Manchildren need to be gassed

Manchildren need to be gassed.

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>BvS Apologists
Sometimes Some Memes,
Go slinking back to dank,
But these two heroes,
Are always coming back...

There's no bait too big no bait too small,
If you need trolls just call,
B B B BvS!! Constant Capeshit
B B B BvS, til it's beat dead,
Y'know it never fails to get replies,
Those crying cucks are on both sides,
B B B BVS, Constant Capeshit...

BBB BvS!!!

>Everyone says that about "Batman Begins." "Batman's dark." I'm like, "Okay, no, Batman's cool." He gets to go to a Tibetan monastery and be trained by ninjas. Okay? I want to do that. But he doesn't, like, get raped in prison. That could happen in my movie. If you want to talk about dark, that's how that would go.

>“I came to comic books through my mother. I loved fantasy art — I love Frank Frazetta [the famed illustrator known for adult-oriented, sword-and-sorcery, and sci-fi imagery]. I went to boarding school. You weren’t allowed too many posters up, and everything I set up was slightly inappropriate. Frazetta’s naked girls, ripped up guys — the kids were like, ‘what the hell?!’ They had their Boy George posters up, I had crazy Frazetta. My mother saw I was into this comic called Heavy Metal magazine, so she got me a subscription. You could call it ‘high-brow’ comics, but to me, that comic book was just pretty sexy! I had a buddy who tried getting me into ‘normal’ comic books, but I was all like, ‘No one is having sex or killing each other. This isn’t really doing it for me.’ I was a little broken, that way. So when Watchmen came along, I was, ‘this is more my scene.’”

Stop treating him like a genius. Don't give this man any credit for what you've desperately grasped at straws for. He's an edgy teenager trapped in a 50 year old director's body.

He fucked up and made a bad movie. The sooner people deal with it, and DC gets rid of him, the better it is for everyone.

>implying the problem isn't that Zack can't say no to execs

Final stage of DCucks delusion

>It's not a poorly told narrative, it's just post modern

You DC fans need to kill yourselves already

BvS flew over the pinsized Marveldrone heads.

>Why doesn't Batman get raped in prison

So they pulled an MGS2?
>Muh manipulated expectations

>calling fact delusion

Final stage of Marveldrones publicly making themselves look like retards

Hilarious anybody takes the time to write that bullshit 'thesis' about BvS. If you want to spend time on a movie that tried to elevate the medium of capeshit movies, then do it for Ang Lee's Hulk because he actually tried to do an intellectual movie about inner turmoil of the green giant instead of Hack Synder's incomprensible mess-of-a-movie.

Sounds like a cool guy to me.

>>Everyone says that about "Batman Begins." "Batman's dark." I'm like, "Okay, no, Batman's cool." He gets to go to a Tibetan monastery and be trained by ninjas. Okay? I want to do that. But he doesn't, like, get raped in prison. That could happen in my movie. If you want to talk about dark, that's how that would go.

I actually see what he's saying here, it makes sense.

True capekino, one of the few capeshit films that will stand the test of time.

>(The Martha moment being the best example)

Everyone knows perfectly well the logic behind the Martha moment.

The issue with it is the piss poor execution making it a god damn joke that's easy to point out by dumbing it down to "MARTHA". There's nothing subtle about it. It's written by a child that believes he's writing Shakespeare with his crayon on his Dora the Explorer notepad.

This is the lowest level of damage control
no, fuck you, I understood it, it w as still mediocre as shit.

you wont like me when im Ang Lee.

>Ang Lee's Hulk because he actually tried to do an intellectual movie
Haha yeah man that scene where the Hulk punches a dog in the nuts really made me think about life and stuff

>Just watched Civil War
>One of the most generic and mediocre capeshit movies yet
>Yawned all the way throughout
>Still it gets higher scores than B v S
>Genuinely convinced the more stupid you are the more you like Civil War and hate B v S.

Only time will tell if this will be proven. I look forward to that day

So it's a fact that they deliberately wanted to alienate audiences and cause WB to under-perform financially? To the point where WB announced they will release less films in the future to make up for it.

And the movie studio just let them go ahead and do this?

Okay m8

>It's written by a child that believes he's writing Shakespeare with his crayon on his Dora the Explorer notepad.

tips fedora

You would be surprised at how many people simply didn't understand bvs, the Martha scene in particular

God Kinograph Zack Snyder and Apprentice Kinograph Ben Affleck teaming up to make Justice League as good as possible.

