Damn straight!

Damn straight!

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I can't tell if that's supposed to be racist or praising him.



That's not a real name.

Why do all liberal men have punchable faces?


I think you meant hipster glasses, please dont' group me in with that shit

I mean I liked Black Panther too but I dunno if he "stole the whole movie". He was a welcome and solid addition to the story, and I'm looking forward to seeing more of him. I felt the same way about Spider-Man, though he added less directly to the story.

It was still Cap's movie though.

"It's """satire"""
>ā€œIā€™m pretty comfortable with it. It was meant to be a joke on the way we speak. It was obviously not meant to offend anyone,ā€

It's supposed to be praise. The guy works for buzzfeed according to a quick google search.

Yet again more casual racism from the "so-called liberals"
It's appealing really. Very problematic.


>steal the show
>another nigger

>introduce a new character


why is it always white people who bend this far over backwards to please other races?


I thought Boseman was great in the role though. good scene with him and zemo at the end

Quit posting low budget Emma Stone, I don't want to see her face no more.

How was he able to keep up with capt and bucky? He wasn't enhanced with anything.

he was LITERALLY kings and shit.

I don't get this. His character was good, but I feel like spiderman really stole the excitement

No one cares about that faggot who's been done to death more than Batman

Black genes are better than whiteys :^)

At least he's an actual African royal. He's not just some American nigger demanding mo' money cuz we wuz kangs 'n shiet.

Spiderman felt pretty fresh to me

>9 live action movies
>6 live-action movies if Civil War is included


I liked Boseman/Black Panther, he was good, but he didn't steal the show.

Ant-Man did.

>here is your shield Captain America

People are overreacting about Black Panther and overhyping Spider-Man

>Stole the movie

I mean, okay, Black Panther was pretty cool what with the claw/animalistic movement gimmick and I liked how they integrated his origin story into the plot rather than tack it on in an awkward scene that tonally conflicts with the rest of the film (i.e. Spider-Man), but it wasn't like Boseman's performance was ultra-memorable or anything all that different from the other seventy billion superheroes that already populate the Marvel universe.

This just reeks of "white people trying to feel better with themselves by talking up how great minorities are".

which isn't surprising because he's LITERALLY a buzzfeed writer

>people in my theater thought he was catwoman when he first appeared in costume

That's funny, I don't remember Spidey being black.

That's not Ant-Man

You forgot bernie voter

Except everyone in the theater that started clapping when he showed up.

Truth is all comic fans have been waiting for a good spidermsn, 5 movies and we finally have it. It overtook black panther hype for sure. It'd be like if you had 5 movies of George Clooney batman and then the next appearance is batfleck

he was pretty good regardless of what that cuck thinks.

I'm really glad that my wife's son has a hero to look up to. It's very inspiring that the african-american community can finally have a strong, black hero to look up to that isn't "black Iron Man" or "Cap's Black Friend". Furthermore, the fact that his name is "BLACK Panther" is powerful, evoking not only the power and ferocity of the African feline, but also the strength and virility of the African-American men, which my wife can personally vouch for. During the car ride home while I was in the back seat with him, he kept ranting and raving about how much he loved Black Panther and my wife and her lover encouraged him while I rooted from the sidelines. It is fantastic to be in an age like this, where good role models of strong, healthy, heroic black men can be shown to be morally and physically superior. I am very glad that Disney did not portray him as subservient, like the other black heroes of the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) but rather as a independent and influential man, a king even! It's very important that all Black Men get in touch with their noble routes and this character is a much-needed step in the right direction, portraying the African-Americans as fierce and noble deity-kings of the black nation from which they originate. And did you SEE the way Black Widow looked at him? Mmm-hmmm, I know what SHE was thinking, am I right boys? More like "I want that black" Widow, right? It's wonderful to finally have a character like this, and I can only hope that as we move forward into the future, we see more positive role models for young black boys, ones that overshadow and vastly outclass the white heroes that have enslaved and taken over the superhero genre. Black men are already super and heroic, so it's time that Hollywood caught up to REALITY and began portraying more and more heroes as what they truly are: Black and Proud. I know my wife, her lover and her son certainly think so!

Mile Morales.

He is enhanced. He ate a magic fruit like in One Piece.

A cuck wouldn't make a black people steal joke.

>cucks will ruin black panther for everyone.

Fucking great.


