Anybody have any good experiences dating a fat girl?

Anybody have any good experiences dating a fat girl?

no, they are land whales and need to die

There's a fat girl that really likes me but I never dated her. I'm seriously thinking about it now though. At the very least I know she wouldn't leave me. She's too obsessive. Which is why I friendzoned her in the first place. I'm still a virgin and I'm desperate so... probably a bad idea but fuck it.

I've never dated one but in my experience they're either really nice or complete cunts. There's not a lot of space between.

They accepted me when i couldn't accept myself.

Fucked 3 fatties.

All 3 were loose.

Fucked 2 normal girls.

Both reasonably tight.

Girl in pic is cute

Got moar?

yes, they're big and soft and warm and squishy. very fun to fuck, kinda clingy tho

Dating one now and our 1 year is this month. Shes in love with me and im in love with her. Were actually eloping soon.

Disgusting loose smelly vaginas
Disgusting Mouths usually
Would not want to be seen with one in public
Other than that they are usually pretty attractive


Only issue with being with a fatty is very rarely they suddenly get a huge boost to confidence and will decide that, no matter how good you are, they can find somebody better and will cheat.


Date? No. Well, not really. I go out of my way to make them fuck buddies, though. I treat them nice, take them to dinner, maybe a movie we both want to see, then back to my place for some of the most mind-blowing sex I've ever had. And it's consistent with them, too. Normal sized women just don't try as hard. But the biggies, god damn, do they know how to suck and fuck. Most have loved it in the ass, too.

Would I date or marry one? I doubt it. But as a fuck buddy, treat them like a lady in public and watch them become the biggest whores you've ever seen or read about in the living room, kitchen, bathroom, garage, and bedroom.

Isn't that the issue with dating ANY women though? Doesn't seem like it's just the soft and round ones.

so how is bestiality?


Gotta disagree. Im about to marry one as i stated before, were eloping.
In terms of self confidence shes pretty average, hasnt ever had a super boost in the year weve been together unless ive caused it.

I said she was bigger not a nigger. Dumbass.

you've been with her a year and you're gonna marry her? You drunk bruh?

No but i know we love each other and she does too. Were a perfect fit for each other and so we want to start a life.

Any particular reason? I've told her that I'd fuck her but I wouldn't get in a committed relationship with her. Just not sure if I should keep playing it that way or fast track it by bullshitting a relationship.

When she screws you over come here and post about it.

Best sex i ever had was a big girl, but out of the multiple relationships ive had 4 have been with bigger girls (im fucking cursed and stupid) and at the end they all but one were incredibly bitchy.....not jolly at all

Fucked a couple... They are sweaty, smelly and gross. Often have nasty menstrual problems due to fucked up hormones because they're so fat. Nasty skin between their legs cause their thighs rub together when they walk. Fat girls pussies have a distinctive nasty and different smell cause not enough air gets down there. No self esteem, no confidence and depression. In summary it's better to kill yourself than be seen with one of these fat beasts

Have to be honest. They do start to get clingy. If you make it really clear that you're just fuck buddies, you have a guilt-free out when she starts to get close.

Whales are nigger tier.

Yep. That's the plan. Just hope it works.

Shes not going to but okay.
Honestly in terms of looks shes adorable. Im like a solid 6 if honest so im hitting it out of the park here.

I've been with one for 5 years and I'm probably going to marry her some day
I love her

I had until she got naked. Then the dick got small fast.

If you can get over fucking them from the top and having to look at their stomach, it's actually alright. They usually have pretty vaginas and since they're always hungry, the head is on point. As far as dating them, I take it you've already overcome the hurdle that is being seen in public with them. Just don't talk about how you find other women attractive. Like ever. Unless she's into chicks too and then you might find yourself reigning in two hogs at once. Just be careful they don't get too excited while they're giving you a double header and mistake it for a hotdog or something.

She crushed my dreams... literally

Shade in the summer, warmth in the winter. Go for it.

If she's on the rag you can always fuck a flab roll.

