off I'm gonna say don't do it, but if it must be done... give your life to jesus right before hand brah

I'm not even christian and I don't know why I'm even type this...

hope you live buddy

Ah, like if the attempt to turn into a hero goes wrong and he dies? I get it.

But really you shouldn't take a bunch of pills and think that will make you a hero. Some vitamins and some lifting will help but you can't just take a bunch of pills. Remember there are no shortcuts on the road to being a hero.

Ohhh. I get it. You're doing a bit where you pretend you don't know about commonly used words/memes.

An excellent ruse.

i though of this shit while at work. Go to a public place like a train station goto bathroom and stab self in heart like you were murdered. All of the sudden everyone is suspect in your "murder"

Now see, that's at least interesting. Maybe throw some shit around, like there was a struggle and then in your dying moment write "Frank" or something in your own blood on the wall.

You don't even know anyone named Frank.

thats pretty good desu



Or something like:
Pack serious heat. Go around bad neighborhoods and act a little drunk. Not TOO drunk because you don't want the cops on you for public intoxication, but just a little.

Wait for someone to mug you. Even if they pull a gun on you, pull yours. Shoot them, then run off.

Worst case #1: mugger kills you, you die, basically what you wanted.
Worst case #2: cops catch you or trap you and you have to shoot yourself. Extra steps but you got to the intended result.

Best case: You're like some kind of mythical serial killer who just kills muggers. Black parents use it to scare their children at night. "Now remember, you study in school and get good grades. You don't wanna go out mugging people or White Ghost will get you, just like your cousin Jamal."

I tell you, there is gold in this idea.

I must say if you are a troll you have done a good job at rustling me jimmies

i actually like this post, and dont kill urself kid/dude
try every drug possible and consider suicide afterwards