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Yes, they are called the poor.

Nice 9gag meme

>implying 9gag can't be right sometimes

Some people dont care if uts volkswagen or ferrari they just want to drive.

>defending 9gag

those who don't care shouldn't be able to play

>implying there is ANY disadvantage to having a pc other than companies specifically making games for console in order to sell their consoles to a larger audience

can you see the pattern?

This, only poor folks can't see fps over 30.

>Asus pg348q
>Gigabyte gtx 1080 xtreme

Master race feels good mang.

any autistic 10 year old can look up a $400 pc build (or just beg daddy for prebuilt) and have a better experience than on console.

If you're still considering consoles in 2016 you obviously have better things to do or you are a fucking moron.

>not having both

then again I also have a house with separate rooms, not just a corner in mommy's basement


Bu-bu-but scorpio will push 4K max settings for $400.

>750 bucks for a graphics card

You are so full of shit

you have a room where you sleep on a nice comfortable mattress with all the properties you love...

and you also have a room with a shitty rug which has a tag saying "shitty rug producer #1 worldwide" that you like to lay on and think about how much better it would be to use a proper mattress?

Bullshit faggot, go back to Xanga fucking liar.

>50 dollar steam link
>long ass hdmi

cheaper and easier than console

consoles dont have csgo tho

or summer sale

My theory goes that casual gamers actually like games more than hardcore gamers, and have more fun playing them too. Hardcore gamers and pc fags don't have fun since all they do is complain. So therefore, we can deduce that consoles are superior.


fap fap fap


Poor folk I presume?

so your main argument is that casual gamers, which are the majority on console, can't tell if a game is shit so they have more fun which makes them superior?

come on man, stop it. Get some help.

That's like saying there is no difference between driving a rustbucket or a Ferrari because they're both cars that go from A to B.

Yes, ie assassin's creed. Same game 7 times in a row now. They eat that shit up.

They're superior because games are made to have fun with, something very lacking in the hardcore and PC crowd since all they do is complain when there is nothing to complain about. They're pathetic.

>I can't come up with any actual reason that console gaming is better than pc gaming so instead i'll just spout some anecdotal bs

Hardcore gamers don't have to just be on PC either. You can have a huge collection of games and just because they aren't digital and installed on a PC doesn't make you any less of a gamer.

I think this whole fued is stupid and was originally a joke that got outta hand. Kinda like the MLP thing.


I don't think you understand that PC doesn't consist wholly of "hardcore" gamers and console doesn't consist wholly of "casuals".

I think that you have just made a hasty generalization which leads your argument into fallacy.

Not to mention the corporate greed.
Trust me, I'm no socialist (I'm a fucking Jew when it comes to capitalizing), but the corporations that work in console gaming are just fucking greedy.
First you pay enough money you could buy a used car for one console. Then you buy like thirty games for it. Then the next console comes out, and you have to basically pay the cost of another used car for it. Buy like twenty games. Next console comes out, waste money on that, buy a whole fucking collection of games and yet the console you play them on is worth more than the whole fucking collection. Next console comes out, repeat.
It fucking sucks man. It's why I'm a PC gamer, because you're not going to get blackmailed to buy another better computer that costs as much as a shitty used car to restart everything on unless you want to actually play ARK: Survival Evolved.

1111 never lies




>whole fued is stupid and was originally a joke that got outta hand
Well some people make too big of a deal about the issue, but that's true of anything.
I don't really care enough to try to change anyone's mind on the matter, but it's true that there is no real reason to be playing on consoles anymore.

maybe instead of "better" or "Worse" its just different strokes for different dicks.

All Xbox games from now on will be backwards computable.

Scorpio is going to be amazing.

> Some people don't care if it's dubstep or Country Music, They want to hear music.
These "some people" you speak of don't exist. You don't just "play games", you have a specific type you're into

There isnt, you're correct. Not a consistent reason anyway. Exclusives are about it and I know full well PC is better but it's just retarded to argue about it, from both sides. Get over it and game. No reason to quarrel.

