Why are white girls so into black guys?

Why are white girls so into black guys?
All my swedish girlfriends hook up with black guys when we go out.

It's kinda risky, "against the grain" rebellious etc.

It's like why does the girl next door try out what it's like to do porn? Just to shake things up a little.

>All my swedish girlfriends
Nice meme m8

>Why are white girls so into black guys?

They're really not.

Stop perpetuating this myth. Some people find them attractive but it is a very small and very loud minority.

It's a fetish

similar to beasiality

>female friend always talks about kinda wanting to try a black guy
>expects him to have a huge dick
>finally get around to it
>he's below average
>smells weird and doesn't give her any good sex
>she's put off at the mere thought of them now
I'm not saying there's no nice/hot black guys, there definitely is. But notice how there's only around 3-4 black porn actors in any of the mainstream stuff? They can't find any others that are "clean" enough to fit the bill to make the white actresses do anything with them.

Leto hates niggers.

Kill all niggers.

Leto the nigger destroyer

Elin Krantz...

Leto the uncuckable


>this myth
Denial yo

Mad nigger detected.

Fetish=what you happen to be into

Just admit they love black guys, not to me ...to yourself

There's no evidence whatsoever to support the claim that girls are "so into black guys". And please don't start linking studies on porn sites and the like, you'll just embarass yourself.

>Affirmation of denial will turn into denial

And so the cycle of cucks and black power faggotry continues.

You wanna dig with apes and outdated agricultural equipment, go right the fuck ahead Tyrone, as for me and most of society, we want to intermarry and breed with those that will carry on our lineage and ensure reproductive success.

Fuck off Sup Forums take your propaganda and gtfo

Mad nigger detected.

Same reason most guys want to fuck a black woman.


Not even close to mad
My gf is Asian
I'm good with life

Just sad to see all this rationalization you guys use to deal with losing women you don't even own.

Truth is most the women you know in life will have a black dick inside them in life..they won't tell you because you are insecure and everyone can tell.

>Same reason most guys want to fuck a black woman.

Said no man, ever.

Yes because youve physically went around in a neutral presence and asked every single white woman why. You know even though common sense screams otherwise. Cant have your ego being damaged no sir, cant have that. So we have to have women's preferences coincide with how much dick envy you have. Cause your a dude. You know exactly how women think , act, and feel. Especially when it comes to black dudes.

Lmao you fucking lil dick fag

>that will carry on our lineage and ensure reproductive success.

The white birthrate has been in the negative since like 07

>dat success

Truth is, weeaboo, your concubine wife wishes roundeye husband have dick bigger than fisherman and salaryman back on ronery island. But she not say of anything to you about it. She cook and let you try to be the man you pretend to be.

Project some more of your insecurities in the thread user, its interesting to see.

Butthurt virgin cracker neckbeard alert.

>Of course you'd post joker pics.

>Lmao you fucking lil dick fag

Love the projection. Sorry you have a small penis. Sorry you find black penis attractive, honestly it's disgusting and most women agree.
Sorry you find strength in appropriating a fad of white chicks flirting with rapers because this fucked up generation finds it cool. However, few actually fuck a nigger, and when they do often cry rape, and almost never marry one. So, your "common sense" liberalspeak as about as relevant here as with gun control.

You are literally a joke dude. Give it up.

>try to be the man you pretend to be.

This guy still thinks all black men live in Compton with a ak 47 and some drugs.
What else man you think I drive a Cadillac lol. Wake up idiot,you think your sister learning to twerk to attract white guys?

No I didn't, but there is plenty of data from dating sites, visual appearance rating sites, etc that back it up. Thanks for trying though it was cute.

In occupied California and the valley of Texas. Elsewhere for most of the country where Anglos dominate and run things, we're doing fine. Thanks.

Perhaps you should move back to your Third World shithole and try to improve things there than live here and pretend you're superior when we all know that you are not.

Someone loves Leto's dick.

>We get it, princess. You can't wait for your boyfriend to put out his new clown movie.

white girls ain't exactly smart...

Cause the Internet never lies

12 year old detected.

This is not a MYTH. I live in Sweden and I see white girls with black guys EVERYDAY.

>most women agree.
>fad of white chicks flirting with rapers because this fucked up generation finds it cool.
>few actually fuck a nigger,
Bro damn near every in my suburban area has sucked a black dude at least
I'm a female in cumming georgia which is like 80% white. Honestly race is stupid, noone is even hiding it.