This reminds me of the turbo-autist who wrote a 108-page rebuttal of the Plinkett Episode 1 review.

Get a load of this uneducated pleb, kek

The narrative story wasn't subtle. It was undeveloped and poorly edited.

The metaphorical story wasn't subtle. It was literally, and constantly spelled out in almost every instance of dialogue.

The "Martha moment" was partially sabotaged by the Flash Tease that was sloppily thrown after the Knightmare in the last minute.

>Secondly, this movie has a post modern (deconstructive) narrative
No it doesn't.
>and this kind of narrative is meant to challenge our preconceived notions, beliefs, ideas and way of thinking.
The movie doesn't do that. The "notions, beliefs, ideas, and way of thinking" are 70-2000 years old. Objectivism and abrahamic religion. Wow.

And if you mean "challenge our preconceived notions" etc. of narrative storytelling and filmmaking, it most certainly does not do that. It doesn't break new ground at any point, the director incompetently tried to do too many things that were outside of his abilities, while lazily handling basic narrative exposition, logic, and consequences. The Martha plot pivot wasn't 2deep4u, it was 2poorlyexecuted2work. It was an extremely ambitious risky creative narrative choice, and the movie failed to adequately do the leg work for it to play. The fundamental mystery that fans were left with wasn't "what did the Martha shit mean?" It was "how in the fuck did Snyder think that this was the best way to tell the story?"

They are actually right to a degree . The point of the movie was to show that superman wasn't God
Just read the comments "duhhh Jesus symbolism"

The viewer is actually Luther . A creepy effete nerd obsessed with capeshit who just wants to see two heroes fight

What is it about this flaming turd of a movie that tickles the brains of autists so hard? Is it because it's tone deaf and emotionally detached like them?
I haven't seen such an assburger magnet since sonic the hedgehog.

You keep posting this. What do you think it says? Why do you think it's in any way a negative reflection on Zack?


Besides some valid social and worldview commentary, the plot of MGS2 was derivative, liquid shit.

So only autists are able to see the true genius of BvS?

>abrahamic religion

>mediocre as shit.
No it wasn't, you fucking retard. It was incompetent, lazy and written by committee. Disjointed narrative, insultingly poorly written characters, shoehorned and then forgotten plotlines, overblown action scenes with no consequences.
It was a flaming turd.

>it was bad on purpose

Yo, I wrote that shit fo' mah niggas in da spectrum, ya heard?

Haha if it was written by committee it would be every Disney marvel film. You really should stick with video games , even basic movies are too deep for you

DON'T YOU PUT THAT SHIT ON SPECTRUM DISORDERSMEN. DCucks aren't powered by Autism. They're powered by inadequate education and histrionic/narcissistic personality disorders.

Better than civil war for sure.

In one they start fighting like retards because ''muh mom!!''

In the other one they become respectable adults when they stop fighting for the very same reason.


>Haha if it was written by committee it would be every Disney marvel film.
Can't you discuss this movie you're trying to defend without falling back on marvel and disney? Stop being a sad cunt.
And yes, it had to go through the motions of introducing all the characters and setting up a cinematic universe. It had to make wonder slut look badass, it had to have Lex Luthor! And it had to explain all the wanton destruction in the first movie.
The stupid manlet had to run through a checklist of mandated scenes while making his horrible movie. What's funny is that, if he was give free rein, we would have another suckerpunch.

Thanks OP.
I'll read it when I have time.

But HE WAS IN CHARGE OF GOING THROUGH THE MOTIONS. THEY WERE HIS MOTIONS. The Flash tease and JLA shit was his idea and his doing. The Pa Kent dream addressing the criticism of the MOS destruction was his idea. The producer was his enabler wife. He has been almost exclusively in charge of the creative direction of the DCEU.

BvS isn't the product of too many cooks in the kitchen. It's the product of one cook and no kitchen manager trying to run a giant kitchen franchise.

I am going to see this later today, anything I should watch for? I am not a comic book guy at all but I know you guys are. Am I in for another Avengers capeshit movie or what?

>I am going to see this later today, anything I should watch for?
It's a good workshop on understanding how good films operate, by doing everything poorly.

Watch how awkwardly the first act is cut together. How the pacing of each individual subplot is constantly sabotaged by cutting to completely detached scenes that have nothing to do with each other.

Stay mindful of the lack of narrative direction and consequences of the Lois bullet investigation, Convoy attack sequence, and everything Lex does in the second act.

The prologue poem is both extremely important to the third act Martha plot pivot and extremely useless at the same time.

