White girls need to stop having sex with White guys

White girls need to stop having sex with White guys.

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What you are seeing now all over the western world, right wing parties getting to power, trump going to win, etc.. Its all a direct cause from the lefts ridiculous fascism and muslim/tranny loving. If they keep pissing white people, you are gonna see what happens and it'll be muchworse than the holocaust.





Are you using race to justify your inability to get laid?


this is nice

... and you niggers need to die.

We'll have a WWIII in our lands (i'm european). It will be a war of religion and race, a survival war payed with our blood and suffering again.

The System is looking for it. Why? is a nonsense but i'm ready for the clean up with no mercy. The main problem are the mixed babies...take a look of southamerica or northafrica, you'll understand why they want a mixed specie with a small white jew elite (since WWII they're our owners).

Well, in my opinion the main problem and target to destroy are the race traitors.

I'm going to need the sauce OP

Gay porn pages


Femanon here, why do so many white guys think us white girls like black men?

For one thing, I've never seen an attractive black guy in my entire life. And I don't actually know any white girls that like black guys, or have been with black guys. It's a general consensus with all the girls I've known that black guys are completely unattractive.

They have ugly, primate-like facial features, with those fat ugly noses and elongated skulls. Their skin tone is extremely unattractive, and their skin tends to be oily with a bad smell. Their hair is fucking disgusting, that ugly sheep hair, and the way their body hair pills up has legit almost made me puke before. They sound HORRIBLE. The way they talk is such a massive turnoff I can't even explain. That ghetto, lazy, retarded way of talking makes my pussy shut like a steel trap. The music they listen to is garbage and a turnoff, if I'm ever with a guy and he starts playing some retarded mainstream rap I'm just giving up on the guy altogether. Their personality and the way they act, dress and carry themselves just baffles me, I honestly don't understand why people accept it, they're literal savage barbarians with ugly skin and shitty clothes.

Listen, cucks, we don't like black guys, stop pretending we're just going to them in droves. I don't know if you guys have a fetish for black men "stealin' yo wemens" or if you're legitimately attracted to black guys and imagine yourselves as white girls, then project that degenerate fetish onto us real white girls, but you need to stop. I live in a pretty big city, and I RARELY see a black guy with a white girl, and the ONLY times I do see it is when the chick is either extremely trashy, extremely unattractive, or both. Fuck black guys, and not the way you want us to.

and kikes/the JIDF need to stop these pointless race mixing threads

Pleasure to read. 10x femanon.. spot on with the talking and rap shit

Everybody know white girls don't like black dudes. Only a chaotic crazy one or an absolute desesperate girl would chose a black instead a pet for sex.

And, having a shitskin son? what madness. Don't believe in internet or media, absolutelly none of my women friends likes blacks. Stinky, ugly, chaotics and so unnatural for dating.

The dick size is a forced myth from the media. Only a retarded would believe it.


Rebel lady with daddy issues.

>Are you now mad, dad??

9 months later, cries for ever...alone taking care of her shit.


Black women need to stop having sex with Black guys

Sauce please my good man

No, they must have sex only with blacks (i mean breeding). As like as asians with asians, europeans with europeans and the rest if we want keep the rightful diversity of our specie.

The racewar have no sense, the true enemies are the System leaders and traitors.

Its for their own good. Black men suck.

Black women are the same as black men, with tits and a dark pussy.

Your pic related is the same as . You know is a disturbing paraphilia.

Miscegenation is the worst curse for the humankind. With blacks, usually sex means babies because they don't have self control. Or AIDS.


come visit b porn general.

And start having sex with Jared leto

That guy is the biggest joke of a human being


in europe they slowly are


Oh look, a nigger bait thread again

Sounds like you guys need some Leto

Dead fish eyes sucking tiny dicks.

Porn is nor real life, and those payed junkie hookers in USA don't represent anyone of Europe or White Race.

Typical photoshop creation of a obssesed sissy white and fat cuck. A corrupted mind lost.

6/10 would chuckle through again

Your silly my friend.

Why so serious? XD lol

Both are white, lol

Leto does not approve

kek if that pic is true, its pointless Sup Forums hates everyone and is the violent retard who just wants to satisfy his primal urges, it would backfire on all the nice white people.

I'm White and I'm trying to beat them at their game. Black pussy is great.

You must be smarter than blacks. Keep your dignity and spread the right word.

Fuck white pussies as you must white boy.

Cant wait to see whiteys kicked out of there lands. #blacklivesmatter #killallwhites

Lol I've already won.

That b8 tho


"Forbid the Whites to mate with Whites. The White Women must cohabit with members of the dark races, the White Men with black women. Thus the White Race will disappear, for the mixing of the dark with the White means the end of the White Man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark peoples."

Leto kills niggers.

Whiteys are inferior to us blacks they only stole our technology

We ALWAYS win. All the world have the western mark.

Leto the nigger destroyer

You Jew faggots sure love nigger dick.


