So who is going to kill who first?

So who is going to kill who first?

Amber is pretty QT.

To answer your question, Depp will inevitably OD.

Depp is starting to look a little JUST

"pretty qt"?

she is a legit 10/10. crazy, but still 10/10

>Johnny will be better rembered for his JUSTness than being based Johnny

I think it's finally dawned on him that everyone just loves him for his "quirky, cooky" characters and they don't take him seriously as an actor. That's got to be a soul-crushing realization.

She's odd in interviews, like she's a sociopath or grew up without friends or something.

shes a Ayn Rand fangirl, so probably autistic or sociopath

I don't think there is another celebrity marriage that is more guaranteed to fail than this one.

>Depp will inevitably OD.

Supposedly Amber has been encouraging him to overindulge in alcohol and drugs so she has more influence on him.

It's one of those lawyer stories.

Were there any shots of her pusy slit in the 2014 leaks?

Depp is just a little old, and a little weird. He looks fine for a 50-year-old. She's like 22 years younger than he is.

more like a psychopath

But a QT one.

>she will never smell your knob when you get home to make sure you've not been dicking other girls

>ywn have an 11/10 gf who craves your cock so bad she takes selfies of herself holding backwards written messages (because she's too dumb to know how to take a non-mirrored photo/correct it afterwards) expressing her insatiable desire for you.
Just fucking kill me already

Probably both, then.

Be honest, if you could choose how to die - you would pick death by Amber Heard.

will she and Depp's daughter get married after Johnny dies?

That's why she got together with him in the first place.

She's the Ted Nugent of Hollywood.

>sending erotic messages to your husband

Is Sup Forums autistic or something

The picture is fine, but see: >is Sup Forums autistic

>Amber is pretty QT.
for trash can

>>The picture is fine
she shows the world that she has no vocabulary, no grammar. good thing that she does not pretend to be something else than a cumdumpster.