No you drive a Pontiac and have no idea what that means. And I have no idea how you took a slight at marrying an Asian at equating that to the toiliet that is South LA. You're the one doing that.

Again, few whites find blacks attractive. If that hurts your feelings, no one gives a fuck.

Your country is failing. You let frigid women and traumatized post-WWII refugees turn your country into a failing state. It's sad.

>, we're doing fine.

Google is your friend man

>plenty of data
>posts none of it

Lol your a fag. A woman is a woman wether shes black , white , or green. Pussy is pussy.
If your being picky about pussy, all " ewwww it's different "
The you sir are a New fag.
That modern day fag whos so worried about what the fuck the next faggot ass dude MIGHT say about his choice in women that he limits himself to fit in or mot upset the Next fag.
All the while being a big fat pussy as they get none.
Then it turns into racial hatred and then age and then what part of the state or country their from.
That fag suburban mentality. All because they dont want to upset the next fat fag who obviously isnt getting any himself.
That whiteboy shit.
Fact is pussy is pussy as a man you shouldnt care where its from , just that it has quality and that its a real pussy.
But as you like to do. You have " feelings" about different pussies. Fucking fag.

>mfw when your a angry weeb in the basement.

Don't listen to that faggot, I've yet to see a white girl with a black guy. Most of them aren't even proper blacks either, they're sandniggers who are arguably the least attractive race on the planet

Swedish girls only get sexually harassed by black guys. 0% non-degenerate white girls in Sweden fucks dirty niggers.

merica fuk ya

>cumming georgia

Teenagers fucking around with each other is not the subject. Chicks are eating pussy like nothing tattoos on 15 year olds, and straight dudes are jacking off together and this is considered normal now. Experimentation is way wilder now. However, back to OP, um, no white girls do not generally prefer black men. That is a lie and utter bullshit. Troll biat.

You live in Forsyth County, Georgia. Where the KKK was founded. Love it.

White girls by nature don't seek out other races, there have been countless debunks. White girls who pretend to BE niggers however

Leto will destroy you. XD faggot.

Wow with sources like that where can I go wrong? Can't wait to see further evidence of your scholarship. LOL dude, just stahp.

actually I drive a wrx and work for Catapillar
We are married ...and guess what all her friends are married to black men. I asked them why. They said the American white man is very weak and feminine so the obvious choice is black men or asian.

Bet your girl learned how to twerk for those girls night n outs....hahahh

Soooo lol your a fag. You sunce you know , " most" women agree.
Lol yeahhhhh you are mad
Awwww i hurt lil timmy's lil dick feelings awwwww. Maybe kill yourself? Lol

Can someone please translate this basement dwelling internet dialect of English? It's written like a 23 year old virgin with 5" of pubic fat and grease pores literally oozing and struggling to get out of its digusting body.

Your not even a black guy

that's lies being spread by racist white butthurt virgins.

Most white girls approve of immigration and black guys. and fuck them too.

This is in Sweden? I figured it's a small country so whenever something sensational happens, it's national news there. Is your hospitality and polite structured society awkwardlly being explioted by Somalians and other wild refugees?

I'm black and live in alpharetta I'm 25 and literally fucked about 150 white girls that had white bigot bfs. They kept it secret, one is married to a white guy that hates black people and I fuck her a few times a month.

Ok this has been waiting for years to do correctly. Image, related. Also, you might want to know how to correctly spell the name of your alleged employer: Caterpillar.

But then again, you're not in a position where you're paid for what you think, you're paid for what you are told to do.

It's no secret
More whites are dying than being born
More whites have have ping trouble conceiving

Guess what that usually means

1/10, best I can do man.

Because they crave for huge cocks.

Looks like the only destroying Leto will do will be your anus, you closet fag.

Wazzup guys. My name is jamal brown and i am here to apologize to all of you people.
Over the last year i was posting racebaiting threads about us black people stealing all yo white wemen. I was mad well and let my blind emotions take the best of me. Now i see that it was childish and stupid. I am very sorry. White people are cool. Some of us black folks also dont like it when white boys take our black girls. But its all cool. Not all of us have big dicks. Some whites are bigger that us. Guess iz da way you are born. Take care and sorry again. Peace. Jamal out.

Auto correct fucked it up

I'm a pea tech
Power envelope assembly

Faggot get cucked by a Jew.
>mfw when no one in this thread is black.

