Hi again Sup Forums, sorry to make myself somewhat of a forced meme

Hi again Sup Forums, sorry to make myself somewhat of a forced meme.

I'm Taylor, im a 19 year old girl who just started twitch streaming. My username is


right now we are playing TitanFall

I am doing it to help make ends meet, as you see I was homeless for a year and now my houselord wants me out. I'm from an abusive family so I don't have alot of people to help me out. Things can get hard to afford. I've applied to lots and lots of jobs but nobody wants to hire me yet, so I decided to give twitch a shot.

You guys don't have to donate, I really just like hanging out with you all. I've been on Sup Forums since I was 15.

You guys are the well-humored fun-loving people I like having around my stream.

Other urls found in this thread:


TIts or GTFO. Sup Forums has become a fucking shell of its former self where this shit flies.


Bitch shut the fuck up and earn your following don't beg.

Fuck off you stupid cunt!


Tits or Gtfo

fascinating blog post.

>tits or GTFO

Are you stupid cunts really so moronic as to fall for this personal army request? Leave the bitch alone, it's some betafag she wouldn't fuck that posted this shit. Morons.



How does it feel not being invited to parties and having your friends slowly realize they don't like spending time with you?

I read the last word as mormons



Are you in Alaska ? If so you can stay with me


beats the fuck out of being a beta cunt that couldn't get laid in a Mexican Whorehouse with a C-note taped to his forehead. Cuckboy.

>Anonymous 07/01/16(Fri)18:47:47 No.692

Tits or gtfo



tits or gtfo

>Confirms he's the guy no one enjoys spending time with.

Must be hard, user.

i smell bates

this must be bate.



Go fuck yourself.
Get a fucking job instead of sitting on your faggot ass and playing video games all goddamn day you stupid cunt.

Were you replying to God or something?

still streaming?

Still streaming. She's actually pretty nice.

and the ugly people losers smell like shit like beyonce and the ugly guys losers smell like shit like beyonce and the ugly guys losers is ugly and bothers people and thats why the ugly guys losers is ugly n smell like shit like beyonce
and the popular people proved another reason why the ugly guys losers and the ugly people losers is pathatic and ugly
but the ugly guys losers and the ugly people losers is going to be smart and act like they dont smell like shit like beyonce and isnt ugly but still cock block women n guys cause smell like dog shit n is ugly like the ugly guys losers and the ugly people losers that outnumber everybody
and the ugly people losers and the ugly guys losers say there better then the popular people and thats why the ugly people losers and the ugly guys losers is lame and smell like shit like beyonce and the popular people proved another reason why the ugly people losers and the ugly guys losers is pathatic and smell like shit like beyonce and is lame and is ugly
and the ugly guys losers that is ugly as shit and got rejected by the popular people still hurt the popular people and attrative loser people the ugly way and thats another proof that the popular people proved that the ugly people losers and the ugly guys losers is pathatic and ugly and smell like dog shit like beyonce and try to be better then everybody and is ugly and smell like dog shit like beyonce and is ugly and has no friends and smell like dog poop like beyonce and is lame and ugly
and the ugly guys losers smell like dog shit like beyonce and get rejected by women and guys cause smell like dog poop like beyonce and is ugly

Tits or GTFO

When your mum asks for something, you tell her Tits or GTFO?

Are you in Alaska?

i do

and does she comply?

u sound like a boy who is changing his voice with a voice changing software...


persistence is key.

Hey I like to stream a lot too.
I have a youtube right now where im currently playing spooky Five nights at freddys!
Sub to me and ill sub back!


good stream.

Op delivered, repeat OP delivered.

She's saying she'll do almost anything if you donate

Her chat is full of autism, not for me

nice voice!! luck from Spain :3

it was like this kek


Confirmed trap.

Rolling for feet

screenshot? i was in another window when something important happend on the stream

Look, a proxy troll.

NYPA, child.

MorphVOX fail.

trust me you'll never be worthy enough to be a meme you worthless slut whore cunt


Just showed feet, Legs were masculine and thick. It went to great effort to hide it's body.

it wasnt as hairy as i like it.

why the fuck does it look like a potato?


Is she a he?

is an it.


>she is on the stream not reading this shit and she won't deliver as she promised
>what to do?

How to ask people for money without explicitly stating it: the post.

But she/he did delivered the moan and the nyah.

I followed you on twitch.


Vannah says hello



Here to prove your point.


her ip

you are a male

Moan webm anyone?

Get a fucking job you cunt.

Summerfag spotted

>make myself a forced me

Niggress u wat


Incoming pics, maybe

Said she was going to flash us after getting donated $30. No results. No flash. Hope user did charge back.

go raid her youself op.

> j1n5 : You'll be my wife soon.
j15n5 best poster

She probs spent it as soon as see got it.

Is she gonna post tits?

tits urself

quit saying um every 2 seconds its killing my boner.

Poor girl.. boy.. boygirl(I dunno).
I think she has some real issue

She-he apparently loves everyone. Everyone but Femnazi.

Dick picks. please.

Dude fuck Femnazi, she loves the rest of us that's what matters.


Reminder to everyone that if she posts again just ignore it she's just looking for easy money.

I kinda liked her.

she promised tits, wait for it


Voice was hella fucked up and a ghetto headset. Nope.



ends up being a pic of her/them flipping us off

What is wrong with you.



Sorry user but she basically admitted she wasn't posting them

She won't, she made easy money and fucked off.