Constantly stay vigilant about why Lex is doing any of the things he is doing. Not "why" as in his "deep" motivation, that is explicitly spelled out. But "why" in terms of why/how he would know to do the things he does or why/how he thinks his plan will work.

Consider how redundant many of the plot beats are. Particularly the Lex and Finch scenes are, the daily planet scenes are, the Martha bullet investigation is, the Wonder Woman can't hack the bug plot point, and Batman's attempt to get Kryptonite is. What does each scene do to actually move the narrative forward? How many of these scenes are just restating and rephrasing stuff the audience already knows?

This is exactly the kind of stuff I was hoping to get from here. thanks user

They alienated viewers by making an awful movie. I can see how their only possible way to spin this is to say it's too smart and that's why people simply don't understand but really they must know it's shit too.

The problem with memes is if you say them enough retards will eventually think they're welcome and take it seriously. The actual MoS and BvS defense force will be here soon.


BvS has the same flaws as Superman IV


I don't agree with everything but he supports his take well.

How to pleb 101

Feel like a follow up user? I'd like to know why BvS is poor

>Doomsday is a cave troll version of Nuclear Man

And Nuclear Man still makes more sense because Lex has control over him

The main reason I would argue it is poor is the edit. I think the script, as written, before production started, was already too needlessly edgy and tryhard, but could have worked. But then during production they added stuff like the Flash tease that actively subverted the function of the Knightmare in the story's narrative.

They made questionable creative story decisions, like the piss jar gotcha and the Martha plot pivot, which even with COMPLETE UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT THEY MEAN, are still fucking campy and dumb. Combine shit like that with the straight-faced self-importance and the movie becomes a fucking comedy.

And when they weren't making questionable ones, they were making lazy creative decisions, like blowing up congress before actually bothering to write an interesting dialogue between Superman and his accusers. Narratively the film takes the easy route by just having characters endlessly talk in vague, yet still very blunt, metaphors and monologues, while forcing the audience to headcanon their way through the surface narrative. The movie was marketed specifically as Batman V Superman, to associate it with the concept of an ideological debate, but then the characters never fucking debate each other. Superman whines about nobody liking him. Lex is confused about the difference between God and a powerful alien. Bruce wants to commit suicide by God.

The only person that does any talking is Snyder, speaking bluntly through the characters and imagery. The fact that fucking talking heads like Nancy Grace and Neil Degrasse Tyson are the primary sources for half the expositional dialogue was a poor fucking choice.

The fact that this self-serious movie spends the entire time building to a big dumb monster fight was a poor choice. The spear retrieval metaphor sequence was a poor choice. The pointless Lois bullet investigation was a poor choice. Under-explained Batmanslaughter was a poor choice. It's all poor.

>he believed Zack Snyder when he told him a jar of his piss was actually the DC Extended Universe

Damn user, I am impressed not only because youre right but also because you bothered to type all this


I agree

Cut out the first hour.
Trash Wonderless Woman.
Trash faux Doomsday.
Vincent Diesel as Lex Luthor.
Just Batman pitted against Superman.

Instant box office hit.

You don't obsessively watch and a study a frustrating movie 14 times to NOT compulsively write about it on a sri-lankan maymay board for no reason.

>Everyone knows perfectly well the logic behind the Martha moment.

Why does everybody suddenly become retarded when it comes to the Martha scene? I didn't watch it until well after everyone had me thinking this scene was gonna stick out like a sore thumb, then it came & it wasn't that at all.

Superman doesn't "call out" for his mom. He's telling Batman to save Martha after he kills him w the spear. Since Batman wouldn't know who the fuck "mom" would be, Superman calls her by her name.

I hate all capeshit & don't care regardless, but some of you guys shouldn't watch films, like at all. And certainly not post about them.

oh pretending to be retarded


I heard the best analogy about capeshit:
It's modern day WWE
The plot doesn't matter
The characters don't matter
The acting doesn't matter
You are just there to see buff dudes beat the shit out of each other and do their signature move
BvS clearly didn't want that or you would have had action more spread out, the same with MoS

That kind of the point, box office isn't their only concern unlike marvel, they are trying to do something more with these movies.

Whether they are succeeding or not is personal opinion, but it's obvious they aren't just trying to appeal to the lowerest common denominator

It was literally Superman emotionally manipulating Batman, because he knew he was Bruce Wayne and knew their mothers had the same name
I'm not sure why you failed to catch this

I disagree, but i respect your opinion.

