So interesting life story tonight

So interesting life story tonight.
A friend of mine, a pregnant and single chick is overdue and wants to give birth already, I jokingly say she should have sex. She says she doesn't need the sex just the sperm cause that causes the hormone reaction. So I joke back saying want mine?

Nek minit I'm giving her a cup with a load of my cum, she takes it into the other room and pushes it up inside her.

She's currently giving birth.


Other urls found in this thread:

you're a fag and you should have fucked her

I have a girlfriend that would be cheating. We didn't do anything together this way

i dont believe you, explain more

Friendzoned yourself and gave up your manhood. Gj Bby. Should have moby dicked her.

should have told her you don't need to give birth either

Being that much of a beta. I hope she takes you to court for childsupport.

Lol kys


As I said I already have a gf, if I fucked her that would have been cheating. This way we didn't really do anything , just helped her out

>Being that much of a beta. I hope she takes you to court for childsupport.
kek. he probably offered already

so, I assume you told your girlfriend then?

Hell no lol

Ask your girlfriend if she considers your cum in another chick cheating or not.

On the issue of whether or not cum induces labor, it's an interesting theory but could be coincidence. Will need further studies to confirm or deny.

"Hey, I gave my friend a bunch of my cum to shove in her vag, im not cheating though"

people are this retarded

It's no different to being a sperm donor Sup Forumsro

Moar preggos.

Infact it's even less than that cause it's not for pregnancy at all. Just to induce labor

>She says she doesn't need the sex just the sperm
>giving her a cup with a load of my cum
>takes it into the other room and pushes it up inside her
It's so fucking scary that people with this mental capacity are having kids. Holy fuck

how does sperm induce labor? what is the science behind this?


semen contains a hormonelike substance called prostaglandin, which is used in synthetic form to induce labor.
Having said that studies say nup

Except when you were jacking it you got off on the idea it was going to go up your chick friend

But that definition you're cheating every time you jack of in the shower to the thought of your sister.

And FYI it was to a /b fap thread

Maybe she wasn't pregnant at all. Perhaps it was an elaborate ruse to get your nut up her.
Congratulations you're a daddy

Sorry trap not fap. Typo

Your new baby will be Transgender now

But the semen in contact with the O2 it's useless...

Well it seems to have worked

She will have a stillbirth and you'll be to blame. Well done retard.