So basically these things started growing a few months ago out of the fucking blue and now look how bad it is...

so basically these things started growing a few months ago out of the fucking blue and now look how bad it is, i'm not even fat. Even worse, my skin is all soft and shit too for some reason.

Doctors of Sup Forums help me solve this issue. How can I hide them by the way? They are clearly visible and it makes me feel like shit in public

>Underage b&

How old are you? They might go away with time, if not, surgery is your only option. Sorry bro


I'm 24



Bad news bro: turns out your penis is actually a feminine one.
Time to start hanging out in the trap threads.

stop taking the BCP silly billy

Obviously a hormonal issue. Only a doctor can give meds to change it. Or you just turn into a trap...

Are you a boy or a grill

They actually look nice bro. Wanna fuck my ass?

Any other symptoms?

what? too be honest my dick looks different too, like all my skin on my body got weird for some reason

Are you on finasteride?

is your mom lacing the food with contraceptives?

get on tamoxifen really fast before they go past the point of no return

Migraines, nausea, cramping in my belly area, my cheeks get red for no reason and almost feel on fire

most likely.
a doctor should perform an ultrasonography to tell if there is really a mammary gland in there or is just fat.
but, in any case, a simple surgery can be performed. maybe hormonal treatment to prevent reapparition

The change comes later in some than others.

It's rare; but some hermaphrodites don't start to develop the female hormones & organs until much later in life.

>mammary gland in there or is just fat
well if I get a um... whitish discharge if I squeeze one does that mean its like turned into boob flesh?

I don't take anything

go to a doctor you are turning into a woman holy shit

Dude the fuck? If you're lactating you got some serious problems

fuck fuck fuck really? I don't have health insurance


dear god say it aint so, no way I could be a herm

ITT: trolls trolling trolls and the 1 guy who's never seen a girls pair of tits in his life.

probably, but not for sure. it could be some other fluid. you should get examined

>whitish discharge if I squeeze one does that mean its like turned into boob flesh?
pump it

If it's sweet juice, it's teet juice. Nothin' like a nice pair of tits OP.

post that dick too

Could be anything from hormone imbalance to cancer, but if you're experiencing other symptoms like that you need to see a doctor

and time stamp or GTFO

i'm not a girl

>you should get examined
with what fucking money?

Time stamp or fuck off.

u have femleides its a rare condition that can only develop if your a raging faggot
bad luck poff

well hard to tell.
I am not a USA fag, but here in my country this kind of exams are not a big deal.

Then your using a chick's picture.
Because those are female tits, tanner stage 5 - fully mature. Takes about 3 years to reach it.
Source: I'm studying to be a peditrician.


Show us the cock too

fuck that

Then stop taking the estrogen, hunny. Unless you want to be a girl

then you should know about gynecomastia

cock and tits in same pic or GTFO

You're a woman, about 20-23 years old from the look of things. First started developing when you were 10 or so.

Can I suck on them?

Show us the whole body OP you faggot

>im furiously fapping
more pics please

That is not gynecomastia. If it were, there would be secondary male sexual characteristics present - chest hair namely.
Plus, you can see she shaves her armpits.


Show tits and cock in the same pic

do you feel that sphere inside them? they're breasts. you can be born with them as a guy, but they don't grow most often because of all the testosterone. have it. work out like crazy so they don't turn into fat boobs like you


post cock

We're gonna have to see the cock to know whether or not you're fucking with us because my mind is going a thousand miles per hour trying to figure out why you've had a cock your whole life and started to just grow tits out of the blue at this age.

I've had gynecomastia (I'm 20)
and I've never grown chest hair.

i'm not a fucking girl

Nice tits. I'd like to suck on them.

fine here

I think shes a girl.
slim body, no body hair, thin clavicles, shoulder-lenght hair.

Then show us the cock and tits in same picture (with the time stamp) or GET THE FUCK OFF!


true. gynecomastia with no body hair is a possibility

Fucking THIS already! The dick pic waist didn't match the titty waist

And jump through this hoop while you're at it


You had chest hair folicles around your nipple and possible light amounts bear your sternum.
Only certain ethnicities are hairless.
You're a poor liar too - I am talking the medical definition of female - you have external female genitalia and show female secondary sexual characteristics.
Don't really care what made up tumblr bullshit you believe - that's psychological illness.

Dam I want you to fuck me soo bad

have you tried lifting weights?

Oh my god, this is great.

yes, very happy thank you

yep, can't put a bit of muscle on

How long have you been on hormone therapy?
Are you seeing a psychologist or psychiatrist like you should?

This is a couple trolling, I-
Well holy shit

Does anyone have the pic of the guy who found out he had like a half vagina behind his balls, or like just a nasty taint? Maybe you should check for that OP

ITT:a mentally handicapped roleplaying faggot getting off to underageb&'s and retards clueless-ness

O shit nigga, you got to buy yoself some testosterone or some shit.

i'm not on anything though

Thank you and sorry for doubting you
(and yes, I'm very happy)

hm i'd try a different diet. there's something you're taking in that's making you produce more estrogen. Either that or you'll just grow into it.

>Nipples got bigger

Wow how did that happen

when I touch them they shrink up



It's just puberty. You'll notice some changes in your body, but it's all perfectly fine.

Yes thank you

pubes are in a feminine pattern

you might be a hermaphrodite op

I remember someone had this problem before. It has to do with increased estrogen.

Do u use Lavender Oil? Put it in tea or anything? Lavendar oil contains estrogen or something (im no doctor)

im 24

I also can't get hard anymore. I'm a neet who stays indoors and I just never did anything about this because I assumed it would go away. I eat only processed fast food mostly.

Congrats! Someone put a curse on you to turn you into a girl!

I don't know what Wiccan you pissed off, but you're actually really lucky! As feminists are on the rise all savage men will die out in 10 years and only gentle women will remain.

So embrace your new future as a girl!

a natural trap

this thread is amazing.

OP this is definitely hormonal.

you know you are but ok we'll pretend

I'll save you a lot of time. There's not shit you can do. I had gynecomastia when I was younger. Like you, I wasn't fat. Lifted weights, played sports. Had to have surgery. Feel much better about myself now. The Rock had bitch tits too and had to have surgery, if it makes you feel any better.

Here's to hoping your the next statistic of a lgbtp hate crime.

I don't want to be a girl

Looks like someone spent too much time in X-Change threads

it's called roleplaying


just quit lying, u can get attention in a trap thread *pats head with gloved hand*

You are a woman now, your bone structure shows as much.

fap fap fap fap

well ask a doctor, and in the end if nothing works.
Just get a boob-reduction and work out to not gain weight which will go to your man boobs

but im not a trap

he has the male triangle in his picture. look at it again


do you have a sister or mother at home op?

any chance you could throw on one of their bras?
for science