No feels thread

No feels thread.
Feels thread

What's your story OP?

How are all my fellow Sup Forumsros feeling?
>tfw failed 4 classes this year
>tfw no gf

Same position. Why is it that people always fall in love with the worst person for them?

I know how you feel Sup Forumsro. But I'm about to abandon thread. Sorry we couldn't chat

eh i don't really buy this anymore. gotta get out there and meet more people because clearly if that person and you didn't work out, it wasn't anything special anyways.
i think people just get it stuck in their head that this is the one and only one for them when realistically there are probably thousands of good matches out there that you could reasonably meet.
we're not all created equal so it won't happen right away for most of us. i'm on year 8 of singleness myself, 27 years old. just met someone in the strangest of places though. you never know
/end of ramble

>Everyone has elementary school gf and bfs
>Loner me never gets a gf
>Say I'll get one in secondary school
>Turns out it's pretty difficult to get one in an all boys school
>Stops trying at around 14
>Dad would always ask me about it
>Never tried since and pretty sure I'll have a dry dick throughout all of college.
>My life has been easy as fuck because of it
Pretty much just your regular Beta White virgin. Asked a girl out once ages ago, she said no and I got over it but never tried again for anyone else. I also get a little depressed sometimes but I just hold it back.

No feels thread cause I dont feel.

Yeah im on year 7 right now. Was talking to this one girl for a week, made plans to go out tomorrow, and then she coincidentally made other plans about 3 hours ago, so that shit isnt happening anymore. Onward to year 8.

This is pretty much irrelevant, but I had to ramble. Have a good day

5 year single, ruined all opportunities of dates,match,sex ...whatever ... a bit depressed but dont know what to do with life , dont know how to talk to ppl and get new friends and all the shit, 24 yo no study , fired from work 2 month ago and can barely wake up in the morning
> another friday in house with vodka and netflix

Yeah..i got fired from my work last week, not that i really care that was the most awful job ever. Havent had sex or a gf in 4 years. Now im just playing hearts of iron 4 and drinking up my alcohol stash.

Everything is going to be fine man...u got dubs...its all ok now

Well heres my story i have 2 parts
>part 1
My only good friend just went into the army, and im not gonna see him for like 9 or 10 weeks, and hes signed up for 6 years and i literally dont know what i should do with myself. I sound pretty gay about it but hes the only person i hung out with in school, only person i talk to like every other day and it just fucking sucks. Like i think hes fine without me but like im being a little bitch about it, so whatever.
>part 2
Girl i work with who is super cute, funny, has a great personality got my # like a month and a half ago, from another person who we used to work with. Like we've been texting every day from morning to night, and im literally loving it for the most part. We've talked about why she broke up with her ex and why i did with mine, and like we're talking a lot. She added me on snapchat too and we've been bffs on that for the past 3 weeks so that's cool too.
So she goes to college out of state from me too, and she has one guy who she literally had been going to hang out with him like 3 or 4 times since we started talking. Literally driving over an hour to the dudes house so they can hang out and its killing me. Like, i fucking suck at taking hints and relationships and all that shit, but like shes fucking driving over an hour to him, then over an hour home and like they're doing fun shit, while im here fucking crying about it.
Tl;Dr ya boi here wants to khs becsuse lifes hard but hes a pussy

Lifes gay

I smoke pot to forget :D

work? i drink a lot and still cant forget...

>failed four classes
have 9 retakes in august

no gf
no friends
no money
no driver license

Yeah, works so well for me.
However I really don't recommend doing it.
I tried smoking and drinking at the same time, the drunkenness is so much more intense but mixing it is a no-no imo.

Mainly smoke to help myself sleep. Helps a ton with depression.

Same user as before.
I really would pick up smoking pot over drinking. It isn't nearly as bad for your body and has a lot more positive side effects.

Hi Sup Forums, I need your help. So for the last few months I've been depressed, the type that makes you loose motivation, and nothing makes you happy. Everytime I go out with friends all I can think about is getting back home and I usually feel worse by the time I get home. I've noticed I'm getting progressively more and more annoyed by my friends, and I'm staring to hate them. What do?

i wish i couldn't feel.

Mind over matter friend.
Convince yourself you're happy.

Time for this user to hit the bottle. Anyone care to join me?

Have you tried talking to one of your close friends about it?

I have. It didn't really help. Nothing excites me anymore. I finally have saved up enough money for a 2 week vacation in Europe and the car I've been wanting to buy for a while now, but the thought of either doesn't do much,and that in turn makes me feel worse

i will try , when i have the time, Thx