Ok I'm a longtime lurker, and new poster. What is the fuckin deal with getting 404'd constantly...

Ok I'm a longtime lurker, and new poster. What is the fuckin deal with getting 404'd constantly? I'm not posting anything nearly as degenerate as most. It's getting on my last nerve, I don't understand it

fuck off

Most threads posted on Sup Forums 404
It's a crapshoot
Bump with OC and don't give up. Sup Forums needs your efforts
If you 404, try again later and/or try a new idea
The reason there's so much shit here is that there are so many people and so much content constantly flowing through
But that's the same reason there are gems and god-tier oc too

Also there's a step between lurking and posting your own threads:
Learn to derail a thread with quality OC
write creative greentexts, get good with photoshop, engage with other Sup Forumsros
It's a satisfying feeling when you can post good shit fast and revitalize a thread that was dying away with only six or seven replies, and make it your own

Thank you for quality response. That's what I'm working towards, I strive for greatness on Sup Forums

Ouch you showed me!

also, remember that as a lurker your time on thread is decreased. as you post more, you get more time on each thread. this increases activity here on the chan

its good to know about what to post as well. avoid "shitposting"
but theres a few specific images you can post that grant more time than others

Here's an example
This is a thread I took over and kept alive earlier today with greentext

You will work hard and never get recognized

You will work hard and often be unseen

I do this shit because it makes me chuckle even when I spend an hour shooping choice inside joke oc and only I ever see it.

You have to be absolutely indifferent to Sup Forumss response to have fun

If some user somewhere lulz, that's gotta be enough

If you alone kek, hey you had fun

ha! i was on that fucking frozen sausage thread, sides fucking split. call the sausage police. top kek

The unsung hero. The valiant user in the shadows. You are one the best Sup Forums has to offer. Thank you, and keep up the good work soldier!

Yeah I think I'm getting better at knowing what images and txts will "trigger" the most people and get most bumps=lulz. It does seem like the non-offensive non-bait threads get killed the quickest round here lol

Glad you had fun :)
Look! A tit I saved the other day! (juicy)

Dem is some beautiful fun bags

this thread reminds me theres still real Sup Forumsros out there. thank you


That was fucking gold.

longtime lurker and not understanding how Sup Forums works? you must be new here.

It's a legit question.

I make threads that I think will be in a "best of" thread, but at best I only get 10 replies.

that thread was god damn funny Sup Forumsro. I laughed my ass off. good work

user is secret lulz hustler, stalking the mean /b streets, hunting down keks like a silent ninja. until one day something flips in his mind, a switch turns, he no longer cares to simply lurk; user wants to drive...

user chooses his tools wisely (gimp,gedit,google), planning his kek-strike with the precision cunning of an assassin. At the proper moment he lashes out and strikes a dying thread with his secret wepon, the dank meme.

Success!! Thread Derailed! keks and lulz rain down on his fellow /bros. user has achieved victory! user has acheived glory!

-this is the way of the lulz hustler

Only the fine an discriminating kek connoisseur need lurk

Actually I've lurked on/off for years. But posting and becoming good at it is a totally different game

Yeah it's good to know that there are in fact some ppl on Sup Forums willing to help a newfag out and not just try to be an unfunny failtroll

go back to lurking

moot cut the number of pages from 15 to 10 and the bump limt from 450 to 350 (not sure about this one) so all the shit content washes all potentially good content a lot faster. mook should fix this.

Often lulz doesn't equal comments. Most Sup Forumstards are happy to lurk and enjoy without speaking up. The sheer volume of people here says there's probably at least a few anons who see a thread, even if it bombs without a comment.

Success should be measured by how entertained YOU are as a content creator, instead of how big the thread gets or whether some Sup Forumsros said 'kek'

We know what gets responses and blows up, it's drivel and loli. But what's more fun, lurking a thread you made full of "roll" and "sumer fag" or finding that one random butthurt construction worker from australia who keeps posting brags with timestamps and getting together with five or six Sup Forumsros to keep stoking his hilarious rage with pictures of construction worker porn and posts that correct his spelling?
Or whatever tickles you, I don't judge

Quality or not, there is a thread right now asking for nudes of Angelica from Rugrats! Like seriously how does that asinine shit keep going and my threads don't? Lol it's a mad, mad world Anons

and nevar farget, when the lulz can no longer be contained in a single board and they spill out across the interwebz:

fucking divine keks

Haha that construction worker thread would've tickled my funny bone as well. I don't judge either bc I find the most ridiculous things funny. I just wish more of the of on here could reach that level of quality and creativity as opposed to samefag trap and loli posts. It's called Random but the past few years it's been anything but

dubs of truth

I make a thread I think will be a success
>it's not, fail as fuck
make a shitty cancer thread just because fuck you that's why
>get a shitton of replies, funniest thread for days

>Sup Forums only pretends it doesn't like cancer
>Sup Forums is actually 67% cancer

true story

Thanks for the bumps Sup Forumsros. Let's continue our holy crusade to make Sup Forums great again!

Agreed, these were poor decisions imo. I was also sad to see the XXX depart. I know ///Sup Forums///ut muhh ////Sup Forums////!!1!!1!one!1
I maintain that a crowd of people standing around rolling dice is only fun for so long. There are other ways to make decisions. Plus epic gets are unique at first, but I've seen a lot of quints and septs: they are very pretty and orderly, good, I'd rather see a new safe for work porn. Could just be me

true dat.

1976 don't lie, the year the four fathers made America great the first time.

>I'm not posting anything nearly as degenerate as most
There's your problem right there.

The first time I got quints it was magical, but the novelty has definitely wore off