What went wrong with Star Wars?

What went wrong with Star Wars?

Sci Fantasy that tries too hard to be sci fi.

It was set "a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away" that was actually hell

A trashy EU novel getting promoted to Episode VII as opposed to the Thawn trilogy like it was supposed to be.

when does it try to be sci-fi?

The thrawn trilogy is garbage just like the entire EU



Because a galaxy far far away is actually hell

>wanting Luuke Skywalker to show up
No thanks

Didn't laugh, idk why

My facial muscles didn't move

Because a galaxy far far away is actually hell.

>What went wrong with Star Wars?
Two things. George Lucas was passionate at first but quickly lost it, which is why the third movie sucks and the prequels. And Disney. At the end of the day there's only been two great movies. I'm guessing that won't change no matter how many movies Disney makes.


terrible joke, don't do it again.

pretty weak senpai


That's just lame man.

Hahaha fucking hell madman

He can't keep getting away with it!

*farts* is a better joke than this. Don't do that.

when it became more about appealing to children, selling toys, creating an empire instead of creating something with substance.

Needed more of that smooth sounds of Mos Eisley Jizz Han could have listened to Jizz in the Millennium Falcon cockpit

Never do that again

Not funny desu.

are you even trying?


Try again.

It was always about selling toys. George lucas literally got all the merchandising rights and kept his salary from the studio low, a good deal for them. Meanwhile Lucas would write characters into the movie and write a backstory for them simply to sell their action figures.