>they aren't just trying to appeal to the lowerest common denominator
That's what i really respect with their direction right now. David Ayer has full creative control over Suicide Squad and even was offered reshoots

That's actually a really good analogy

Batman is an asshole. You just know he always has a little bit of kryptonite in his belt ready for when he needs to backstab Superman.

> Since Batman wouldn't know who the fuck "mom" would be, Superman calls her by her name.
Yeah because just saying "Martha" is so much more specific.
>I hate all capeshit & don't care regardless, but some of you guys shouldn't watch films, like at all. And certainly not post about them.
It's not like you're really illustrating how it's not retarded though. You're saying the basic narrative point of the dialogue and telling yourself you're smart because you understood something.

>lets make a movie that pisses of hardcore fans,capeshit plebs and the avarage moviegoer
>a movie that is supposed to set up the DCEU
>WB is perfectly fine with this

snyderdrones are completely out of touch with reality

what a fucking manchildren

No, I'm saying fags acting as if they're suddenly retarded for memes or to hate on things needs to stop. Its not clever or funny, its just dumb.

And saying Martha still is a hell of a lot easier to know who she was than just saying mom. Saying her last name would've been helpful I guess, as would telling Batman the whole story of where she was. But he was dying & all, and had a boot to his throat. Besides, he tried to tell him all of this before Batman decided to hit him w a bunch of weapons.

I was about to disagree and say something about how batman never goes to prison, but then I remembered the pit from TDKR.
I can see the people in that pit being rapists and since Bruce had a broken back and couldn't move, he'd be an easy rape target.

Got me good, Time Warner!

keep eating crap your going to keep getting it. Amazing Spiderman 2 was in the same boat.

>Its not clever or funny, its just dumb.
Exactly. That's why MARTHA got turned into a maymay. Stupid memes for stupid themes.
>And saying Martha still is a hell of a lot easier to know who she was than just saying mom.
Martha is going to die in 15 minutes. You got to save Martha.
>Saying her last name would've been helpful I guess
Or you know, saying that shit before a psychopath is stepping on your throat.
> as would telling Batman the whole story of where she was.
Or, you know, using your globe-spanning super-hearing or x-ray vision to locate her when she's clearly a few blocks away, and not bothering to go fight some jabrony just because some wacky dipshit told him to.
>But he was dying & all
What with being a moron and everything.
>Besides, he tried to tell him all of this before Batman decided to hit him w a bunch of weapons.
Superman made like 2 attempts to talk to Bruce before becoming frustrated and throwing around Batman and not explaining shit.

The entire thing is fucking dumb. The logic behind it is silly and hacky. Hence, it's been maymayed.

>But then during production they added stuff like the Flash tease that actively subverted the function of the Knightmare in the story's narrative.

Just out of curiosity, how would you go about explaining Bruce having a prophetic dream without at least implying time travel is somehow involved? Assuming Superman's Knightmare dialogue refers to Martha is just that - an assumption, and a shaky one at that considering that by the end of the film, the only person Clark speaks of as being his world is Lois, not Martha.

Yea well said. The jar of piss is just retarded, the plot seems simple enough but when you actually watch it, it's made over complicated for no reason.

>manCHILD spotted

>The jar of piss is just retarded
for a simpleton

>Just out of curiosity, how would you go about explaining Bruce having a prophetic dream without at least implying time travel is somehow involved?
I wouldn't have Bruce having a prophetic dream, period. But it's obvious, given the constant allusions to legends and myths and shit that the prophetic dream is just falling into that trope. Having Flash's first appearance in the DCEU be in a confusing time jump thing that they make look like a dream doesn't exactly make the prophetic dream better. It's not like The World's Greatest Detective makes any effort to google the Lois that the time traveler was screaming about. I think the shit is still totally inexplicable as presented, if you kill the flash shit it at least inexplicalby informs the movie's narrative.

And really, my biggest beef with the flash tease isn't that it exists, it's that he explicitly yells about LOIS immediately after the Knightmare intentional ambiguity about who the "her" that dream Supes was talking about.
>the only person Clark speaks of as being his world is Lois, not Martha.
That's what's fun about ambiguity. It's actually an injustice reference about Lois, but Batman wouldn't fucking know that. Left as a mystery for Batman, one that he would likely obsess over, makes him getting shaken when Superman suddenly says MARTHA and, in Batman's mind, pieces start to come together. The prologue and Man-Bat dreams make it clear that Batman losing MARTHA is what turned him into a monster. Now he realizes that he's taking away this potentially unkillable God man's MARTHA, and likely causing the prophetic nightmare future in the process. If the Knightmare is about MARTHA, Batman realizes he's become the antagonist during the plot pivot. But with it being made explicitly about LOIS, the entire logical through line is mangled.