Not that user I play all three. PC for when I have to babysit my regiment on warband consoles for when I have my brothers over and we Co op and get drunk. Reason enough for me to play console.

Justin Bieber is just as good as Beethoven. Different strokes.





Pc gaming is for uber nerds, scumbag pirates, and poor people waiting for Steam summer sales.

because your console doesnt have a silicium chip and memory that can be directly compared to a pc?

you are ignorant and all of your opinions are based on some biased "feelings" you have because you've already invested too much in something lackluster

this applies to most of the people in here

I want to enjoy them too. 60 FPS and good details are a minimum.
>At least im white
XB280HK Gsync 4K
on a 780tI
I'm going to spend 1000 when the 1080Ti comes out. Not wasting momey this time, I buy the real deal Classified with waterblock for ME:Andromeda.

Actually current generation consoles are pretty much locked down PCs

>poor people

Pick one

that's what exactly he's saying, but thanks for trying

I guess I'm not allowed to respect that some people like console better than PC just because it suits them better.

if inferiority suits you better then knock yourself out

Yeah I'm currently on the Samsung 28in 4k monitor but 60hz just ain't cutting it. I need 100hz, gsync, curve, and ultra wide.

>ya dig

no it is a bullshit reason, if you like something because you feel better you are an emotional faggot of a human being that lives his life according to his animalistic urges rather than his human potential he was gifted. use your brain or kill yourself. idc actually just stay far away from me

Even my shit PC can be upgraded to be better than a console. These parts are worth less than 100 €. I put in my old Titan X once and played BF4 in 4K on it, worked, even though bottlenecked through the CPU and 4 GB DDR2. 40 FPS drops @4K are still better than shitty Xbox.

If I was forced to use consoles I would always choose the PS4, it can at least do 1080p.

A PC is really just a bigger upfront cost with plenty of savings in the long run. A lot of old games are on PC that you probably would have missed on console that are literally 2 bucks on steam right now that will last you hundreds of hours.

80% of PC GPUs on Steam are weaker than Xbox One.

Poors go to PC for it's low entry point and ease of pirating.

I have 12 home consoles and the only pc games I have ever played are the Age of Empires series and Rise of Nations.

>not using a hairband to fixate your ssd

i am disappoint son

I don't see a problem with this. I'm more of a casual gamer, and all I really need to fulfil my needs is a PS4. I could honestly care less about FPS or shit like that. Plus, PC gamers can't play game like Uncharted or TLOU so suck it nerds.

I don't get the high Hz meme, especially at 4K I would like to see a GPU that can handle 60 FPS. I sold my Titan X for this reason and suffer on 3 GB VRAM since, but I'm not spending a shitload of cash on something that can't deliver this experience.

I'm going to get the ACX 1070 as soon as it becomes avaiable, it should be still worth around 400 next year and do high settings relatively 'cheap'.

Gaming PCs don't have to be super expensive if you don't want to go extreme like this guy About 400-500 bucks for the whole machine are enough to beat consoles

that's why you'll never get to play bloodborne faggot. I play both pc and console because I'm not a elitist fag.

With my PC I can play the majority of the games from all 12 of the consoles you own

A level playing field for online multiplayer suits me
A reasonable cost suits me
The ability to buy second hand consoles/games that aren't 10 years outdated suits me
The simplicity of coming home, pressing a single button and jumping into a game straight away suits me

You're a fucking retard if you believe consoles have no advantages over pc

Nah that's exactly what he wasn't saying.

They can be directly compared to a PC hardware wise. They're castrated PCs.

I know, I always recommend to buy 2000 or 3000 i5/i7s combined with a 290(X). Extreme performance and only 300 €. I am not joking, you can get these old parts dirt cheap, if you don't expect them to look good. Spend 500 and you can even buy a nice case, PSU, RAM, SSD.

If you're not smart enough to build your own pc, you're not smart enough to play games right. I expect people on PC to be able to play as a team, you don't get that with the squeakers on console. As such pc is better if you care about the games itself

Xbox is only $300

And don't forget these machines can be also used for professional work, browsing, converting, anything.