Literally the worst Spider-Man in a movie. You faggots need to take your Marvel goggles off and look at things objectively.


Batman has had 9 movies over the course of like 30 years
Spidey has had like 6 in 15

Marvel uses him for everything. Films, cartoons, games,etc and most of his stuff is terrible especially when you compare him to another excessively popular character like Bats

Looks like if Emma Stone and Zoe Saldana had a white baby.





>Black Panther
>Has multiple underage wives which he replaces when they 'get too old'

What an amazing role model for Urban Youths of today.

Nigga stole muh capeshit.

They would make a fantastic interracial gay older/younger couple. Thanks for giving me something new to fap too

Unconvincing accent, weird English goblin face, 100% CGI. He was terrible. I understand everybody is happy about seeing Spider-Man go back to Marvel, but the people calling this "da best Spider-Man of ALL TIEM" are out of their fucking minds.

I love that intro, honestly it is the one good thing 4kids ever did:


It's always a white guy.

Its no surprise that Spidey is more beloved than BP, so what? BP shows what happens when you respect the source material.


Wakandians hate niggers, they let the rest of Africa to go fuck itself.

They might have invented aids.

Show me your face. I bet its super punchable.

this is why marvel wins; everyone has an opinion about the characters, so everybody has a favorite flavor and they defend it.


Dude, the character goes back to 1959, what the fuck?

black panther could have done nothing but stand there and occasionally garble out some heavily accented, unintelligible line (which is pretty much what he did) and cucks on twitter would still say 10/10 where is my solo movie franchise please fuck my wife

Chloe Moretz? Is that you?

Liberals are hypocrites.

How do you know what the English accent of a real Wakandan sounds like?

>Some CGI thing jumps around punching things and climbing some walls
>takes his mask off and says some generic revenge speech in shitty African accent
>"he le stole the show reddit xDxDxD"

This is what cinema has become

Young poor nerd who has an attitude towards supposed elder authority figures and doesn't take himself or the "fight" too seriously. No, you're right an awful depetion if spiderman

I was talking about Spider-man, spergface

True. The world is filled with casuals so it makes sense that they'd cling to an entry level hero who's mediocre in almost every major appearance he's had since JMS was writing him

Only African Americans are allowed to make jokes about stealing. The tweeter is basically appropriating black culture and being a racist.

Shut up cuck

Yea, sorry.

>has an attitude towards supposed elder authority figures
Did he? He was fanboy-ing the entire time same as Ant Man. They made the same joke twice in one movie.

My complaint is less with the writing as much as it was with the casting. Tom Holland was terrible. He couldn't fake the accent and he looks like a goddamn troll. He's the most conspicuously English looking person I've ever seen.

Nah this is the best thing 4kids have done


Alright, I'll give you he looks snd sounds English. But, the fan boy thing is a misconception. He had a little respect for Tony because of who he was and free money but he still had to be black mailed unto fighting for him, then he spent the whole fight cracking jokes about all his heroes being shit tier on his level.

Hate the look of the actor all you want, the character was spot on

>5 movies and we FINALLY have a good Spider-Man movie

What is Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2

Campy schlock

Can someone explain what happened in the scene with Bucky and out-of-suit T'chala when it seemed his robotic arm was behaving oddly? Did the arm react to Panther's king-ring?

More niggers? So do they steal cars or what?


Spider-Man 1 and especially 2 are great.
Maybe this new spider-man is a more accurate spider-man but that shit was only two-scenes and they condensed all the spider-man they could into those.

Hello, police? A cuckold just betrayed his race again.

>That fucking hairline

Poor jews.

Hot garbage

Okay, I'll give you that but at the same time that 10 mins of spiderman was 10 mins more of what fans have wanted than 3 movies of Toby turning it into the campiest lol I have super people powers like a spider movies that we've been fed

It is easier to make 10 minutes of something and keep the quality up than to make a whole movie out of it.

Its comparing apples and oranges.
And I am pretty sure spider-man fans wanted him to have real movies over just being a cameo.

