User gril here

>user gril here.
>live alone in apartment with about 6 units.
>i moved into this apartment 3 weeks ago. >today i see a piece of tape on the wall.
>i peel it back and find a hole with full view of my bathroom.
>check out my bathroom side of wall. looks like pin prick and can hardly tell it is there.

what should i do Sup Forums?

Which wall is the hole on

put your dick in it

If the hole is in your apartment and not in somebody else's, why would you care?

Post tits with timestamp.

If you live alone then what's the problem. Or if it bothers you so much, tape it over on both sides or place a poster over it

Take a picture of it.

always shower with the curtain open and your back against the wall.


Op should post picture to show everyone on here

the wall is the shared hallway public space in the apartment building. its an older building and the hallway and stairway are poorly lit. easy to miss a small piece of possibly hockey like tape.

Post tits anonnette. It's the rules.

Why was the tape on your side? If a creeper was looking from behind the wall and the hole was small, they couldn't get their hand through and would end up putting the tape on the other side of the wall. All of this is assuming it's not the person in your building with the keys to all the doors.

well its looks into my apartment from the common hallway.

Not OP but clearly the tape was on the outside, and on the inside its just a tiny hole.

then just seal off the hole and be done with it, stop worrying that somebody MAYBE saw you and just fuck it.

Also to OP, Get some spackle or whatever that shits called and redo the wall, from both the outside and the inside. then monitor the situation

the tape was on the hallside

Call someone to fix the fucking hole. It's not rocket science, what exactly do you want from us.

Tape it in the mean time and make sure it's taped while you go to the bathroom.

Sheesh then you people don't want to be called the inferior sex.

well its in the public shared space anyone with access to the building can look in.

Close the hole or move out.

Then do the obvious and fill the damn hole.

tits or gtfo. you know the rules

pics with timestamp or gtfo
it's so easy

First of, tits or GTFO.

Second, wait until you see the peeping tom and smash through the wall with a knife.


OP just wants to know how to be an exhibitionist but make it look all innocent so her peeper can cum harder

She's not saying it for attention dumb faggot, it adds context to the situation.


bathroom side of hole. pic is sideways. sorry.

outside hole. sorry for crappy quality. my phone needs to charge so the flash will work. but you can see how dark the hallway is. easy to overlook tape. ill post pic with flash in a cpl minutes.

take a picture of the hole

damn that is creepy... are you sure it wasnt there when you moved in? turn on your shower around the time you usually shower every day and then look out your door to see who's inthe hall

Do nothing. It's not harmful to you in anyway if someone watches you.

Take a picture of your hole...with a sharpie in it.

yeah, thats a fucking peephole right into your bathroom.

you got 2 choices here:

1-take off tape, give any creeps something to jerk to every time you're in the shitter.

2-put tape over hole, retain privacy

why the fuck do you need Sup Forums advice for somethimg this obvious?


Op you should take a picture of your bathroom from an angle similar to the hole and hang it in front of the hole to fuck with them.

how about do something to see if it is still active and catch the creep if it is.

that's hot

You guys suck, she should do nothing.

Put a camera in the hall, game camera, hero, web cam even. Get pics of janitor jerking it in hall. Post them here.

Tits & time stamp or gtfo

cant take a fucking picture properly, yeah youre a woman.