Is being black life in hardmode? I have never had a black friend so im wondering if its true...

Is being black life in hardmode? I have never had a black friend so im wondering if its true. Are any blacks here who can elaborate further on this topic?

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its life on easy mode breh

i imagine its like playing unarmed in dark souls

>mildly buff by default, not skilled enough to use it
>not enough int. to use awesome magic/science skills
>walking around hometown, random spikes/bullets kill you and ruin your playthrough


you literally get paid to be black

>be nigger
>government gives you everything
>activist groups make everyone feel sorry for you
>everyone treats you with false respect because you're of colour

>be nigger
>cant understand abstractions
>nothing you just said is usefull to them

its only useful to be black if you arent black.

knew one black guy in my 99% hispanic town.
his parents where from kenya. he told me one time how everything always about being black.
its good to be black
its bad to be black
its because hes not black enough
its cuz hes too black

i could see how black people might get upset over this constant reminder of being black.

social life was easy for him. everyone in the school wanted to be friends with the black guy cuz racism is bad.

Alright, not a single person in this thread is Black. Can we get a fucking Black opinion in this thread?


>Can get into college because black
>Get jobs because black
>BLM will defend you no matter what you do
>Cry racism for anything and problem goes away
Blacks have it easy these days

yeah literally

meaning, if you are black you can get right on fucking welfare

There has to be one stealing a computer as we speak

Black opinion: I have it so hard because I cant sell my crack without getting arrested, and the govt isnt giving me enough welfare to buy my rims.

What a time to be alive, man,

This type of generalizations is why it's hard to be black.

But I ain't mad

No you can always play the race card

You mean facts? Sorry if the truth hurts.

> constant remind
they do it to themselves. the too black, not black enough shit. that's all them.

if they try to be smart, they're acting white and not black enough. the girls shit in eachother if they don't have "the good hair" aka not nappy. they put eachother down over how light or dark they are, etc.

all the while white people just want them to act like normal people, mind their own business and stop killing/assaulting everyone both verbally and physically.

So it's a fact all blacks sell crack?
How's middle school bro?

I've never been any other race so I can't weigh in on if it's harder than any other, but if you're black you pretty much lose all of your "benefits" the further you get out of the ghetto, disregarding how there are more poor whites on welfare than black people.

Contrary to popular (only on Sup Forums) belief, you don't get any sort of leniency for being black outside of black communities. I didn't get any scholarships just for being black, and frankly I don't know anyone who has. Scholarships from the NAACP or UNCF are limited to like 1000 people total, out of millions trying to attend college, so it's a moot point.

You have to deal with everyone either being threatened by you, or intentionally trying to intimidate you because they're threatened by you. People have this weird perception that SJWs have caused black people to be put on a pedestal. That's retarded, as SJWs don't even talk to black people, which is why they keep getting offended over stupid shit black people don't care about.

In the academic world, if you're not 1st in your class, you may as well be last, because otherwise nobody gives a fuck and you're still a nigger. For black people who want to be successful, you have to try harder and put more work in than each and every one of your white counterparts because you don't want to be seen as a lazy nigger so you overcompensate.

Then, once you're fully acclimated to "White America" (whatever that means), you have to publicly denounce black people to your white friends so they feel safe around you and you can finally get promotions and shit as the token black person who "isn't like the rest of them".

Is it the hardest thing in the universe? No. But people who have never actually met a black person seriously think black people are living the dream right now, which is based mostly on intense confirmation bias and general assholery.

Yup, those are usually the ones that are. I could ask you the same thing if you dont realize that most blacks are criminals.

>I've never met or seen a black person in person

Jesus christ just shut the fuck up.