To be honest, I don't care about the accent that much, since I'm not a native English speaker. Of course, I can understand why it would be so upsetting to Americans.
And you're right. He's not the best Spider-man. Acting-wise, even though I wouldn't say he's THAT bad, he's actually the worst; or at the very least not as good as the other two. But he's just a kid that came out of casting. The other guys were already adult actors with established careers.
Still, it's nice to have a kid in the part, even if the acting isn't as sober as the other two. I actually enjoy the fact that Spiderman is a teenager now, as it should be. Let's hope that, acting aside, the character's development is as good as Raimi's, because this is a golden opportunity to have Spidey for many years to come (and let's also hope that Disney gives the kid a good coach to improve both his acting and his accent).
The thing is, that dialogue in his room between him and Tony was actually a very nice scene. But what people don't realize is that it was RDJ's immense talent and charisma that made that intimate scene work. It felt almost pedagogic the way he joked with the kid to relieve tension and make him feel comfortable; while at the same time watching that kid do what he did because he felt it was the right thing gave some hope back to a sad, tired man, who was trying to be held accountable for his acts out of guilt and, at the end, was trying to do what he thought was best. If Peggy's words are what inspired Cap to stand by his beliefs, it was Peter's innocence and idealism that gave Tony strength to move forward.

tl;dr: I believe that the one who took the most out of the character was actually RDJ when they interacted, not Tom Holland; but I think that the kid can improve in the next years.

Spider-Man 2 is legitimately one of the best comic book movies ever made. Amazing Spider-man, while being a poorly crafted film overall, had a fairly accurate portrayal of Spider-Man (especially that fight in Times Square at the beginning) as he exists in the comics. The idea that Civil War was the first time Spider-Man has been done well in a movie is ridiculous. People are just happy he's back at Marvel.


Hate to go all comicfag on you but there are different kinds of Vibranium, like there are different types of Kryptonite.

One type of Vibranium fucks other metals up if it gets too close.

Alternative hypothesis: Black Panther is shown as being about as good with tech as Stark (albeit he uses his tech differently). Maybe the ring was a miniaturised EMP device that fucked up his arm.

i thought she looked like kstew but actually kinda of pretty

you are obsessed

He was necessary and kinda cool, but overall a bit boring. Absolutely no one stole the movie because no one but Tony, Falcon, Winter Soldier, and Cap had enough screentime to do so.

He was better than Garfield at least. I love Garfield as an actor, he killed it in The Social Network and should have been nominated for The Academy Award over Eisenberg, but he was a bad Peter.

True, but don't try to tell me Toby was a comic faithful adaptation of spiderman. It was campy from the start and it just kept getting more so as it went on.

I have a lot more faith in this incarnation than Ramis, not that Rami isn't good at what he does

I'll reserve my judgement.

If they do the fucking Uncle Ben death AGAIN then I am already sick of this new spider-man. No matter how good the actual peter parker is.

>If they do the fucking Uncle Ben death AGAIN then I am already sick of this new spider-man
Considering that Peter was constantly deflecting Tony's questions about how he got the powers I think we'll be safe; I feel like that whole segment was a wink to audience and a very self-aware and meta joke.

I doubt it. Civil War already served as an introduction to the character and it's shown he's already been at it for a while.

But that's just not true. Spidey was never edgy like he was in AMS and he was never campy like Toby played him. He was always somewhere in between. He was, and is, the awkward teen that felt abandoned with more skill than he knee what to do with, but was still grounded in his deep insecurity of being manipulated. Whether you like it or not in 10 mins marvel hit on more of that than Sony ever did

I think it can't be avoided, but you also don't need to make the whole movie about that. You know what a nice compromise would be? When he tells Gwen or Mary Jane why he became Spidey he can mention his death. No need to flashback, no need to cast a guy to show the whole thing again, but his death is still there as part of Peter's lore.

>Spidey was never edgy like he was in AMS and he was never campy like Toby played him
Amazing Spider-man one was terrible, but AMS2 fixed a lot of the problems with the characterization (while still being broken in about every other respect). The Raimi films were fairly accurate Golden Age Spidey. Raimi said his films were based on the 70s era comics.

>all libcucks are balding
>baldcucks on Sup Forums claim MUH HIGH TEST whenever they're triggered
Hilarious shit

I really do hope they avoid it. They already set him up as an insecure kid that's just trying to make use of his gifts.. they should leave it at that

He was a terrible, terrible Peter, but a pretty decent Spider-Man. I fault the writing and directing much more than I do Garfield.

Sure true, but that's never been the spiderman people wanted to see adapted to film. That's a mistake in source and I think he'd do amazing things with this version, but we'll never know.

This is a black thing, isn't it?


>beta white male cuck

Color me surprised