Boys, I have exclusively played console for the past few years and just a few months ago I built my own pc. You have to spend $1000 dollars to REALLY see the difference between PC and console and I think that some people don't see that as a "fun" gaming experience.

I adore my PC and I will never go back to console because that is what suits me. I'm sure there are plenty of people who find that consoles suit their gaming needs better than a PC.


All these points are bullshit, though.

Xbox is shit. Their GPU is around a HD 7770, the 290X I mentioned has 4x the performance. Even a 280X (~100 €/$) has 2.5-3x.

That's because they sell at a loss to lure you in.

The money comes from the expensive games.

That's a prime example of a fine man.

>1000 bucks to see the difference

You did something wrong m8.

Xbox one can barely do 1600x900p. Do you hoesntly believe your statement in the year 2016?

>implying there aren't squeakers on pc

Consoles are filled with poor squeakers. PC is filled with entitled squeakers with rich parents.

Scorpio is going to be a 6TF beast, but I can't see them selling it for less than $500.

Explain or fuck off, you can't refute a well built argument just by saying 'no you're wrong'

Fucking retard

>A level playing field for online multiplayer suits me
like there aren't hackers on consoles
>a reasonable cost suits me
consoles are unreasonably priced for the hardware you're getting
>the ability to buy second hand
for like 90% of the original price, whoopee
>The simplicity of coming home, pressing a single button and jumping into a game straight away suits me
this is literally nothing. I turn my computer on with one button as well

Wait, what?

PC gamers are mostly poor Europeans.

I previously had 980 sli for 4k but the 4gb vram held me back. Once you turn off post processing and all the ambient bullshit 4k is easy. My current 1080 will run gta 5 at 4k maxed excluding AA at 4x rather than 8x. 1080 sli will destroy 4k gaming.

I think it's more a collection thing than just the easiest way to play the most games. I just enjoy having lots of different consoles and physical games, as do most of the console gamers I know.
I want to try pc gaming it just seems super hard to get into if you haven't grown up with it.

>A level playing field for online multiplayer suits me
Same on PC

>A reasonable cost suits me
PC is cheaper if you buy more than a few games

>The ability to buy second hand consoles/games that aren't 10 years outdated suits me
Don't buy DRM ridden shit. I don't know how it is where you live, but in Germany you can go to the store and buy a physical copy.

>The simplicity of coming home, pressing a single button and jumping into a game straight away suits me
Same on PC


I went in and spent about $500. The only difference that you can make out is that my PC has and FPS counter and my PS4 doesn't.

If you aren't going to buy the game at launch, why buy it at all?

People waiting for games to go half off or more are pathetic.

plus, then you have to pay a subscription fee every month on top of what you paid for the console if you want to play games online
funny how nobody's nickel-and-diming me every month for playing my PC games online

i got what my friends got

99% of enjoyment i get from gaming comes from playing with friends


Also samefag

50 bucks a year is nothing when you get multiple games each month for free. That's just PS Plus, I'm not shore about Xbox Live.

this argument isnt console exclusive, other than you being peer pressured into buying something suboptimal, why were you such a cuck and let them convince you rather than you showing them that its better to spend money on a pc? right i know why, because you and your friends both are too retarded to use common logic

How is it a level playing field on PC?

Everyone is using different hardware, inputs, different FPS, and there's the constant wonder if your competitors are hacking.

None of that applies to console gaming.

>free indi games

Enjoy angry birds friend

Than get monopoly and play that with your friends. You're paying 400 bucks for 1% of enjoyment.

Why? Maybe they're not so fucking desperate they can wait a couple extra months and save a bit of cash they'd spend on something else.

Level playing field in terms of performance you cocksucker, online pc gaming at its heart is pay to win, what chance dies the entry level guy playing at 900p 60fps have against the richfag playing at UHD 144fps?

Pc people keep saying this but every time they post an example of a 'console killer' it ends up costing at least 200-300 more than a console where I live

>90% of original price
This isn't even an argument, anyone with a brain wouldn't buy a second hand anything at 90% of original price, fuck off

I'll consede the last point because technically you're right, even though consoles ARE more straightforward