I need 2 weeks

>I need 2 weeks
>you have 30 seconds

Other urls found in this thread:


>I'll do it in 15
>[10 seconds later...]

>you need 2 seconds
>I have 30 weeks

>time for plan b
>whats plan b?

Why did I laugh?

>can you hack it?
>i'm already in

>I just banged a guy with the smallest Dick ever last night
>he's inside me right now isn't he?

>this is the worst coffee I've had
>it's tea

>Bombs has ten seconds before it detonates
>2 hours and 57 minutes later, the bomb stops at 1 second

>Relationship between spouses has lost its spark
>Husband comes home late
>"Dinner's cold"

> there is no way I'm doing that
> I can't believe we're doing that

>Parents getting divorced
>Kids concoct a scheme to trick parents into getting together again

>wife is sitting at the table in the dark with melted down candles

>you'll never be able to stop him
>good work on stopping him

>it's quiet
>too quiet... turn it up I can't hear it aint me
>oh sorry *turns up radio*
>thanks, now it's not too quiet anymore

>character explains something and uses a couple of basic scientific terms

>prissy girl gets roped into some adventure
>falls into mud and everyone laughs at her

>I need 2 weeks
>you have 14 days

>parents getting divorced
>it's a big deal

Top kek

>you hear that
>i hear nothing

>You need to press the big red buttton

>So I turned the Computer on at the wa-

>parents getting divorced
>it's a big guy

>kid's perspective
>parents divorce
>kid is feeling sad and tries to bring them back together
>audience is supposed to feel sympathy and wants the parents to get back together too

>the mother is a cheating whore and took several dicks every day while the husband is at work and the kid is at school
>the father finds out and gets pissed, has to hold himself back from killing the bitch
>divorces her
>has to pay alimony and child support, and doesn't get to see the kid much, possibly has to move into a shitty apartment because he can't afford the house anymore
>when he does get to see the kid it says "why don't you get back together with mommy? We were so happy together"
>father's face when

>Can you hack it?
>not a chance
>alright i'm in

I think it's time to get over her, user

>room full of top scientists from all over the world
>no one uses metric units of measurement when they talk

That's basically my job in a nutshell.

T. government consulting

>character is taking a poop
>doesn't wipe using their fingers then lick it to see if it's clean

Why is it always like this in movies? My passwords are all just random words/gibberish that have no meaning.

>vietnam war movie
>fortunate son

>I designed it

Normies gonna norm

the song is called It Ain't Me

well in that specific case it's a tv show from the early 2000s so people probably did have retarded ass passwords back when


I'd watch this as a dark comedy.


what does this have to do with anything

That's a cover with a different name.

I always count through with the timer whenever they skip scenes to see when it was actually supposed to detonate, am I autistic?

Dumb frogposters.

>trailer starts playing

>single high pitched piano note


>You've got 5 minutes to explain yourself. Actually make that 3 minutes.

>movie in Swedish
>character says technobabble
>speak English, dammit

Not every scene is meant to take place immediately after each other, some overlap. This can screw with the timing. It is nice when the time does align though.

Does that work

>Implying the man wouldn't cheat, be abusive, or addicted to pornography
Divorce is never the man's fault to you

Oh is this one of those 'dankmemes' I've been hearing about?

>they irresponsibly use OS 2.3.5, when 2.4.7 is obviously muc-
>Alright nerd speak English


>get a song name wrong
>complain about memes


>so what's plan B?
>that was plan Z

>Recast? Now? It'll take 3 days just for them to memorize their lines.
>Sir, Eric Roberts has been in the lobby for 2 weeks reading the script.

>I need 4 seconds
>you got all the time in the world man, no rush. Take your time

>it's an Eric Roberts thread disguised as a trope thread

>how do I know I can trust you?
>you can't

Because they need a way to advance the plot

>Dinozzo makes a joke about Gibbs
>Mcgee and ziva stay silent
>he's behind me isn't he

Man i love NCIS

character is an astronaut

we need an actor to pretend to be a trope
sir, eric roberts is lol wtf xD

>shower scene
>don't see how the character gets rid of the caca

oh my fuck, i can hear it

>who is the ____
>you're looking at him

Full retard

The song is called "Some Folks are Born"

Small child whispers something like "He's coming"

>male character in front of female character
>"who's the (occupation usually associated to men)"
>"that's me"

>He's coming

>shitty facebook meme
>on my Sup Forums
i fucking hate normies

And smoking a cigarette

>trying to halt the spread of memes
You're just a pawn, champ


i do this too

>show is called 24
>has 10 seasons

for them, maybe

>addicted to pornography

Literally nothing wrong with this, besides the alleged affects on the brain but women should shut the fuck about it

No its "Silver Spoon in Hand"

go to bed dad

(& don't forget the check this month)


>You owe me 500 bucks
>Give me more time

> If you dont I'll kill you
>I'll never talk
>Points gun at someone else
>Okay I'll talk

>dude owes someone a couple of bucks
>fails to pay back in time
>gets frozen in carbonite
What the fuck, Lucas?

>action movie/thriller/horror
>there is a happy scene
>everyone is laughing
>you just know that something bad is going to happen any moment

lil caprice

>[hacking a computer]
>"This is fast as I can go right now!"
>somehow this works

>walk in the house
>only light is the glow of a lit cigarette
>"You're late for dinner."

It's called "The TaxMan"

HACK THE PLANET. All I need is a handle, all the best hackers have one. With a handle, you gain access to the best hacker clubs where they ride motorcycles, do drugs, and hook up with hot chicks all night. Have you read the hacker manifesto, hacking is all about taking down the racist white male right wing industrial complex. Most elite hackers are young urban black men.

It's shit

>"Sorry I'm late honey, boss made work on the Johnson case. I thought you quit?"
>Quivering hand flicks an ash onto the plate, "It was his birthday, how could you be late for it??"

What the fuck is wrong with women. To be able to provide them with the quality life they nag you for, you have to work late, weekends, holidays. Then they cheat on you with some unemployed guy because he's "attentive".

> show called the First 48
> investigations last for weeks

i like this.


>still doesn't get cast

>Who is that piece of shit
>Meet your new partner


>You and WHAT army?
>huge army appears

A gun to his head made him a better programmer in Swordfish. Somehow I doubt that works.