Tell your mom

Shut the fuck up. I'm so tired of being disrespected on this goddamn website. All I wanted to do was post my opinion. MY OPINION. But no, you little bastards think it's "hilarious" to mock those with good opinions. My opinion. while not absolute, is definitely worth the respect to formulate an ACTUAL FUCKING RESPONSE AND NOT JUST A SHORT MEME OF A REPLY. I've been on this site for 6 months: 6 MONTHS and I have never felt this wronged. It boils me up that I could spend so much time thinking and putting effort into things while you shits sit around (probably jerking off to traps or whatever gay shit you like) and make fun of the intellectuals of this world. I've bored you? Good for fucking you. Literally no one cares that your little brain is to underdeveloped and rotted to comprehend my idea...MY GREAT GREAT IDEA. I could sit here all day whining, but I won't. I'm NOT a whiner. I'm a realist and an intellectual. I know when to call it quits and to leave the babybrains to themselves. I'm done with this goddamn site and you goddamn immature children. I have lived my life up until this point having to deal with memesters and idiots like you. I know how you work. I know that you all think you're "epik trolls" but you're not. You think you baited me? NAH. I've never taken any bait. This is my 100% real opinion divorced from anger. I'm calm, I'm serene. I LAUGH when people imply I'm intellectually low enough to take bait. I always choose to reply just to spite you. I won. I've always won. Losing is not in my skillset. So you're probably gonna reply "lol epik trolled" or "u mad bro" but once you've done that you've shown me I've won. I've tricked the trickster and conquered memery. I live everyday growing stronger to fight you plebs and low level trolls who are probably 11 (baby, you gotta be 18 to use Sup Forums). But whatever, I digress. It's just fucking annoying that I'm never taken serious on this site, goddamn.

Ive lived in black neighborhoods most of my life bud. Black culture glorifies crime, and most of them are into some kind of crime even if theyre working. Its just the way they are.

Not all blacks sell crack but all crack deals are black

>I have to do what white people do growing up.
that's all you said right there. we have to do all that shit and then still listen to how we somehow keep black people down and muh systemic racism.

> I've lived in the ghetto where crime is dominant regardless of race, so all black people are bad

No, you're retarded.

copypasta is the most tasta

>how there are more poor whites on welfare than black people.
doesn't understand numbers

you must be nigger

You're naive.

So half black then

Fucking this man.

I work at a shipping company and 90% of the people there are black. And almost all people working there have some sort of criminal record, nothing like murder or anything like that but a lot have gotten busted for driving while black, shit like fighting outside a bar, minor theft ect.

The almost sad part is that they have to work so hard at a terrible job with terrible pay where they are trying to get their life back together and go legit. I feel like a lot of white people can get second chances for fuckups they make when they are young but if you are black you are labeled a thug and get stuck in that cycle of crime, no jobs want them, more crime.

Black user here. It's Hard mode Depending On Your Circumstances and associates.

No, he's right. You're an idiot.

Nobody made them commit crimes, theyre in that situation because they made bad choices. They can get out of it if they apply themselves.

Hey we found another one, another retard heard from.

elaborate on how the dress and carry themselves though. I managed a call center when I first got out of college, 95% black employees. of those, probably 90% dressed like thugs, the other 10% spoke like thugs. the better employees were either white or asian by stats (call volume and customer satisfaction). I feel like how they present themselves holds them back more than anything.

Muh boner


You mean your special ed group?

I ran track and XC in college and had a number of black teammates (all the distance guys and throwers were white, all the sprinters and jumpers were black, go figure).

One of my black teammates explained being black to me this way. Being a black man is basically like being a fat girl with a pretty face. In almost any given social setting, be it a party or a club or whatever, people will find you entertaining, the life of the party, and you will find it very easy to be social. But when it comes to hooking up and getting laid, it sucks. There are only a small number of people at the party who are willing to even consider hooking up with you, and they're either fetishists or people with low standards, and they've probably hooked up with all of your other pretty fat girl friends. You're not a person to them, you're an idea. Nobody without issues wants to date you. The ones who will hook up with you will do WHATEVER you want, and will brag about how great you are and say that everyone else who doesn't share their preference for people like you is just a jealous hater. And that actually hurts to hear, because you know that it's actually them, the ones who find you attractive, that are desperately unhappy with themselves.

I wouldn't want to be a pretty but fat girl, and I wouldn't want to be a black man. I feel mostly pity for both.

