Alright Sup Forums where you at

Alright Sup Forums where you at

Other urls found in this thread:



>I'm not trolling



Fucking Anarcho-Capitalist swine


Eh, there is some hope of persuading him to the left. He is relatively Centre-Right, not hard Right like most "An"Caps

Do you have a fedora and a neckbeard?

I thought Sup Forums loved Trump

is this it

C-Can, I deus vult with you... s-senpai...


You literally have no clue what anarcho-cap means right?

Fucking greens are the worst
The biggest problem with an socs is to mess the whole system up it just takes one guy to say "this is mine."
What are you going to do? Take it back by force? Whoops, thats authoritarian. Once people realize they can lay claim to private property by just inisting what is theirs, then soc societies would fall apart.

>not authoritarian
pick one

>not realizing anarcho communism just becomes regular communism do to the nature of marxist philosophy

Eh, they do, but no where near as much as Sup Forums or /k/ does


this is Retarded




not so bad for a frenchie



r8 no h8



check them guys

Mind say what the Bottom Left/Right and Upper Right tests are? I kinda want to do those now


OP here, if I wanted corporations to fuck me I'd be a lot closer to the right

hey guys