Would eating replicated human flesh be considered cannibalism?

Would eating replicated human flesh be considered cannibalism?

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>Its a "Malcolm immediately decides to give up and die during a life-threatening situation" episode

I don't think so because cannibalism is about eating members of you own species. Replicated human flesh doesn't qualify, sorry

Presumably, yes. Oddly enough, cannibalism is not illegal in most countries.

Why would it? You'd have to jail every motherfucker who bites his nails.

>cannibalism is about eating members of you own species
So it's ok for them to eat other species in that Star Trek universe? That means, aliens can eat humans and vice versa?

Hahahaha! How is nail biting real? Like close your mouth, move your hand away.

I was just answering OP's question of would it be cannibalism. I don't understand Star Trek, I've never watched the show

I'm not sure what your point is. He is correct that cannibalism is eating a member of your own species.
If a human ate a Talaxian, it wouldn't be cannibalism, but it doesn't mean you 'can' do it in an ethical/legal sense

I think it would be poor etiquette to do so in the presence of other species but I don't see a problem if Barclay wanted to replicate a Klingon steak or sweet and sour Betazed in the privacy of his own quarters every once in a while

pretty sure you cant replicate anything. Some things are forbidden

If they find a new planet and there's a new species there, that's say, in a prehistoric stage, do they have protocols on how to decide if they are sentient and if it's ok to eat them?

I would assume the Prime Directive outlaws that kind of thing no matter how sentient the species is, excluding emergency situations like being stranded on a pre-civilization planet.

So all the galaxy is vegan in Star Trek?

They're humanoid enough that it'd be awkward and probably gross. You wouldn't eat a monkey would you? I know some societies do but for me that's too human-ish so it creeps me out.

>you cant replicate anything

but they replicated lots of things

The prime directive only deals with interference in the development of civilizations. Would poaching a few delicious meals really qualify as interference?

not at all. not even if you consider replicated meat not as meat

sure. but not anything.
Pretty sure with some things the replicater would say "error, object restricted under rule 31-3a" or something

Miles tells Cakehole that his mom raised him eating "real" meat, meaning that on Blarney Potato Island, at least, meat-eating still exists in the 24th century.

the prime directive relates to the federations fleet relations with recently encountered aliens and worlds. In few words, it says that you shouldnt interfere with them, not even letting them know you exist, unless the aliens are already spacefaring, so as not to botch the natives own progression.

oh yeah. this for example. this is what I meant.
They even have real meat for special events, because it is considered a delicatesse

the original show like never adhered to that. It's like every episode they were beaming on a new planet they probably should've just left alone

That might make sense for explosives or other weapons, you can't have just anyone able to blow up the ship, but what's the reason Geordi couldn't enjoy a succulent Andorian-flank casserole every once in a while


Later, it's also referenced as part of a greater policy of non-interference of development, even with strategic allies.

Picard couldn't intervene in the Klingon Civil War until Data proved the Romulans were sending Duras supplies and weapons.

That doesn't mean it CANNOT be replicated. Only that it's NOT ALLOWED.

>it doesn't mean you 'can' do it in an ethical/legal sense
Partly because it is also an issue of manslaughter, desecration of a corpse, and ignoring death customs of another species.

>ignoring death customs of another species.

No big deal.

Hell I'm doing it right now.

Friendly reminder that Dukat did nothing wrong.

Yeah, it's more the actions associated with cannibalism that get you charged. Murder, dismemberment and desecration of a body, that sort of thing

>Its a "Porthos does cute doggy stuff" episode

political reasons. people get offended. relationships get hurt. At least thats what I would guess

if its not allowed and hardwired into the replicater it pretty much means, you can not do it.

Back in TOS it wasn't the bizarre and dogmatic rule they make it out to be in TNG

There should have been more puppers in Trek. What did we get; pic related, Porthos, Janeway's original dog and the Q replicas.
What am I missing?

nice horn pupper

Bypass the plot contrivance Mr. LaForge.

Vore =/= Cannibalism

nice horn pupper

>"Guys, we ran out of budget for this episode. How are we going to make the alien?"
>"Dave brought his dog to work. Someone grab some shit from the prop closet"
>"OK, I got a wig, a horn, and some straws from McDonalds."

I agree. I saw the episode of TOS with the horned doggo and I asked myself "why is there scarce doggo representation in Star Trek?"

Also Nice Horn Pupper

nice horn pupper

I want that juicy shaq meat

>Its a "they show JUST ENOUGH of Hoshi to give you a half-chub" episode

some cutting edge special effects right there

>it's a "Benjamin Sisko is a crime writer in the 1940s" episode

I don't like this new forced meme

>it's an Enterprise thread

That two parter was so boss.
Slutty Hoshi, goatee Soval, Admiral Forrest as Captain, Tholians and Gorn, badass Archer, evil Tripp..

