Hi Sup Forums, who here has tried to suck their own dick? Were you successful? Did you like it?

Hi Sup Forums, who here has tried to suck their own dick? Were you successful? Did you like it?

If successful, how long are you?


she needs glasses to find that little dick

used to be able to do it really well but i've put on a little weight and i can only really suck the tip/head. it feels nice, but be warned that it does feel more like sucking dick than getting your dick sucked. i'm about 6.

I tried, not long enough, my dick is average. 6 inches


My cousin Walter broke his neck trying to suck his own dick

Interesting. I think it may be more to do with flexibility.

I used to be able to suck my head when I was younger...I'm about 6 3/4 inches. I've been trying to stick the head of my cock in my butthole...not successful....yet

Is this an urban legend? I've heard it before.

its real and it happened. only blacks with long ass dicks can do it

So I've actually done it myself before. I was just wondering if it's common. Did it maybe once when younger, but I agree with Length: 6.5

Also, I suppose I've been posting pics saved from other anons, so it's that kind of thread.

a true hero

his name was walter paulson.

Worst way to die though. At least, worst way to be found.

It does seem fairly common though. At least, on an internet anime board where everyone's dick is 6+ inches. I may have a biased sample.

my dick is 12 inches and i can go deep on myself easily dude... eels fuckin good aswell damn son

8.3 here. Lots of americans in this thread apparently. That's why you like yo handgurns n god.

Like this guy said...
It's more like sucking dick than having your dick sucked. But if you're curious to try then you want to try to suck dick anyway.

And I'll leave it at that because some libtard who cant suck his own cock will think I'm being homophobic.

Dude. 2016 and not having a prehensile dick.

Chicks must laugh at you.

He made it though. They found him doubled over, balls resting on his lips

The shit we do when we're young.

I've tried before. Wasn't that great, and I could only reach that position by having no air in my lungs. Overall not a pleasant experience.

I only got the tip in my mouth.

chicks laugh at ur little ass weiher bich asssssssssssssssssssss looking asss boi

Says the guy with so much splooge in his keyboard that his s key sticks.

my keyboard and the jizz between it is none of your bisess fagget boi! assol.

Ah good, you cleaned it out with your tongue!

nah but fact is my cockerino is longer than urs ever will be fucking retar black

i tried and i did it im likc prob 6 maybe

I did it and now my back is fucked..

I did gymnastics for 6 years and in my prime I could reach 15.5 inches past my feet (a school sit and reach record, I earned the presidents award for fitness that year)

I tried it once just to see if I could (I'm about 6.5), was successful but didnt actually try to finish or anything.

Yeah I doubt I could do it anymore. It wasn't great anyway, but I was curious.

Im a little over 7 I only got half way down. Lasted a few years. Now a fat fuck. Dick is like 17 inches away. Only way I can swallow, let it drop/drip in mouth


Both ex and my wife now did enjoy watching me. Now i feel bones i never knew I had.

I bet it's super uncommon in girls.

Thats 2 people
>not flexable

I keep trying and everytime I do I lie with my legs over my head pushed against the wall and sort of walk down the wall so my dick gets closer.
but then i reach the most i can stretch and it's still a little bit away, but if i really push my lower body down with my legs I can lick the tip
although i've found that when i do this my legs get numb really quickly and its incredibly unpleasant to stay like that for more than a minute
anyone know what im talking about?

I used to be able to when I was like 13. Then I grew like 2 feet and couldn't reach anymore.

Agreed I'm 7" and can't do it no more cause the damn food :/

I think this is your body telling you not to do it. Seriously, just get someone else to do it. Not worth it.

Ive trained Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for 5 years, I'm pretty sure I still could but my lower back is pretty wrecked from years of playing sports and sitting at a desk for long periods.

Yea, just need a few more months, i learned early on how to. Even then took time. Lasted like 8 years

I have it werid

nice vagina. wish i ever saw one tbh my life shit gonna an hero soon

i'm 8 inches, thin / fit, was able to do it a couple times, slightly past the head

whenever i did though it hurt the fucking shit out of my neck and back, just really not worth it. and yea, as some other user pointed out, it feels more like sucking dick then getting yours sucked (which you may or may not be into)

Damn that sucks, i really wanna be able to do it too, even if i could just lick the head comfortably that'd be fine
i wanna cum and eat it but cumming and letting it drop is too long, im already put off it
but i assume if you're right next to it by the time you're cumming its too late to go back now

I tried it a while ago. I could only get the tip

>5 1/2

Only reason why i tried it and got to do it. When i was little, I did it. Figured try my self

Sorry to hear that. I hope it improves before it comes to that.

should i sell my livestream tickets to make profit ethen donate it before my death to donald tumps campaign? what do u think

I think if you believe he would help people, you should do something in life to help out with that campaign. I don't know why it should matter to you after you're dead. Just my opinion.