Hey Steve

Hey Steve.

I wasn't lying about catfishing your wife, its going to take a year, but i'ma post that fucking slampig ass for Sup Forums to see.

and please, try and post your shitty rap video for views again... i'll be watching for your threads.

dis gon be gud

Kesrin. You know katie will never fuck you because youre a pathetic virgin beta. Though this will surely seduce a woman. And we all know that we split dog. Go right ahead.
You are so toxic to other people's relationships it's resonates like the dragon dildo up your own ass

i dunno what the fuck you are spouting...

She's a camwhore. You've been trying to make money off her. Extort and use her and harassing her. She fears the agency because you are callous monsters with no accountability. Youre an abuse virgin. Whos been friendzoned and rejected so bad that you cant move on. You need to grow up. How the fuck do people like you even exist. You live off of her being a whore. Without it, you're nothing and even so when reality sets in you will realize you truly are. You're a confirmed terrorist who lives in the fucking prairies. For fuck sakes guy, you make her look bad. Just stop. You've been doing it for years. She is better than you.

You never admit to it kid. You aren't man enough. Your a slime ball. You believe if you make up false shit it's other people fault for falling for it and that you don't feel bad at all. In fact those are your words verbatim.

Lol back story?

Camwhore pics?

It's going to be difficult for her to have any relationship with someone when she has a friend like you constantly undermining it and causing fights. You atack her by making her look like a whore and you attack me. It's all lies. Guy you can have her, she isn't mine and I have no control over a person's right to choose nor do I wish to impose it. In fact that can be bad for a relationship and unhealthy. It's much better to allow them to come to you under their own free will. But now, and as it was before, you still can't get at it. You are rejected. You just need a better game. And to be honest, that woman pictured is much more than you could ever hope for. Your sights are aimed way way way way too high. You have to learn how to either respect women and/or be an alpha. Being yourself, which is a manipulative cunt, isn't working.

Op is kesrin, the rh for kati3kat.
I'm done. People gonna cap this shit. It's fine, but they just like to invoke a reaction and get fucked up. They love it for some god forsaken reason.

Check it though. Motherfucker is a super secret government informant. (People already know) he enjoys watching people in their own homes jerk in off and taking Shits. Names bond, gold bond, the medicated powder.

omega not even beta

I am the alpha and the omega. He couldn't get close at the before the beginning and after the end. Oh and snap son. If you only knew what cards I hold to my chest.

pls take the time and highlight important posts cba to read everything

What have you got to say. Speak the fuck up. Pull your head out that damn cows ass and talk like a fucking man. I ain't even in your face, this is just discord.

OP is actually a Scottish guy takin a shit.

Backstory is some fag posted his "rap video" got doxxed, claims he wasn't stupid enough to post personal info. Then got rekt.

And I'm gonna get his
Wife's nudes and post them
Up because she might be a huge ass bitch but she has a face I'd choke fuck.

I don't know what this kepsin need is talking about.

See for tl;dr.

Why are you children mad at a guy because he posted an allegedly shitty rap song? Am I missing something here, or is the OP just a jealous little bitch?

Rap videos aren't mine son. Give me a fucking break. Call that shit garage. It's some fool. And I think you do. I think its systemic racism by the powers that bottom beta. In any event. Shit still stands about this fool. And anyone like him

Nah, he's been spamming his shitty song for ages and trying to get cash and views for new kit etc.

That, and he is a tumblr fag... And I've got nothing better to do while I shit.

You stepped into the wrong alley kid

I think you're mad about something completely different, kiddo.
You sure you're in the right thread.
Does your carer know you're here?

I think you do know. I don't care. Get a fucking life either way. If you can be mistaken for such a tool you are one as well.

Ah, the glorious trips of someone delusional.


Now what was your retarded fucking opinion again. Try facts kid they work great