Strap in boys
This gud
>Be me
>Be dumb Freshman boy
>Have a class where we make music online and shit
>Be done with project and so does other girl
>Porker but cute, decent 8/10 on looks
>Before this we subtly got into a risque topic at lunch
>We talk about it more when we finish our project
>We talk about turn-ons and offs and what our fetishes are
>turns out she's into Cheese pizza but don't care because she then touches muh dick
>first time I've been touched
>keep this going for a while
>Get her to flash me sometimes in school even if people are there
>Even gave me her panties
>turns out she's really fucking crazy
>She had multiple personalities or some shit
>really weird past
>She once passed out and woke up with meth in her bra
>dumped her after i realized all the weird shit involved with her
>Also because I dumped current gf for her and felt bad
>she left a month later
>Haven't seen her since
>still have her panties somewhere

Don't, that's what I did and then I got stuck for a time. Which only led to a disaster of a break up.

Plus you won't even enjoy fucking her the way you would someone you actually wanted and got. And that shit burns out quick. Leaving you bored and empty and her hungry for your cock when you can't even stand killing at some fucking times.

Run boy.

I like a chubby girl. Wouldn't call her fat. I'm kinda in love with her lads, she might be a bit overweight but by any standard she's too qt for this planet
I know nobody cares but I need someone to know because I'm an attention whore

>loose vaginas
>average /b virgin

There's nothing good about dating a fat girl. You want to be seen by your friends and peers lugging around a fat body cum dumpster? Having a chubby slam pig on the line on the other hand is fucking boss.

There's a big difference between voluptuous or curvy women and the fat porker in OPs pic

I'm not thrilled with Google Image Search

I wouldn't say she's really either. Her ass isn't really defined neither are her tits really, but she's not fat either. Kind of chubby. Probably got a little belly. Her face is one of the best I've seen though, and i dont even know her name.

My wife...



Cute! Is she a sweety?

sure i only date fat chicks.

1:DONT LET THEM KNOW YOURE A CHUBBY CHASER! Seriously once they find out that you're into fat chicks, they will have to accept that they themselves are fat and that they are going out with the guy who's into them. Not gonna happen. Would you go out with the chick everyone knows is into small cocks?

2: Make them feel gorgeous. Ive successfully turned my current fat GF into a confident slut. My friend on the other hand... isn't very reassuring at all so he's stuck with a self conscious prude.

3: Eat. They like food obviously so the more you like food the better. this also ties into feeding into their self esteem and their denial of their body type.

She's a sweetheart! She also loves to swallow cum and loves when I blast a load deep inside her.

Prepare to be on top 100% of the time. They will take a lot of bullshit though, name calling, physical abuse, that kind of thing.

I'm gonna go into it saying that we're just fuck buddies and nothing more. That way I have some kind of out. If that doesn't work then I'm fucked.

Also forgot to mention to keep an eye on them. There are a ton of low key chubby chasers out there. There even more people who would go "meh ill fuck it." Couple this with typical fatty low self esteem and you have a chick thats easy pickings for those types of guys.

Great advice user

fuck Sup Forums i fucking hate you, i could make my own thread but fuck it, i saw this and it exactly the topic i need to vent my anger.

Pussy is not pussy, dont think oh shes fat, but fuck it she still has a pussy NO!

I am a virgin, just came from this chicks house who was fat, Sup Forums tells me pussy is pussy fuck it, so i think why not

Get there eat her out, getting her ready for fucking, and i cant get hard, i cant fucking get hard!, only reason i can think is because i am just not attracted to her at all!


why did i eat her pussy, even gave a lick of the butthole, i feel like throwing up, burning all the clothes i wore, cleaning my dick 10x over, omggg ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

My sweety...

I have hated dating every skinny girl I've EVER dated...flappy loose fucking piussy, bones stabbing into me, and they don't give a shit about being GOOD at sex...


Chunky girls...appreciate that you love them, almost always love sucking dick...and don't cheat nearly as often...