I'm not saying it was all executed without flaws. Hell, with any capeshit or scifi movie you could pick it apart all day long. There's some things logic just has to take a backseat for in these things.

The point is that scene was nowhere near as bad as I was expecting it to be. I mean, I saw reviews from apparent writers online who were all "omg, are you guise serious?! Why would he call her Martha & not mom? Who does that??" Meme shit has seriously jumped the shark.

As far as Supes attempt to explain to Bruce, he did do it twice. Then started getting the shit kicked outta him, stopping Batman, then getting the shit kicked outta him some more to the point of near death.

Why WOULD he say "Martha" and not "my mom"? Not the biggest problem with it but jesus, still a glaring, weird detail.

>The point is that scene was nowhere near as bad as I was expecting it to be.
Yeah and you clearly stated how it had already been propped up on a shit pedestal in your mind before you saw it. The fucking Big Guy prologue of TDKR isn't as silly as the maymay it became.
>"omg, are you guise serious?! Why would he call her Martha & not mom? Who does that??"
I think it's kind of weirder that he called the character famously known as "Ma Kent" Martha. And idk I'm no memologist, but MARTHA is funny for a multitude of reasons. He clearly calls her MARTHA because the story needed him to. It's all just contrived and awkward.

>It's not like The World's Greatest Detective makes any effort to google the Lois that the time traveler was screaming about

I don't think Bruce had any doubts about who "Lois" refers to. She's the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist credited with breaking the Superman story back in MoS.

Saying his mom can mean nothing since Bruce sees him as alien. Martha triggers bats - it's contrived but what we have

- He didn't know if Batman knew he was Clark
- He didn't know if Batman would even know who "mom" was

>Why WOULD he say "Martha" and not "my mom"? Not the biggest problem with it but jesus, still a glaring, weird detail.

>my mom
So the mother of an alien?

If he says the name of a civillian Batman a guy he knows fights kidnappers MAY save her.

Are you retarded? why should he say "my mom"?

I dunno. I'd argue the plane scene in TDKR was pretty awful all around, memes or not. The dialog was pure dog shit, and then we're coming off a somewhat grounded (and way better acted) villain in the previous movie to a muscle dude in a ridiculous mask that talks like a total faggy edge lord.

It earned every bit of it IMO.

He was just telling Batman to save a woman named Martha. He was giving her name to provide information to Batman.
"Mom" would not have helped her get found..

No. It wasn't terrible it just had too much in its plate. It's a rushed film trying to characterize like 4 leads

>That's what's fun about ambiguity. It's actually an injustice reference about Lois, but Batman wouldn't fucking know that. Left as a mystery for Batman, one that he would likely obsess over

The ambiguity's still there, though. That's the fun thing about time travel. Being too soon means Bruce's reaction to the message, interpretation of it, and subsequent choices could mean the Flash acted as the pivotal causal agent in the very future he was trying to prevent.

How did Lex Luthor know exactly when Batman would set up to fight Superman just in time to kidnap his mother right before? He only did it after reading letter he sent him months earlier that he never read before then.

Why did Lex Luthor even hate Superman?

Why did mixing Lex Luthors DNA with Zod create a giant Cyptonian monster?

How did Lois Lane know Batman needed the spear she just tossed in some water?

How come Superman couldn't find his mother and need Batman's help even though he can always find Lois Lane across the world just in the nick of time?

Why did Superman get angry at Batman for marking criminals when we see him just kill them all the time anyway?

Why can no one recognize Superman even though he doesn't wear a mask or anything?

Why can Batman just walk into a top secret computer room in Lex Luthors house with all his important information with no guards or anything?

Why would they build a statue for Superman a guy who has murdered millions and brought destruction down on Metropolis?

Why would Superman's mother name being Martha make Superman less of threat? He already knew he had parents he just said it a couple lines earlier.

Why would Lex Luthor blow up that courtroom?

Did Lex Luthor think Batman could actually kill Superman?

Why couldn't Lex Luthor just kill Superman with the Cyptonite?

Why was Mortheus so against stories about Batman in his newspaper? Why did he want Clark to write about sports instead of just getting their sports writer to do it?

Why did Mortheus just give Lois Lane the helicopter when she said she wasn't using it for a story? Aren't helicopters expensive? Did he assume that she was gonna help Superman fight a big monster later?