Sup Sup Forums

sup Sup Forums

My dad just hit me. Since his divorce (2 years ago) me and him have been fighting a lot. Not physically fighting, just really heated arguments over stupid shit like leaving a jar of jam out and crap. But today, it was a really heated argument and we were in eachothers faces, i dont remember what i said, but he hooked me to the jaw. Im in my room right now, door locked, and he keeps saying we need to talk about it.

I dont know what to do Sup Forums, you're my only hope.

sounds like an underaged faggot


Show him you're the beta male by:
1. Fucking his mate, i.e. your mother
2. Physically overpowering him
3. Claiming his property as your own, i.e. murder him for the inheritance or report him to child abuse services to claim the house at least
4. ????
5. Profit.

*Him and I

If you're unsure, take the other person out of the sentence and see if it still makes sense

>calm down and compose
>walk out
>ignore him, dont give him a glance just dont look at him get your coat and shoes and shit and calmly and composedly walk to the door
>just before you walk out the door or at any point he touches you look him straight in the face and say with a strict voice

"you crossed a line that you can never take back, and you know it..."

leave for a bar and get some drinks, come back in a few hours... or dont.

im 19, cant move out bc i need the money for uni.

You KNOW what to do.....

That's right!
Twinkie House his black ass.

hes a good guy. i still love him. i just cant do this shit anymore man.

sounds like a good plan, but i have nowhere else to go. might hit up an old friend and ask to crash there for a night or two

*He and I

Because you want to play that game

Suck his pride, and he'll hit you more softly, lovingly.

No, for Christ's sake: "He and I." The "take the other person out" rule works both ways. I have been fighting. He has been fighting. He and I have been fighting. We have been fighting. See?

You sir are and idiot :)

Honestly this seems like the most pathetic and sad way to deal with the situation.

Accept that he hit you, let him apologize. Accept the apology. You're probably a prick to live with too.

If it's the first and only time, let him know he fucked up, but you have to see where this goes.
He'll be your Dad for a lotta years yet.

This is the FIRST time he ever hit you? And he's sorry? And you're a teenager? Congrats, user. You have a fucking gold star dad. Go buy him a tie. Seriously, forgive and talk. He's obviously on the edge and dealing with more shit than you know about.

Stop being an argumentative angsty teen. apologize and thank your father for providing for you and giving you shelter.

>i dont remember what i said

no shit. i've never been a talker. and its less the hitting than the non-stop fight and arguments.

i know im being a little bitch, but just humor me

gotta agree with this annon.
Also you (technically ) are a full grown man so don't pull any abuse shit.
You both probably need to work through a lot of shit and that's not going to happen overnight.
Take his apology but also tell him that you need to talk about this - but not now.
you both need to cool off and if it's therapy you (or he, or both of you ) need then so be it.
If you can talk about it like reasonable people without an intermediary that's cool as well.

>i know im being a little bitch
Stop. Now.

>humor me

Oh also source.
I'm actually do have a certificate in counselling and conflict resolution I don't whip it out usually as I'm here for the tits.

My dad used to hit me when he would get pissed off. He wont talk about it, and he wont talk to me. Doesnt want anything to do with me.

People fuck up OP, your dad obviously feels bad and wants to make amends. Take him up on that and forgive him. Id kill to have my father in my life.

Parents are people, and as people they have boiling points.

No, I get why you're messed up. Nonstop warfare is hell. All I can say is when you two talk, get the fuck out of the house. Go for a walk, go to a restaurant, bar, whatever. You won't fight and you'll be relaxed. Right now home is where all the troubles are, so you need to spend time together outside of it.

AHAHAH These whities....

my dad hit me all the time, you have to stop showing him any kind of love and respekt. dont let him treat you like shit. this is nigger 101 how can you not know this.

There's a huge difference between a good stressed dad who really loses his temper once in your life, and one who uses kids as a punching bag all their lives. They don't deserve the same response.

those are Beta moves, an alpha move would have been to swing back as soon as the cunt tried the cheap shot bullshit.

Well, sounds like you still need his support, so you're gonna have to accept the apology and let things continue.

Get your shit together and get out if it really bothers you.

Sometimes a critical moment like this opens the path for conversation, and things might turn up right after. Whenever you feel is the right time, go to him and you say you want this to stop. Not in a confrontational way, just we might be both wrong, what can we do to make it right?

That considering you said hes not a cunt. If it doesnt stop, get the shittiest job imaginable and run out of there.
Np money, no uni, no fucking nothing is worth this shit. Especially cause if we live in a shitty situation too long, our minds become crap and we cant even enjoy the good that comes out of it
Good luck to you, m80

Dude if that's the only time he's hit you you have won the dad lottery, you know some of us actually got abused right ? Go sign up for a Tumblr faggot

Ez kill him and post pics

Hi Op,

Man here. I only have one question: did you deserve it?

If so, YOU apologize. If not, let him apologize. If this is an isolated incident, let it go.

There's two ways you can be a little bitch here: One is by being someone's punching bag, the other is by crying about getting one you deserved.

/grew up without a father
/i've never punched my son, but who knows what can happen in the future.

See, this is where gender double standards come into play. A woman getting hit by a man? That's a line crossed. A man getting hit by a man? Stop being a little bitch.

OP, he likely has some kind of frustration/bullshit going on that he doesn't want talk about but is eating at him. He fucked up, but he's aware. So go off, cool down, and come back to him ready to hear him out. Tell him the fighting is getting childish and ridiculous and you wanna know what it's really about. Maybe do it over a couple drinks.

At the end of the day, he is your father. If he's suddenly changed and become argumentative, there is a reason. Find out. Have his back. Be a good son, even if he momentarily fucked up being a father.

I was in the same situation exactly a year ago . The solution is simple i was 14 and my solutions was hitting back and that taught him that he cant hit me anymore . You may be younger and nit as strong , but the fact that you tried to hit him will show him that he doesn't have power over you like he used to .

Stop being a bitch and go talk to him. I got the shit kicked out of me every day for years dude you have it good, I have scars up and down my back that'll never go away, that's the only time he's hit you? Go talk to him have a beer or 6 and forget about it, shit happens


That shitty advice, despite those Illuminatti dubs. His dad hit him once, and he said its not a guy prone to get the habit. Hitting back would have Op through a shitty situation, prob make things worse, all for nothing.
Im not being a pussy dont hit your dad cause its wrong. Ive hit my own dad back, and dont regeet it. But situation called for it. This one doesnt, at all