My girl is pretty chubby (not land whale status, but pretty chubby. 250 6'0, she's got side rolls), but I fucking live her body. It's like a cloud. She's got a fat ass and 38 DD tits. Total submissive, cooks, cleans, was a virgin till I got to her. Super mild temperament, let's me do anything (anal), great dick sucking game, moos like a cow when I squeeze and tug her nipples. Literal perfection for me. Super tight pussy. She has horribly low self asteeme, she's terrified I'm constantly going to break up with her, even though I have no intentions to and I'm really not that great of a guy, especially on looks, but her face is a 9/10 and she wears no makeup. It's really sad, but it proves she's super loyal, plus it's cute to get her to blush when I compliment her, because she hates her body. Chubbies are a literal gold mine if you fine one that isn't a whore.

I did that too user, I'm telling you they trap you in really insidious ways. Or try their damnedest to make you complacent enough to put of leaving a little longer.

Like is said, be ready to break her heart. And deal with all the drama that'll come of it. That's what you should plan for, not if you should fuck her, you already know you're going to anyway.

Because you were raised on internet porn.

Or you may be gay.


Nice dubs btw.

Second experience with a fat girl (not really a date but fuck it's worth mentioning)
>Be me
>sophomore year
>visiting my relatives for a few days
>buddy is close by so I can go hang out there as well
>Friend gives me phone number to one of his friends
>It's a girl that used to have a crush on me
>4/10, fat ol bitch
>start talking to her and we start flirting
>Just into her fatness for some reason
>holy fuck it works
>Get nudes
>We devise a plan to get handsy next day at buddy's house
>Fastforward to next day
>she finally arrives wearing a dress
>just like I asked
>We get handsy when buddy isn't around
>nice pussy
>Big fucking titties
>Convince her to blow me
>She actually does it but won't let me cum in her mouth
>nut in my boxers
>her and buddy start dating a month later
>He still doesn't know after 3 years

Current girlfriend would classify as fat. Cute face though, and we fuck a couple times a day.
Honestly it just depends on the person

do it, fuck her, once, twice, up to 5 times if you're desperate, but dump her fast

Spot on assessment. Skinny girls are usually entitled and lazy in bed. They might give a hand but balk at blowies. To hell with that Bullshit.

Shit advice from an undertale fan. No surprise there.



>reaction face means undermeme fan
that's the Sup Forums i like to read when i'm drunk. retard


Isn't she going to know I'm into fat chicks once I bang her?


How do you look at this and not wanna fuck and cuddle with it?





My wife is honestly the best fuck I've ever had! Her pussy is nice and tight, she swallows my cum and still sucks my cock after she swallows my load. She sucks on my balls. She lets me fuck her insanely tight asshole and then she sucks my cock after. On the weekends when I don't have to go to work, sometimes she sucks my dick to wake me up!

you're still a Sup Forums-level retard, faggot :^)
>inb4 pokemon face means i'm 13

even potatoes can be sexy


Absolute perfect body imo , not skinny not too fat just right.

My gf who im marring soon has a thing for bondage, being told what to do and sleep stuff. Also she has an insanely high sex drive so were fucking multiple times a day.


I'm preparing for it. Just hope that it won't be completely awful when it happens. I've already told her 10 times how it'll go down and she's still talking to me.

No, my experience they're typically more fucked in the head than normal sized women, have a hard time cleaning themselves properly and arent very good at sex.


Have some pics?



Not atm, new PC. Still reloading it with all my shit. Just trust me when i say shes fucking adorable.


A planet too cute for this planet.. My sides... :'D

i want to be between these two

I need at least something nigga don't leave me hanging like this

just don't be known as THE guy who only fucks fat chicks. Every time I've told a close fat female friend i only like fat chicks, i make a point to ask them how they would feel knowing that and if i wanted to date them. They all said knowing I'm an open chubby chaser would change everything.


Im sorry my man, just picture a chubby girl (about 180 lbs and 5'6) with glasses, medium red hair, rounded cute nose and very blue eyes. Thats her basically.

Nice hippo Mr zookeeper

i got so many chubbs

Show pic of your slut pls

Absolutely disgusting