/got/ general

/farts/ edition


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First for the ending scene


> mfw i was being memed but Pycelle actually farted on rewatch

Help me out here lads.

Best fights:

1. Ned vs. Jaime
2. Oberyn vs. Mountain
3. Barristan vs. Harpies
4. Ned v. Dayne
5. Hound vs. Dondarrion
6. Hound vs. Mountain - cleganebowl prequel
7. Syrio vs. Lannister Fucking Shits
8. Bron vs. Ser Vardis
9. Jorah vs. Qotho
10. Jorah Pit Fight
11. Tower of Joy Melee
12. Jon vs. Thenn
13. Drogo vs. Random Dothraki
14. Jon vs. White Walker
15. Thenn vs. White Walker


46. Jon vs. Carl
47. Jon vs. Wight
48. Random fights during Blackwater/Wall/etc.


259. Brienne vs. Hound
260. Brienne vs. Loras
261. Brienne vs. Jaime


79518724612. Sneks, all fights

I want a season 1/2 GoT marathon with Sup Forums

22th for no reason or image

and dubs

Nth for Darkstar saving the Dorne plotline

> fry Hodors brain
> Make the mad king mad with whispers

ultimately it was brann all along that set everything into motion


What did he mean by this?

>normies consider dany a hero

>sacked cities
>left no one to rule them
>cities become slums, crime and starvation commonplace
>cities return to slaver rule meaning she accomplished nothing except get a lot of people killed



fuck off. Ned v Dayne isnt that high, stop ranking them you autistic shitcunt

Only the Castle Black scenes have been worth watching so far.

The rest is trash TV.

I can't decide if the last two episodes are actually fairly good with minor bumps here and there

Or is it just because there are no more books to constantly compare them to

All in all, I'm actually kinda enjoying the show again, after 4 painful seasons

22th for nothing and no image

and dubs

Drogo vs random dothraki was the absolute best, oberyn vs Gregor was alright too, all others were mediocre.

I bet you love them dick jokes you fucking pleb


Anyone else disappointed that Jon looks even more gormless now?

The only thing I am impressed by in this season is how good an actor Bran has become. So much better than fucking Maisie or Tommen or any of the other kids.





The girl is gonna get whipped by snek


>Bran tries to destroy the universe but accidentally triggers the big bang

is it just me or did one of qyburn's little birds look like maisie with dwarfism or down syndrome

I don't
The only joke I liked so far was today's Tyrion's quote joke

Holyshit. So lyanna WAS a trap and impregnated high tower...this changes everything.

We're 3/3 on dick jokes so far this season. It's like they're letting a middle schooler write the dialogue now.

>you guys complain too much!! the books are massive, they can't fit everything in


So was Dayne a FOOKIN LEGEND since he dual wields?

when were you when jon became the most badass in westeros after this episode

Where all the tits?

>tfw canonically small pecker

>Now it begins
*Ned gets a hungry smile on his face*
>Now it ends :^)

Why was Ned such a smarmy cunt?

I bet Weiss tried to have him say "Na, now it ends you cunt" but got vetoed.

I might be autistic but the ToJ fight sucked.

Dayne is supposed to wield Dawn, the ancestral meteorite sword of House Dayne, not random dual wield because D&D think it looks cooler

>Bran sees that Hodor could talk once in le epic greenseer dream
>taunts him upon awakening and asks him and, with a straight face, why he can't talk anymore and what happened


More importantly, where is all the rape?

The second one was an improvement from the first one for sure but still pretty shit to be honest senpai

The 3rd one though minus le spinning scene was a solid 7/10 imo la

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh ned vs jaime wasn't nearly that good

based oberyn should be numero uno

they should add the Seinfeld bass to establish the scenes at Mereen

was kinda disappointed that the meme dwarf didn't make better jokes this episode.

>maisie with dwarfism or down syndrome

So just like maisie then

When is Linda going to rip this episode to shreds?

>it's another "everything goes perfect for le smiling Ramsay" episode

>maisie with dwarfism or down syndrome
No that's just Maisie

>Season 6
>LF still hasn't accomplished anything
>Gave away Sansa for an alliance with the Boltons
>Doesn't work out now that Sansa has escaped
>Married and killed Lysa
>Still haven't got the Vale in his hands because the nobles are still suspicious of him
>Is responsible for the war of five kings
>War is ended, he gained nothing except the useless Harrenhal
>Destroyed the economy of the kingdom
>Everything is back to normal now


Any requests for webms?

I think how much of a competent fighter he was unlike how they did with Barry and Areo.

Does this mean Jon will raise his bannermen and become King of the North after he was killed at the Frey's?

aryas fight scene

>8. Bron vs. Ser Vardis

This was the only good one.

