What was his problem?

What was his problem?

>what was his problem?

what did he mean by this?

He cheated on the most beautiful woman in the world.

he didn't love her
other than cheating I think he handled it pretty normally

what was the reason why the detective couldn't call Amy out on her bullshit?

This, what the shit.

Not about the most beautiful but she was pretty much perfect in every way of life because she's a focused psycho.

Well I think she loved her the first years, then he was tired that she was succesful and he was fired and working with twin.

Woman privilege. Not even kidding.

surely there's more to it than that. Did all the other detectives in the hospital not hear how her story wasn't adding up?

Is she in any more good movies? I fell in love with Rosamund Pike after seeing this t.b.h.

They turned off their brains like it was a superhero movie because a woman was in a wheelchair, bloody and crying. Everyone in the room knew if they tried to call her out they would get white knighted to death in that room and all over the media. Most of them didn't even think that far, they just believed Amy and couldn't look past the surface to see her lies.

Married an absolute sociopath who is a master plan

>Woman privilege. Not even kidding.

This is why we need feminism. We need it to educate misogynistic shitlords like you that only men can have privilege because they hold the positions of power in the world. There is no female privilege because majority of the power in the world is in the hands of men.

I mean he did cheat on her with Emily whatchamacallit, that's pretty justified.

>tfw no amy dunne waifu

I feel like a fucking loser autist but if I had a gf like Amy she would keep me sharp with her mind games and help me realize my full potential

Getting married.

He wanted side up anti and his bitch didn't want any of that

>Cheat on wife
>Career and life is ruined, because you're a murderer.

Was this a bio-pic of Ben Affleck's real life post Batman vs Superman.

Look at how Amy wasn't questioned when the FBI were in the hospital because "le damaged frail rich wimmin", while the local detective tried to question her on her bullshit, they shut her (the DT) down.

Idk if it was privilege, but Amy was definitely playing the woman card to get away with her bullshit, when she should have gone to jail for being a psychotic manipulative murderer.

Requesting the shop where Snyder is missing

Was getting captured part of her plan?

no. she planned to either lay low or ultimately kill herself. she was just able to play it well once she did get caught. she was a dumbass for not leaving the shitty mini-golf motel as soon as that couple saw her money fall out.