Is that Frankie four fingers on the right?

You should email Mike so that he can apologize and offer a correction in the next episode.



best intro


Shame they didn't go through with setting a whole season in the mirror universe. Probably would've brought the ratings boost they wanted since they could throw in as much drama and sex as they want without it being out of place.


What the fuck is this?


No, I mean why are you posting that fucking shit here?

Why do we post anything in Star Trek threads?

nice horn pupper

Yes. Eating animals is cannibalism too.

We should just stop eating since the Federation forbids it?


because I believe the replicators can create protein but the texture of most replicated foods isn't quite right to how the real thing would be.

Artificial food is the future.

Yep, I heard a few years ago that NASA had developed the ability to grow beef basically like a tumor to make a regenerating source of steak. I know it sounds gross at first but honestly it's probably cleaner than real meat and it might not make the best steak due to it not having muscle texture and fat marbling etc but I'm sure it'd be find for hamburger meat.

It had nothing to do with NASA and it cost 80 grand per burger.

Yeah, you're probably right. NASA is a hoax anyway.

It would also solve most of the world's hunger and reduce the over-exploitation of natural resources and the intensive industrial farming. The structure and composition of the piece of meat could easily be tweaked to closely resemble that of a steak, the problem resides in keeping it fresh while it grows without stuffing it with antibiotics.

I'd heard they experimented with it for possible future extended offworld missions but it's simple capitalism newfriend, the more we make the less each burger would cost and I accept that killing animals is a thing but I don't like it so if there was an alternative to still enjoy tasty tasty burgers without that then I'd entertain the idea.

>Its a "Trip wants to be on the away team but Archer won't let him" episode

>"Cap'n, I kin fix'er up, lickity split!"
>gets pregnant on trippy reptile holosuite
>"Cap'n, I swear I was a perfect gentleman!"

Yes but it would be benign victimless cannibalism.


For many years as I have put my thoughts to paper and written this
column, it has occurred to me that I would run out of things to say;
find nothing new to comment about. But I have. And it's deeply
troubling to me. Frankly, I believe the time has come for the Continuum
to look at the possibility that immortality is not in this society's best
interest. I have found myself recently looking at my life and saying
"I've had enough. Why not call it quits?" And you know what?
I've decided that's exactly what I want to do. Let's take a good hard
look at our life. Each of us should ask himself "Have I had enough?"
My answer is yes.
Above all I was struck by the unhealthy pallor of his skin. He had
the same look that prisoners have who have been denied the sun
during a long period of confinement. He looked dyspeptic and dog tired, with-

I wonder how old Q is.

>I don't see a problem if Barclay wanted to replicate a Klingon steak or sweet and sour Betazed in the privacy of his own quarters every once in a while

Of course it fucking would, but only because it's Barclay.

Jesus fucking christ. You are a humanoid being. Don't fucking eat other humanoid beings. Canibalism or fucking not. It's gross, unpolite and preposterous.
We invented farm animals because of that. If you can make Replicants, then yeah, you can replicate motherfucking cows, pigs and chickens. Eat those.

>tfw I wish I was a Vulcan sometimes so I wouldn't have to feel

Do you guys think humans can achieve kolinahr?

common misconception, Vulcans DO feel, they just refuse to act upon it in favor of logic.

Yeah I know I'm watching ENT, which is why I specified kolinahr rather than full on killing emotions

But Vulcans seem to be more adept at controlling their emotions and impulses through meditation than humans.

Supposedly it's out of necessity because they'd all rape and murder eachother otherwise but on the other hand while the Romulans seem to be doing just fine.

It's not linear.

Well supposedly Romulans are related to Vulcans like the way Amerindians are related to slavs/asians. Their genetics and physiology are similar but they developed in completely divergent manners.

I just don't know how Vulcan-like I can become through strict mediation

>I just don't know how Vulcan-like I can become through strict mediation
Have you even started trying?

Yes but my drug dependency is a large roadblock

>you will never be a logical cold machine with no feelings one way or the other about it.

>Its an "user wants to be Vulcan but his human proclivities won't let him" episode

so you're more of a Jem'Hadar

I didn't wanna take the pills but a broken finger hurts like a motherfucker

>tfw when victory is life
>but I haven't had any victories in my life in over 10 years


moar white?

oh i remember that episode.


Is this actually in an episode?

Computer, generate me a shoop so perfect that even Data (who has seen quite a few shoops in his time) could not tell from the pixels.

Ive heard pig meat is very close to human in terms of taste



I just got trips twice.