Rape technology is the only thing niggers came up with.

Butt hurt nigger detected.

I'm also stealing your women

Do you even read, bro?

Leto does not waste time on such things.


Leto will rape all nigger men

>Whiteys are inferior

The act of race mixing used to be considered a mental disorder. Technically it still is, but due to PC retardation it has been watered down to seem less malignant. Whites are superior on every spectrum of testing, and are naturally inclined to avoid the darker, less civilized races. We are nearing the end of left wing oppression, the writing is on the wall. Non whites will find the near future quite unpleasant.

>White girls need to stop having sex with White guys.
Why? White people are the most beautiful and superior race, why are you Jewish cucks so obsessed of breeding whites out?

kek race mixing a mental disorder, you do realize mental disorder just means its not normal, nor that its wrong or anything.

I'll take one of each





choose one you faggot

Is this what people want to get rid of Beautiful white familys?

Lol so wait. Getting more varied and diverse genetic material for future generations. Is retarded according to you?
Lmao dude how many times have you fucked your cousin?
Is your dad both your uncle and your brother?
Dies your sister seem to resemble you waaaaaaaaaay to much?
Ya fucking inbred ignorant Down syndromed ass retard. What you should be trying to mix is more chromosomes for you and your inbred , the hills have eyes ass family.
See you the problem with america today.
You are uninformed, uneducated, Inexperienced, and down right stupid fuck speaking on things of science and life. Do us all w huge favor and kill yourself and your family. Your genetic stock is obviously contaminated by the dumbass chemical. Calling PC this and political that, just shows wtf you dont know about. Moron

Disgusting race mixing.He's obviously darker than his "wife".

He's introducing his mudskin genes into her pure white chalice, sullying the gene pool with his filth.

They should be put into camps for orderly disposal.

All white "men" should embrace their inner sissy cucks and bow to their superior black masters. Their place is down on their knees in girly clothes, sucking the beautiful black balls of their masters while their women get fucked and enslaved by huge black cocks. White women are the sex slaves and breeding bitches of black men, and white sissies are the worshipers and secondary fucktoys for their masters.

Let go of all of your masculinity and embrace your femininity. Wear high-heels and the girliest clothes you can buy, wear makeup and paint your nails, shave your body hair completely, take hormones and become a beautiful sissy girl, lock your pathetic white cocks in chastity cages, and get on your knees where you belong. Your women belong to black men, and they know it; now you just need to embrace your enslavement as well and become their sissy bitches.

You will be cucks. You will be sissies. You will be slaves. You'll learn to love sucking cocks, getting fucked in the ass, and cleaning the seed of your masters from the well-fucked pussies of white women. You will never fuck another woman again because you will become a sissy woman. Your life will be devoted to serving your black masters and being their slaves. You belong on the absolute bottom, below black men, below white women, the absolute bottom is the only fitting place for white sissy cucks.

If you are a white sissy cuck, share your love for your black masters ITT and tell us how much you want to serve them and let them claim the women that are rightfully theirs. Tell us how much you love being cucked and turned into sissies, and how your pathetic cocks deserve to be locked in chastity rather than fucking women.

Black cocks own white women. Black cocks own white sissies. Obey your masters.

You have my axe, user.

"See you the problem with America today... You are uninformed and uneducated"
I rest my case. Stop spending your time agonizing over whites, and you may accomplish something of your own. Besides crime and poverty.

How is the sentiment as endorsed in OP's picture not an endorsement of genocide?

soooo.. what the fuck, fuck off niggers dude, 2 days ago some big penis stole my bike, i knew it was a black one cuz now a fkin nigger of my hood is ridding a black-painted bike suspiciously identical to mine.



Sure I find many black women hot, but I would never allow myself to marry and breed with one, let alone fall in love with one.

It's a known fact that black people are less intelligent and so worse in western societies. I want what's best for my kid, so I will avoid a red flag when I see it fam.

Keep your faggot fethish to yourself jamal!


Average nigger

>More varied and diverse genetic material for future generations.

Chaotic mixture is chaotic. A cruel involution for an human.

Ask it to Venezuela, Colombia, Argelia, Brazil and those multiracial mixeture failure. Truth is stranger than fiction.

What are you talking about incest, filthy mongrel? suffer your third-world dna retarded shitskin.

A miscenegated society is fucked up forever. Facts are facts, stadistics are facts. We can see on streets every fucking day.




>Sup Forums

Also, deeply frustrated too with white society and their cursed lifes. It's hard your parents and family are different from you.

Lol, he's trying... what? all his "possesions" are a rented white trash meat and all those white inventions.

What a jerk. He hates himself so hard.

Stop being ignorant.


He's simply a stupid low iq semihuman. I bet he's brown skin.




Oh here we go. Europe needs to stop being white even though the whole world tries to migrate there illegally to have a small taste of what whites built! Lol, get fucked niggers. Baste in your crime, poverty, corruption and low IQs.

Hitler where are you? Come back! We need you Hitler!