I mean the white master race nuggah

Not all white people have been raised in the situation I grew up in, but most black people have. That's the issue. Going to black schools where the education quality is incredibly poor, living in a black neighborhood where everyone has already given up so they either aim for a rap career or a sports contract. Being put down by white people who think you're better than them, being put down by black people with a crabs-in-a-bucket mentality.

Then, to top it off, you have retards who are statistically racist. "Oh, I heard that 75% of Black people commit violent crimes! Let's hate and treat 100% of them like shit just to be safe! It's perfectly justified!", like most people on this site, for instance.

If you're in trouble, who are you going to run to? The police who won't believe you or will look for a reason to arrest you because all black people are bad? Your white neighbor who won't answer the door if you need assistance because all black people are bad? Your employer who hired you to fill a quota but in actuality doesn't want to do anything for you as far as assistance, training, or sharing news with goes?

If you leave the black community you're just one black speck in a sea of white faces. You either conform or you stay in the ghetto.

That's the difference.

>no jobs want them

every nigger I've worked with was shit at the job

True, but should something you did in highschool like selling pot on the side really drag you down for the next 10 years? I'm not saying it's impossible to dig yourself out of that hole, but the people I work with (the ones trying to straighten up) say that the odds aren't in your favor if you are black.

White master race? That's cute.

So black people arent special either? Holy shit. The internet exists, if they want to educate themselves they have every opportunity.

Admit it, it's a mixed bag.
Let's use education in the US for example.
>Black only scholarships
>Black only classes (eg. History)
>Percentage of grad school admissions reserved for blacks
>Black frats

Want me to go on?

Black schools have shit education

Yes, committing crimes will fuck your life up, and if being black in america is such a hardship they should know better than anyone. The odds are in everyone's favor, all you have to do is provide value for the world, that doesnt have a race.

Oh is it? Last I checked white people ran the world.

I'm black and I agree

We all wear uniforms so I really wouldn't know about their dress. Admittedly some talk and act in that stereotypical manner, but we deal with customers a lot even in the warehouse, most of them are very good at presenting themselves professionally in front of clients. Don't know how that translates to an interview or real professional environment.

Hey kids. Nigganon here. Being black has its pros and cons. People tend to automatically like or hate you when you're black. The problem I have with fellow black people is that we tend to be a victim culture. Meaning every misfortune that happens to us is because the white man is oppressing us. And we always associate white people with slavery because of past wrong doings and then when white people tend to be scared of black people(which is still wrong) we have a fucking hissy fit and post it on YouTube. Anyways I'm not hating on my race. I love being black. Goodnight.

Well, it's time to change shit around here.

I'm white and I can see she has a very biased point of view


if I have 100 dogs and 75 of them bite, are you going to put your hand near any of the dogs without having distrust?

no I'm not saying black people are animals, but let's look at the actual statistics. black people make up 13%ish of the US. they commit over half of violent crimes, but who commits those crimes? males usually. so you have roughly 6% of the population commuting over half the violent crimes, you're going to be look at with distrust because of what your peers have done.

about 3/4 of what you described is caused by black communities giving up, you even gave an example yourself. yet some how it comes back around to whitey keeping people down.

>who do we goto help for
other than emergency services, you literally have the world's information at your finger tips.

There's a large correlation of lack of male figures in inner city black household, lack of working with their children at a young age causes drop out rates to skyrocket and lose of interest in education.

Mexicans are treated worse than blacks, yet they don't have the same issues, why is this?

Depends if you act like a nigger or not.
If you be a normal person, and not a monkey
you do get respect. and better stuff.

Good luck with that, we're at the highest levels of everything, we've got this shit locked down. You cant just burn it down.

You mean public schools

and this is the only country were people come out of college dumber than when they went in

That's pretty spot-on and eloquently put. I'm surrounded by white people and am constantly complimented for my intelligence, but I honestly don't consider myself more intelligent than your average bear, so it really makes it seem like what they're saying it "Oh hey, you're not as loud or violent as every other black person! Hey, let's take a picture!". Which, some have just plain said something to that effect out loud, if not that exact sentence.

So whenever I had white people clamoring to be my friend, it wasn't because they just generally enjoyed my company, it was because I was the token black guy that proved they're not racist and totally "down with the struggle".

