What would Sup Forums do to me?

What would Sup Forums do to me?

Shoot you.

Try my damn best to ruin you if you are cute

Fuck you deep and cum inside. Location?

Fuck you and suck your Dick... Can we see more?

Use your bumhole until your prostate falls out and you look like a wrinkled old shit monkey.


post face faggot

Honestly? Probably playfully tie you up but then fist you forcefully, then maybe jerk you off a few times to make sure you have no desire left, hood and gag you and invite a Craigslist group over, bareback, maybe for two days or so. Then I'd untie you and take you to my cabin far off and break you by keeping you in a hole with your head above ground, occasionally stopping by to water you and maybe feed you. Eventually I might let you stay in the cabin for about 3 months until you become practically mute. I would then use you like a dog when I go hiking. Perhaps I'll repeat the process several times.



Friendzone you permanently.

Pull your pants up properly.


Fuck you and breed you all day.

It's a Trap!

Holy fuck, that was art..

Slap your face and turn you into a man.

I don't see a poosy mang

Lit Roman candle in pooped firing end first ofcourse. In the name of murica


what ever you want me to ;)

add me on kik or sc?


Nothing, i'm not a fucking ho... i'm not a very good homosexuel

Desperate much?


Man i could go for some ball sucking. No homo.

Running kick you right in the gooch.

this, until nothing left of you


Would wife and and adopt babbybois to breed the race. Gender is a social construct and men make the best women.

Would live a happy suburban comfy life....with lots and lots of sodomy.

stab you just to see you bleed

Tell you to pull your pants up. Faggot.

Ask for your kik

Get you pregnant

i have this really strange urge to put a nug of weed in your ass and then smoke it from your dick (like if your whole body was a bong)

Nice balls, chimpo!

yuck hell naw ide rather put my left testicle in a snapping turtles mouth

I'd stick my tongue into that butthole as deep as possible.


I'd rub your cock as my tongue runs circles around that tight ass

Saw off your dick with the a rusty handsaw then superglue it inside your asshole.

Get this faggot shit off my Sup Forums

Prove it

make you finish your geometry homework
then report you for being underage