Why is that dude rubbing a bar of soap on his sword

>making it seem like everything goes well until CIA rips him to shreds

So we had an entire season of Ramsay torturing Theon.

Then a season of Ramsay torturing Sansa.

Now a season of Ramsay torturing Rickon.

Next season will be Ramsay torturing Jon after beating him at Bastardbowl. Calling it now.

bronn vs vardis way higher
Ned v dayne lower
Drogo v dothraki on 1

last week's ep, with the pissing dude that gets killed by the mountain

Venom Jon edits when

I want to see a screencap of rickon

What bannermen? He's a bastard and Sansa is still alive.

>Jon marries Sansa to unite the north
He's a true Targaryen.

small council meeting where Mace goes "MY MOTHER......"

why do soho & manhattanite homosexuals think anything about their subculture is entertaining, nevermind fit for broadcasting?

>Now my watch has ended

But he had just killed four people as Lord Commander. It doesn't work like that, you can't just come back to life, do something as LC and THEN quit.

Trust D&D to fuck up the Night's Watch vows and death loophole.

Hightower IS the tower you mongrels

He's not even a character. He's just a blank vehicle for autistic retards to praise. He's almost as bad as Luke Skywalker. Fucking cunt I thought the resurrection would make him less faggy.


>Kevan hates Cersei and Jaime and is best buds with the Tyrells for no fucking reason

the arya scene had really nice music and montage. anyone else think the same? I think it was the highlight of the episode senpai

>shitposting get
there is justice

Well, I guesh shometimes chaosh is just a walkway without any shtepsh

>small pecker

He did have Dawn though.

Probably because the only one in his family who knew how to rule was his brother, who they got killed.

>muh vows

Nevermind the whole sex with a wildling thing.

Did he say he was LC?
He just swung his sword, everybody else already wanted to kill the traitors if you watched ep1

So ... Exactly like Season 4 and 5 then?

If he had just walked off without a word it would have worked.

But they had to fuck it up.


>Tywin dead
>Tyrion gone
>Tommen is king
>decides the best thing to do is to mouth off to Tommen's parents and side with the Tyrells over petty shit



it's boring and the same is happening over and over again.

do any of you guys remember watching the show in the first few seasons and thinking "oh wow, thats a cool interpretation of the book!"

or even "I never imaged _____ would be like that, cool!"

to now when its "THEY FUCKING CHANGED IT"

I know i mostly watch the show now to just get mad about what they change and ruin, before i enjoyed the small things they changed because it didn't fuck with the continuity of the books etc.

now they just make these massive things happen, like stannis or like the sneks, that just piss on the fans.

remember how cool it was watching Jon Snow out there in the snow when he was captured by the wildlings? and then he had to kill the other ranger to survive and join the wildlings? fuck that was cool.

why they gotta ruin all this shit.

>Now it begins
>Naao, now it ends


haha so many /got/ threads, you are confusing redditors like me :)

if you see my post in this other thread: and scroll down to No.69288016▶ you will see my post but I will repost (reposter!!)

thanks for creating these threads it makes Sup Forums a nice play for a redditor like me :)

btw, fuck olly!

It's kind of pale and decorated. But the stub at least is identical to the other sword.

/got/ shits on the arya storyline but im interested where they take it. its certainly better than dany or dorne or even fucking mereen

>"he is a brand new guy: ROBERT STRONG!"
>"really cool guy, brand new knight! vow of silence and all!"
>next day
>"naaah jk, it's just gregor again, hahaha xD"

Never read the books, the show is the same for me now as it was back then. Ignorance is bliss.

Brienne vs Hound is literally the best fight scene in this series. You cucks just hate it because a strong womyn was victorious.

Drogo vs Mago is my favourite.

Why is it so low here?

I thought Varys' spies were supposed to be mute children? Why did they talk

He wore the cloak.

He acted out a decision only the LC could do.

The traitors called him LC.

He named the next LC.

He was 100% acting Lord Commander during that scene.

>Jon: I failed
>Davos: Good. Now go fail again


*unsheathes katana*
>You compensating for something? xD/spoiler]

Do we honestly need the Dothraki and Mareen stories? Fuck if we're doing OC now they may as well cut out this bullshit and make her do something interesting

Friendly reminder that Jon Snow represents the fire god Surtr in norse mythology. He will wield a burning blade and kill Freyr. Pretty much confirmed when Jon says ''I'm not a god''.

where can i go to make fun of the ToJ fight
it was an absolute *CRINGE*fest lmao

Jon Snow has always had a loose interpretation of the vows. See: Attempting to run away from the wall, fucking Ygritte, helping Sam get a gf and bring her to Castle Black

>Next season

Because the show is the show and the books are the books.