Why haven't you seen BvS ten times?

Why haven't you seen BvS ten times?


no views for you

Because I thought that 4 was enough

>dr pepper and chinese food
>such nuance

>hillary supporter
>DC cuck
>loves the new star wars

how can one manchildren be so autistic ?

The average DC cuck.


yea rite boiiii

dc rules fuck yeaaaah

God his autism is so high I cringed into my pants.

His name is literally DComics.

its 2deep4me

cus im not paying 150 dollars for that movie

i really feel sorry for these people. making a show out of accomplishing nothing

still no webms in good quality

HAHAHAH what in the actual fuck? I thought this shit was Sup Forums just memeing and not something you would see in the wild. Jesus fucking christ THERE EXIST PEOPLE LIKE THIS AUTIST HOLY SHET.

would he have been better if he was a trump supporter?

>I thought this shit was Sup Forums just memeing and not something you would see in the wild.

The internet is full of pathetic people how is this a new concept to you?

you are browsing Sup Forums for fucks sake how dense are you



His entire channel is DC manbaby cringe holy shit

Sup Forums told me not to go see it