So basically, "Holy shit it can talk! Johnny you need to see this!". Granted, this isn't the case in settings with a good number of corporate black/mexican/asian people in one setting, but being one of like 3 black people in a group of 50 white people is like being placed in a petting zoo.

Every country left to pure black leadership has failed miserably

It's because of how black people grow up in getthos that are already filled with crime.

I'm not talking about burning it down though. Just going forward.

The internet which costs money which poor black people don't have. How often have you pursued research on your own on the internet anyway? How do they even know what to look for? If they want basketball scholarships, why would they be looking up quantum physics or something like that?

You're really struggling with these idea that not everyone starts on equal footing, and not everyone has the resources to get out of the situation they're in. This applies to every race: White, Black, Mexican, Asian, etc. Get your head out of your ass.

It is a mixed bag. I was lucky to not really suffer any hardship in Brooklyn tho

Libraries have free internet. Online education is becoming the norm, and if they want to better themselves its right there. Shit, I was homeless and I had access to the internet so dont give me that shit. The fact is theyd rather smoke weed and make babies they cant afford than work hard and make something out of themselves.

Yes, that's why we've got to start from the bottom and work up. Help poor first and make races more equal and then once education has betterd there will be people of all races fit to sit in the top.

The part where you have to overcompensate to not be lazy is in your head.

In a business world the decision makers dont care if a black guy is the guy making them all their money or white or etc. It's a numbers game and at tge end of the day people care how you perform. Just be better than everyone where other people can see you without stepping on toes and help everyone with things at work and you will be succeeding.

If you overcompensating makes you work harder then keep doing it because the real truth is that you or anyone else don't matter. People dont even care enough about you to hate a thing about you in corporate America the only thing that actually matters is how much money you can make them. This would be in labor saved. from driving efficiency. reducing waste . improvements to process. and performance

not the same person, but.
I pursue research on the Internet everyday.

>can't afford Internet
what are welfare cellphones.
what are public libraries.

the library especially, you have BOOKS as well as free Internet access now.

just more excuses...

Nigger, i grew up east side chicago as a fucking pale as fuck white boy. I was section 8 housing from crib to college. My mother was a waitress and my father was fuckibg dead from year one. We had no internet, no cable, no fucking books and i barely got home from school walking. From age 1 to 18 i was in the mother fucking ghetto. The goddamn jungle.

I now own my own house company and nice things that arent rims.

Either blacks cant get out cause they stupid, or they dont wanna get out. Only 2 fucking choices.

You're grossly underestimating how many black only scholarships there are.
There are absolutely no black only classes. If you're referring to black history, white people can and do attend.
Provide sources for grad school admissions
Fraternities can choose who to accept and who not to accept. There are far more fraternities with only whites in them than only blacks.

Please, go on.


I was poor as fuck for a little wihile and used the library for everything

they even had a large dvd section with movies tv series etc, used that bitch everyday

Being black isn't really hard, it just depends on where you live/grew up. I think for most though it's annoying. Since I didn't grow up in the ghetto (lower-middle class nig nog here), I can't speak for those in the ghetto. The thing that holds black people back is the defeatist mentality that's in them from birth. They grow up hearing how black people came to America as slaves, then lived under Jim Crow, and only excel at entertainment. For me when I first heard that I thought my life was over. I thought that all I could ever be good at was sports or rap because that was the niche I fit into. The non ghetto nig grows up seeing how bad the fatherless epidemic is in the black community. The nig learns history and sees the photos of black men during the civil rights era having to hold up signs saying they were men. Slavery destroyed true masculinity in the black community. The black man couldn't fulfill his masculine duties of protecting his family so he watched his wife get raped and children get taken away. He then tried to affirm his manhood 100 years later. So now the generation that is alive today is the byproduct of a failed system. They think selling drugs and acting like a thug makes them hard, when in reality, they never had a real father to teach them how to be a man. The black woman also whores herself out because the mother couldn't show her proper care because she had to raise 3 kids. The father could never shown her she was worth something so she tries to find solace in sleeping with every man she sees. It's a sad attempt to fill a void they don't know they have. Thankfully I recognized the problem early on and shook most of it off. Now I have a white gf and am living a happy life.

