Atheists have no reason to care about anyone but themselves...

Atheists have no reason to care about anyone but themselves. This is why liberals don't donate to food shelters and food banks. Without God's love as an example, they can't really be expected to understand how to care for their fellow humans.

Why continue to live a Godless life of lonely desperation?

Other urls found in this thread:

holy mother of fuck. I mean, Jesus Christ on a barbed wire cross! GOD. IS. NOT. REAL!!! Fucking step into the twentieth century! FFS

I'm going to assume that you are a Christian, even though the same applies to Jews and Muslims as they all worship the same God, one who is either Inherently evil, mentally insane, or just doesn't care at all.

I could argue for days on why your God is clearly evil, and deserves no respect whatsoever, as I'm fairly certain I've studied your "Holy" book way deeper than you, and have reached my conclusion as an atheist and antitheist coming from a religious background.

>so much fucking fedora holy shit


Bc he's/she's right? Think about it. What kind of God cares about us while we starve, rape/murder, etc. each other.... C'mon really?! If there was ACTUALLY a God that loved us, wouldn't HE(lol) have stepped in by now?


Oh and the world is so much better off with the apes worshiping the invisible (people) in the sky ima RIGHT?

I mean hell only a few bombs went off this week in the name of God. Few weeks ago was a dude shot up the gay bar, I'm sure you applauded that one.

The Crusades, Inquisition! So much enlightenment in name of God. Blessed we are with such knowledge and COMPASSION.

Better to be Godless and depressed than a bigot.


I applaud you, for this comment. Not only making a great point, but with flawless grammar. Salute.


I hope that you are trolling, OP. I have seen countless pro-religion threads with the same picture of the chick? who clearly needs to be backhanded into mincemeat or at least until she? wipes that fucking look off her face.

I won't even bother with pointing out just how stupid your post is, I just hope you die a painful death.


never came across the free-choice-given-by-god ?




>liberals don't donate to food shelters and food bank
??? Holy fuck, this is bait. It's too stupid to be real.


here ya go, friend:






Yeah, is op even talking about the same liberals who support neetbucks and niggerstamps?

Conservatards are the selfish ones mane


You know the thing like free choice is the thing given to us by god and so we have consciousness because of that, not like some flock of sheep runing after the shepherd.


Im republican and I dont believe in god. I dont call myself an atheist because only douchebags call themselves atheists