Mfw when your getting cucked by Leto raps we speak

Heres a translation you're sure to understand.
You love cock
You love it so much you think about it all day
So much so that your mad white girls might getting more cock or possibly the cock you wanted.
So you thought it would be good to make the black cock you crave seem , ewwy, so you can have them all yourself.

Lol Grats. You are a fag.

truth doesnt need threads after threads over and over trying so hard to force an image
only lies need that
you need all the mainstream media pushing monkeys and racemixing and even with all that apparatus its still not a thing
your race is pathetic, as long as you keep being a tool in the hands of happy merchants you'll never acomplish anything

How many pictures of this faggot have you saved?

>Fap to something else, you edgy faggot.


I'm Canadian and literally fucked about 150 black girls that had nigger bfs. They kept it secret, one is married to a nigger guy that hates Canadian people and I fuck her a few times a month.

That's not your face. That's the face you look up at when you're suckling dick.

Dem trips

Because they're better at sex. White guys are usually pathetic.

>being a lying cunt
Döda dig själv landsförädare

Jamal, you look concerned. I recommend a nap and please start using sunscreen. We wish you well and a fantastic weekend.

Nice trips, and I hate when people say that. Just focus on your job and not the bullshit of media hype.

Thank you. I was confused what aspect of "fag" used 205 times meant and when irony went to actual allegations of homosexuality. That cleared it up for me.

Sure it does...about white girls preferring black guys. I'm from Atlanta there is literally nearly 3 black guys for every white girl here but you rarely see white girls with black guys and even more rare is to see a white girl that's actually even semi attractive with a black guy...I see way more black girls with white guys. And this is the birth place of civil rights....cant fool me guise.

>can't rebuttal point made
>noone here is black
Hahahah okay man I'm white


North Fulton?

ATL is really a weird place.

Just stay the fuck out of Dekalb and south of the connector. Teeth start to diminsh and so does any semblance of civilized society and order.

tldr fagot

Well thsts because 6 out of 10 men in atlanta are gay. Lol gg

That's because you live in a bubble and you think your tiny world is representative of everything.

>I remember when I was 12...

That's what you get for letting niggers run loose and breed like rats.

I graduated from chattahoochee in johns creek man.
You guys can't tell me white girls don't like black guys. I have been to too many football team parties and seen plenty of 9/10 proudly dating black guys.


Jag är realist.

Lol thats cause fags dont read and cant sit still for longer than 2 mins. I think it has to deal with the anal gaping you fags get. Gg tho for being a champion of your people in a thread about white women.

We be takin all de Swedish Boyz too!

>Webm made from a gif that is older than the internet

Guess what color the gang members are in japan?

My "tiny world" has 6 million people and should be the Mecca of black guys with white girls....but there is no evidence of that I'm a delivery driver and I drive all over the city for 55 hours a week or so for 10 years..so please tell me more about how small my sample size is

Yeah like 1 or 2 out of your entire school maybe and they will be total trash after high school guaranteed

6 out 10 men in atlanta are gay. Thats 60 % dude. Thats how.

>You guys can't tell me white girls don't like black guys. I have been to too many football team parties and seen plenty of 9/10 proudly dating black guys.

Yeah well over by Pace and Westminster that's a great way to throw away your life. What happens among the borders of poverty and opportunity is a different thing. Also, teenagers showing up standing next to a black dude does not mean she is either fucking him or wants to exclusively be with black men, which at once upon a time, was the point of this thread.

Bor du i en jävla negerhåla eller en vanlig stad? För om du bor i en vanlig stad så är majoriteten av vita tjejer ihop med vita killar inte negrer

>Webm made from a gif that is older than the internet
>recording date clearly visible in the webm

Paraphilia,you mean. Because this is insane and unnatural.

>New fag
>Next fag
>fag suburban mentality
>fags dont read
>anal gaping you fags

Don't you idiots at Westboro have anything better to do? I smell a mental health warrant in your future dude. You gots some major issues.

I live in Brazil, niggerland, niggercountry, brownzil
and even here no one wants to hook up with blacks
only blacks that manage to get white girls are very famous soccer players and still all they can get is whores interested in their money
the regular black dudes have to settle with some shit coloured fat girl or play with their hands, white girls dont like brown people

also explain the rape numbers, its the only way those people will ever touch a white girl
while white rapes on black girls is nonexistant

Jag bor i stockholm din idiot.
Svenskor knullar invandrare i mängder ska du veta.