I've seen tom hanks cry more than my own father

i've seen tom hanks cry more than my own father

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I've never seen my father cry because he's not a fairy

i've never seen my father cry. not even at his dad's funeral (i kept checking)

essential comfycore



Any person I've ever seen cry, I've seen cry more than my dad.

my dad cried when his older sister died, but not when his mom or dad died

Alcoholic father, crying happens often. Most likely he is cursing the day that condom broke.

I bet he cries in secret that his son's a massive failure

they fucked, nice trips

does drunk wailing count?

>tfw the only time that ive seen my father cry is when i was operated from cancer


I guess.

My dad is dead, got shot.

Enjoy your non crying father

Are you black, was he a soldier? A cop?

I'm sorry bro, but what do you want from us?

No, not black
Got shot after he left the bank to pay the employees

I want you to be happy

>dad didn't cry at his father's, mother's, or brother's funeral
>cries every fucking year when he watches Miracle on 34th Street

Is my Pop autistic?

He cried on BBC4 just today


my dad didnt cry when either of his parens died, he didnt cry when the family dog which was his dog of 18 years died. he cried when he told me that i was a dissapointment to him and he must have failed me as a father.

>making your dad cry because you're that big of a failure

Are you literally me??

my dad teared up once when talking about jimmy hendrix but thats about it

never seen my mum cry


Your dad sounds like a dick. If I ever have kids, and they grow up to be extreme disappointments (Which there's a lot they'd have to do to be considered that in my book), I would never say something as hurtful as that.

>If I ever have kids
>If I ever have kids
>If I ever have kids
>If I ever have kids
>If I ever have kids

Kill yourself then to spare your father more humiliation and shame.

I'm not some irredeemable loser. I have a well paying and secure job, I live on my own, I'm not hideous, and I can talk with women pretty easily.

At the very least I could get a fat chick if I was desperate.

I've only seen my dad cry once and it wasnt a cry it was just teary eyes and a single tear because we were talking about someone in the family that died

>I would never say something as hurtful as that.

Let's just hope you never have any, you sound like the beta dad that let's his rotten kids do anything








>Punishing your kids
>That's the same thing as saying they're failure as human beings, and you in turn a failure as a father, crying at the same time


I want you too be happy too. BUT YOU CAN'T BE HAPPY CAN YA