Post the most American pic you have.

I'll start.

Other urls found in this thread:




God bless America

dear fucking god
I bet he frequents Sup Forums too


London currently has a Muslim population of >50%




Happy bday!







I love how the 4th of July each year is just a day where everyone shits on America.
















>not actual size






>haha jokes on you we are tolerant and diverse


no it doesn't.


Rlly nigga



same outdated statistic, londonistan should have way more arabs and asians in 2016, the fucking mayor of london is an arab.



Murican here we don't eat icewitch where the fuck did that come from


So did a guy have to be taken in the emergency room for critical care just to get fucked by a 153k bill? Sounds pretty American to me

How did she get in the store in the first place tho?

The President of the USA is a nigger. Guess that means all Americans are niggers.

What fucking shit logic is that?

This man is my hero.



This one's better

It doesn't get any more American than doubles.

build a fucking wall

we really should just make southeastern states "territory" again.

Ikea isn't an American company you fuckwit. And those dogs are tiny by American standards.

The loading dock on a semi truck.


My other hero :)

I thought Liverpool was a straight up ghetto, like you guys' Detroit. Regardless, we have economic segregation to keep undesirables outside of our gated neighborhoods. Gentrification is beginning to happen, but honestly, "white flight" worked well enough.

fucking rekted


>tal como son


>press 2 for Spanish
>i-it's not maerica
sure thing paco

FYI The USA has 40% of the world's Jews.

>be american
>get shot


>be euro
>get my whole family raped my Halam



>Post the most American pic you have.

> a couple

>1.1 million Viet Cong and NVA regulars killed

> official number of Viet Cong fighters unknown

>500,000 US soldiers stationed in Vietnam during the war

> only 58,000 deaths on the American side

> out dated weapons

> NVA and Viet Cong were supplied by the Chinese and Soviets

>a couple






If only the Germans could have kept them contained we wouldn't have this problem.

>not bringing your all-in-one PC to coffee shops

What are you, poor or something?


What happened in Orlando was a good thing.





>itt: butthurt yanks

everything he said still holds true, what is your point?


Yurocucks don't actually understand history and think that the Paris peace accords and that one picture of the CIA evacuation = the US suffering a military defeat, which it did not.


>Yurocucks don't actually understand history

>the US suffering a military defeat, which it did not.
No it just failed to meet any of its political goals thus making every yank death meaningless.

Do continue to make yourself look like a fucking idiot though.

>first world

I know these pictures are b8, but I'm sure there are actual retards that believe this.

Even hawks and ospreys have made off with my chickens and ducks on numerous occasions. A few years ago a bald eagle took off with my 40+ pound black labrador puppy right out of my backyard, with ease. It's fucking rare to see them, but it happens. The entire reason they're an endangered species is because they were over-hunted due to the fact that they're known to fly off with mid-sized pets and livestock.


>Can you guess my religion user?


g8 b8 m8