Shamchat raid bread? Shamchat raid bread

Shamchat raid bread? Shamchat raid bread.

Type in "Undertale" as interests, and name yourself "There are only two genders."

Other urls found in this thread:


Not very talkative...


Fuck those queers


Our cover's blown.

tell them you're from 9gag

Probably an undercover user fucking with you, continue raid.

Holy feck, I'm a stupid fuck.
If the faggot can see the thread, then he has seen that.
Hi, btw.


this is fun

Hi. Please troll better. You need to change your focus, most people remember this shit from day before yesterday.


I wonder where the attack helicopter guy went

Why are like 20 people named Frisk?

Having fun here



Post results?






Everyone mark themselves with Sup Forums


no that's gay

nah mark with 9gag

hah hah jokes on you guys I was just pretending to be retarded haha

and i just pretended to report you for being underage


This is a conversation between Underswap! Fate and yourself, Transgendered=Downs Syndrome.
Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: Hi!
Underswap! Fate: ((Hey))
Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: You agree don't you?
Underswap! Fate: ((Actually, I'm Trans and it's not like that, so no. I don't agree.))
Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: Yes it is...
Underswap! Fate: ((It really is not))
Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: Trans people are no different than people with downs syndrome
Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: they are both mentally retarded.
Underswap! Fate: ((We're fairly different))
Underswap! Fate: ((And that's offensive not only to Trans people, but to people with Downs Syndrome))
Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: Do you have a penis, or a vagina
Underswap! Fate: ((A vagina))
Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: then you're a woman
Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: a mentally retarded woman
Underswap! Fate: ((I am on the outside, but on the inside I'm a guy))
Underswap! Fate: ((I feel like a man, so that is how I indentify))
Underswap! Fate: *identify
Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: you can't be a man, you have a vagina
Underswap! Fate: ((Body parts don't define gender))
Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: yes they do
Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: it's scientific
Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: you went to school didn't you
Underswap! Fate: ((Okay, so if your penis is cut off, then you're suddenly not a guy?))
Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: no, you'd be a man who had his penis cut off
Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: not a woman



See rule #1.

Underswap! Fate: ((Or if your vagina is malfunctional, you're less of a woman?))

Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: it's not about what you have right now. It's about what you're born with

Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: even if you got some kind of surgery that added a penis, you'd still be a female

Underswap! Fate: ((If we Trans people wish to identify as the gender we are 'opposite' of, then it's our choice))

Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: That's not how it works.

Underswap! Fate: ((It's not like we're going to flash out our penics or boobs or anything of the sort, so you couldn't really tell))

Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: I can tell
Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: easily

Underswap! Fate: ((Nothing works the way it's supposed to. It just works.))

Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: If you bake a cake, and someone says "wow that's a nice cake", you can't just say "no it's a pie"

Underswap! Fate: ((Yes you can. You can say that it's whatever even if it's not. Maybe you would bake a cake, but then you want pie. Or maybe you want cupcakes instead. You can just make the other things.))

Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: No

Underswap! Fate: ((Yes))

Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: Just because you say one thing is something else, doesn't mean it is...

Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: That's how a child thinks

Underswap! Fate: ((That's true, but you can make it into something else.))

Underswap! Fate: ((And cake has nothing to do with being Trans, like???))

Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: It's like playing pretend, only trans people are mentally retarded, so they think it's real

Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: usually people grow out of the playing pretend stage

Underswap! Fate: ((Then why do others agree that it's okay?))

Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: but again, mentally challenge people don't I guess

Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: because they are enablers


Underswap! Fate: ((Why are there people who grow up and die normally as a Trans person?))

Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: what?
Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: because they're human? lesser humans, but still human

Underswap! Fate: ((We're just as normal as anyone else))

Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: cats grow up and die too

Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: are you a cat now also

Underswap! Fate: ((No one is more or less than anyone))

Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: that's just not true

Underswap! Fate: ((Leave cats out of this and listen, fuckface))

Underswap! Fate: ((We are Human. We are living beings))

Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: a mentally challenge person is lesser than a normal person

Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: so is a fish
Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: what's your point

Underswap! Fate: ((You don't have to like anything you don't like, but don't go around hurting others. Trans people, gay people, mentally challenged people, don't hurt them))

Underswap! Fate: ((That just makes you an asshole))

Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: I never said anything about gay people.

Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: don't put words in my mouth

Underswap! Fate: ((Yah, but here's the thing. If you hate us Trans people or mentally challenged people, you're an asshole. It's like showing up at a party and wondering why you weren't offered any food. Because we won't feed you))

Underswap! Fate: ((We won't feed you because you don't deserve to be fed))

Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: Again, I never said I hate anyone...

Underswap! Fate: ((You don't deserve to be fed because you're mean))

Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: you're taking what I'm saying wrongly. It's because you're trans and therefore mentally challenged

Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: so you don't get simple things like this



Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: that's okay though.

Underswap! Fate: ((And that's basically like saying you hate us because we're so mentally challenged. We just /chose/ something))

Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: That's not true at all.

Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: I'm just stating facts...

Underswap! Fate: ((That's not being mentally challenged. Choosing something is apart of everyone's lives. We just chose differently from some others.))

Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: except there is no choice here.

Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: It's not like you're choosing what you want for lunch.

Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: it's a gender that is assigned by science

Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: and chromosomes. which you have a few extra

Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: because you're mentally challenged.

Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: as we've established

Underswap! Fate: ((There are plenty of choices and I never said it was as easy as picking a lunch to eat))

Underswap! Fate: ((Stop putting words in our mouths and we'll stop putting words in yours.)

Underswap! Fate: ((We can all just get along if you stop being close-minded about everything.))

Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: Bottom line: There are two genders. Male and Female. You are a man if you are born with a penis. You are a woman if you are born with a vagina

Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: There's no inbetween

Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: there's no jumping sides

Underswap! Fate: ((And if you're born without genitals??))

Underswap! Fate: ((You need to work on your facts))

Transgendered=Downs Syndrome: Then you are a freak of nature and need to be put down

Underswap! Fate: ((Now, that's too far))
Underswap! Fate: ((Go fuck yourself because you wish that we were born the gender we feel as))


Charge your phone you fuckin mongoloid.


>shut down




I have never laughed so hard in my life



Last one

0/10 memes

10/10 memes

Wtf is this fandom

Keekkekekekekekek -Prophet

Literally their whole cancerous platform is based on this retarded thinking


So mad


NSFW is a stupid saying: WE GET IT. WE KNOW

Only two genders exist, admit it already.: triggered


NSFW is a stupid saying has left the conversation.

The triggering begins

nice bait


>orca merman

This is a conversation between InHeat! A Human With Bunny Ears And Tail ( F, Undertale, SRP//RRP ) and yourself, Papyrus (genderfluid, pansexual) (currently demigirl).
Papyrus (genderfluid, pansexual) (currently demigirl): 卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐
Papyrus (genderfluid, pansexual) (currently demigirl): NIGGERS
Papyrus (genderfluid, pansexual) (currently demigirl): IF I HAD A DICK FOR EVERY GENDER
InHeat! A Human With Bunny Ears And Tail ( F, Undertale, SRP//RRP ): Wha-
Papyrus (genderfluid, pansexual) (currently demigirl): I COULD RAPE TWICE AS FAST
InHeat! A Human With Bunny Ears And Tail ( F, Undertale, SRP//RRP ): Oml XD
InHeat! A Human With Bunny Ears And Tail ( F, Undertale, SRP//RRP ): Pls no don't though
InHeat! A Human With Bunny Ears And Tail ( F, Undertale, SRP//RRP ): ((Sorry if I leave)) *Looks at you, not knowing*((Sorry if I leave)) *Looks at you, not knowing*((Sorry if I leave)) *Looks at you, not knowing*((Sorry if I leave)) *Looks at you, not knowing*((Sorry if I leave)) *Looks at you, not knowing*
InHeat! A Human With Bunny Ears And Tail ( F, Undertale, SRP//RRP ): ((Sorry if I leave)) *Looks at you, not knowing*((Sorry if I leave)) *Looks at you, not knowing*
InHeat! A Human With Bunny Ears And Tail ( F, Undertale, SRP//RRP ): ((Sorry if I leave)) *Looks at you, not knowing*((Sorry if I leave)) *Looks at you, not knowing*

>How to acquire cp


Too obvious?

>that tab
good luck bud ;)

Hope that works

Hitler and Prophet are back at it again with them spicy memes



all i could have hoped for

Fuck it






Checked also trolled


oh my god i'm crying


no responce

> # #







I'm dead




our new name is allah(pansexual)

>Didn't suspect a thing


fucking kek
