fuck my shit up senpai

Most based death in the show. Refusing to apologize going full Rudolf Hess on all those kike cunts dying with his honour intact.

Thorne was best brother.

Hang in there



why didnt he spare ollies life? hes just a kid and thought that he did was right

yfw Jon is now a composite character including Lady Stoneheart.


>Thorne thought what he was doing was right too. Being a kid is no excuse in Westeros. Besides, he looked old enough to know the consequences of his actions.

Can anyone explain what I'm missing here?

First he lets the wildlings pass through the wall because Stannis, who is currently busy fighting a losing war, MAY get mad if he doesn't.

After Stannis dies he murders Jon for letting the wildlings through, who proceed to fuck his shit up when they hear of his death (they would have eventually, even without Edd going there).

It does not make sense, how was he not fucked the moment he killed Jon, even if he wasn't resurrected?


plus he had the chance to say his final words or to try convince john that he made a mistake instead he put on a SEND SNEK ANGRY FAEC

hang the cunt

didn't olly say the words? if he did, he was not a kid, he was a sworn brother of the night's watch

>how was he not fucked the moment he killed Jon, even if he wasn't resurrected?

A good chunk of the Night's watch agreed with his decision and was ready to kill Davos and Edd and the other guys loyal to Jon. The only reason Alliser and Bowen Marsh etc were executed is because Tormund and Wun Wun knocked down the gate and took over Castle Black.

good one, satan

It's about damned time. This guy was the biggest prick in all of GoT and that includes characters like Joffrey and Ramsay. Good Riddance.

>- minus yet another good character


Yes, I mentioned that they would.

I do not understand why Allister decided to let Jon and his wildling friends pass the wall in the first place. Why not betray Jon before actually letting them pass. Afterwards he should have known they would come to Jon's aid if they ever did something to him.

Show Allister was objectively wrong though
Book Allister was objectively right

He had nothing to apologize for.

>who cares if the wildlings would have added to the army of white walkers, I stand by my judgment and now I get to rest while you deal with the fallout I'm so honorable

get fucked

6 stabbers
4 hangings
a shit load of conspirators.

what the fuck Jon.
>hang him last, so he can watch
D&D are fucking hacks mate


What do the sand snakes have to do with this, you autistic MRA faggot?

"dont look at him, he's doing the face again"

Sadly this shit is probably the only closure people will get for the series as there is no way Martin will finish the series before he dies.

back to tumblr please friend

I was about to ask if you were an idiot, but I guess it's a given when you are struggling to follow the underlying ethics in the plot

Nice Joey tribute.

>tfw two whole episodes with no sand sneks
I feel the Bad Pussy is returning soon.

Agreed he's based as fuck. Jon is a Mary Sue faggot

He let them through because otherwise they'd get murdered and reanimated, you dense fuck

Disregard this, I'm an illiterate faggot


>Confirmed that they'd taken over Dorne this episode
Fucking plot armour

Could any bookfags confirm or deny that Arya might be in a position to assassinate any of them for some reason?

It's not enough that they get killed now, it has to be done by someone smaller and weaker to rub it in their smug fucking faces.

Thanks for the spoiler cunt

Mods you better delete this and ban this fuck

>Could any bookfags confirm or deny that Arya might be in a position to assassinate any of them for some reason?
Honestly we are getting past where Arya is in the books along with just general changes as well. I don't see it happening really, as much as I'd like it to, there's just nothing there to suggest any assassination missions to Dorne.

>no way Martin will finish the series before he dies

No way faggot will finish the next book before he dies. Spending his time just eating and working on improving his cholesterol levels.


Do you think he shat his pants?
That's what happens right?


yes eventually the muscles relax, but who knows, maybe he had a good shit before he died

I would think he'd be the type of guy to hold his shit in so Jon would have smell it after he died.

This desu

>Your one contribution to the world that people will remember for a long time
>Don't care enough to finish it
>Completely fine with your legacy being 'that fat cunt who never finished his series'
Martin confirmed cuck

You also get a boner

Its called angel lust

I'm not watching this garbage, but did Jon get resurrected yet?

you should watch the show