It might not be the best or the most fancy but its what i got. what do you got Sup Forums ?

It might not be the best or the most fancy but its what i got. what do you got Sup Forums ?
>battlestations thread

Shaaaaaaaave that shiiiiiit niggaaaaaaa

gå bort din fgt

dat ausschwitz feelig

do you live in a closet?

Ok that......that is some sexy shit right there.....jelly jelly jelly


more or less. at least i got a desk now. this was my situation.

Fucking ay, im digging this lighting scheme thing you got going on

poorfag detected

Beats mine OP


Here is mine :)

It was so good until I saw that faggy hoverboard

Nothing special

Was a xmas gift from my wife lol, now I just use to lazily chase the dog around the house to wear him out.

That's not an excuse for one faggot...

Now your wife is a faggot too, Congratulations!

Well if I'm a faggot my wife would already be a faggot by default for being married to me.

Well I have autism and by jingo, it looks as if u do 2..

im poor

Nothing special? Your desk and chair are glued to the wall. Tell me what you did to get all the stuff to stay in one spot and, why did you put it on your wall and not the floor? Its so much easier to do.

r8 m8s

Panorama because I'm lazy.
I'll try to find a better picture.

>tape over webcam
fbi is watching you