So I've seen all the MCU movies except Ant-Man, and I want to go see Civil War tonight

So I've seen all the MCU movies except Ant-Man, and I want to go see Civil War tonight.

Do I need to see Ant-Man first? How big of a role does he play in Civil War?

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you should see it if you have the time. His role is fairly minor in civil war but you will appreciate it more if you see ant man.

He's the heart of the movie.

It's not necessary.

His role in Civil War is minor but very entertaining.

Just skip Civil War and watch Ant-Man instead. It's a better movie.

No, only thing you'll miss is how Scott knows Sam

It's one of the better MCU movies but it's not required for Civil War. Just a few references to it

Yeah, see Ant-Man. It's not too terribly long either.


His role is actually pretty BIG

>how big of a role does an ant-sized superhero play?

>Do I need to see Ant-Man first?

Nope, he's just there for the main fight and then goes away.

>How big of a role does he play in Civil War?

Just a body for the main fight, since Thor and the Hulk would've been OP or something.


Was gonna make this joke, then decided against it.

You don't have to since he doesn't play a huge role in Civil War, but you should still see it because it makes the scenes that he's in so much more enjoyable.

Plus Ant-Man isn't that bad of a movie. It's a lot more goofy and fun than most of the other Marvel movies.


Skip them both.
Watch paint dry.

Ant-man is actually one of the more enjoyable of the MCU movies. Winter Soldier is probably the only one outright better than it.


you dun fucked up boy!

Watch Ant-Man or you're going to have no idea what's going on.

Less than 15 minutes of screen time

>tfw my sister was asking me "WHY ISN'T HE SMALL! I thought he was small.."
>mfw it's just his regular human form, and not even bigguys4u version.

It doesnt matter theyre all the same movie

>unessisarily long origin of hero or villain
>tweest bad guy is a white guy with a strong demeanor and obvious after 5 min of screen time
>forced love interest
>quips every other line of dialog
>boringly choreographed action and explosions for at least half of the screen time
>bigger badder bad guy revealed after credits

He has a VERY LARGE role in the film.

He leaves a BIG IMPACT on his scenes.

One could describe his actions as COLOSSAL.

He truly takes up a GIGANTIC proportion of screen time.

The mark he leaves on the audience is HUGE, one could say.

His involvement in the Civil War is MASSIVE compared to the other heroes.


I had to watch Ant-Man after Civil War, Lang was pretty fun. Turned out to be a fine heist film.

One of the more underrated MCU films imo.

>Do I need to see Ant-Man first?
Not at all
>How big of a role does he play in Civil War?
Not much screen time, but decently big when he's actually there

You can see Ant-man after and nothing will be lost, but you should watch it eventually.

All Marvel movies are required viewing.

Thanos is a grapefruit and Ronan was technically blue. Ultron was silver.


He is in the movie for like 10 minutes. Says a few funny lines and that's pretty much it. You really don't need to see Antman before Civil War.

>seen every MCU movie except antman

If you've sat through hot garbage like the Thor movies and the first Cap movie then you really should have seen Antman by now. It's definitely in the top 3 MCU films and a good heist flick in it's own right. Tne end/after credits stuff ties directly into Civil War and as other anons mentioned you will appreciate his time on-screen so much more having seen his movie.

He plays a big role, if you get what I mean...

seriously though not too huge of a role.


I watched Civil War and then watch Ant Man after on account of how good he was in Civil War, theres no real connection. Also Ant Man was a pretty good movie, somehow felt different to the rest, dont know why. never really been a fan of capeshit bit Ant Man felt like The Rocketeer or something to that effect.

How big this part is during the movie will surprise you.

Ant-Man is my favourite MCU movie but other than the Cap and Avengers movies nothing is really "required" for Civil War

>theres no real connection
antmans ending leads directly into civil war. it showed us how falcon recruited him

He doesn't play a critical role in the plot but if you dont watch his movie, one of the things he does will seem random and his character will come out of literally nowhere with no real arc of his own.

But Ant-Man was a great movie and you should watch it anyway.

All of these things are unbelievably transformative and such vague, loose, guidlines that a wide variety of movies can be made out of them while being different and entertaining in their own right. The after credits scene of Ant-Man was revealing another superhero costume, so your generalization isn't even accurate.

Ant-man and Winter Solider are the 2 best MCU movies so far and nothing else really even comes close.

Christ OP, it doesn't matter with relation to Civil War really, but for the record Ant-Man was easily one of the most worth it movies in recent capeshit memory.

>Civil Guys

My first thought when I read this was "gay hookup club at a municipal government office".

He's a big guy in the movie

watch neither and stop being a retarded pleb

And what his little disc thing does.

Really, captcha?

Did we just become best friends?

Hell yeah we did!


But ant-man is a fun film.

He's really cool
see it

Also, if you aren't familiar with the character at all, know he hates Stark for good reasons.

I'd say you're fine for Civil War as long as you've seen Winter Soldier and Age of Ultron.

>Ant Man gets stronger than his normal human form in small mode.
>Also gets stronger in big mode

Giant ant man should hit like a balloon

How big is ant-man's dick?

Paul Rudd's is decently sized, saw it in a film years ago, a bit bigger than average.