I would do more research. Where are all of these dogs biting? Oh, they tend to bite more often in areas populated by mostly the same type of dog? What's this, they're biting other dogs of their own breed more than any other breed of dog, but still in the same area?

Well, I guess I'd better avoid that area. If I see that breed of dog in my neighborhood, am I going to be cautious? Absolutely. But am I going to go around my neighborhood and on the internet and saying all of that breed is violent and needs to be euthanized? Probably not. And therein lies the difference.

The reason it comes back to whitey keeping them down, is due to a generational thing. Desegregation was less than 100 years ago, so there are still plenty of black elders who have firsthand witnessed and experienced oppression by white people whenever they try to get anywhere, so they retreat back to the ghettos and raise their children on this same concept.

Who is going to tell them they're wrong? The other black people who have never been outside of the ghetto?

Mexicans come from strong family communities. The entire family, as in 2-3 generations, are all living under one roof. They all help with the bills, the cooking, the cleaning, and the educating. This isn't the same for black, or even white culture. Asian, somewhat.

>In Flint


Location matters. Where you were homeless matters. You're also generalizing a race you know nothing about personally, and frankly refuse to learn anything about.

Yes, in the business world. You have to make it to the business world first, which you do by going through all the other worlds. Unless of course you aren't interested in business.

Seems like you are generalizing quite a bit, fagnon

It's life in stupidmode

There are libraries everywhere, if not in Flint in surrounding communities, its called a bus. I know plenty about black culture, you're just a faggot apologist making excuses for failure and weakness.

>Less than 100 years ago
>Still blacks around who witnesses it

Guess id do whatever the fuck i wanted to if my race discovered immortality

>Mexicans come from strong family communities
this just explains that it may or may not be harder for black people bc of their own ineptitudes in family living.

the other part, I'm something like 5 times more likely to be killed by a black stranger than I am a white stranger.

>inb4 more white people kill white people.
as a white person, if I'm killed by a white person, I more than likely know them.

Also explains why other races want them dead. No one wants a 1000 year old nigger in their neighborhood

What if I'm half black? But my skin color isn't Lol Oh shit U forgot about the Hispanic association that helps U get into school as well Lmfao

>Providing exceptions to every example
>Using exceptions as a rebuttal
I can tell someone didn't make good use of the United Negro College Fund.

Are you admitting you aren't aware of admissions quota systems?

The only thing hard about being black is other black people, and the fucking nonsense the culture instills.

Other than that, you're getting standards drop to meet your incompetency. So by white standards being black is easy.

>life in hardmode

Literally what are welfare cellphones. The problem with public libraries is, well, getting to public libraries, or even knowing where one is, if there is even one near you.

Good for you for pursuing research on the internet, but again, who is there to tell them to pursue research on the internet? If their education is complete shit from the beginning and no one is putting in any effort for textbooks that weren't produced in the 80s, how do they even know what to look up?

You could choose to look up the biology of a figg leaf, or you could look up dank memes, which makes you feel better about being in a shitty situation, which is what a majority of youth, regardless of race, tend to do instead.

Half black is still black, you can get yo gumint check
flint michigan public library.

you're welcome.

Black annon here also, Yea its fucking hard. I grew up in a middle class white neighborhood. Most white people treated me like shit, or did not take me seriously coming up (most still don't). I was never thug, or ghetto either, so I was treated equally as bad by other blacks..

Niggas need to get that dank meme/fig leaf biology hybrid up. I need that shit now

You mean being a white person entering a world of only yet more white people is easier and less intimidating than being a black person entering a world with increasingly fewer black people?


White people treat people like shit until they prove themselves to be worth something, it wasnt really your race. It keeps us strong.

Thats some funny shit.

i don't

any standard size city has a public library...

>who's going to tell them to pursue research
so you're saying they need someone in charge to tell them what to do? I mean parents usually do that, but even they need someone to tell them what to do?

the urge to learn is usually natural is human children.

Are you retarded? Your fucking great grandmother is older than desegregation. Why the fuck are you people dying at around 70?