Prove to me that the world existed before I was born and will continue to exist after I die

Prove to me that the world existed before I was born and will continue to exist after I die.

If you were some sort of god, you wouldn't need the proof; you'd already have it. Plus, if someone older than you posts here and proves that they're older than you, you could just say something inane like oh why the fuck am I ever posting this reply, what a stupid thread.

Of course the world existed before you and will exist after you. Jesus christ, what a stupid fucking post.

So no proof.

I have not experienced anything outside of my own existence so it must be all that has ever been.

Well, in some later western philosophies, it didn't and won't. Your "world" can never progress beyond the model you've built with the sense you were born with. The "real" things--the original to the facimile created by your unique neurological biases--can never be perceived in all their nuances. These flawed worlds exist with only the existence our lonely inner selves as the only sure truth. And these worlds all die with their owners.


I can't.

I once threw a party for solipsists. No one else turned up.

Is it better for you to believe that?

Just googled solipsism huh?

I'm not sure what you mean by better. It's an outlook, I don't suppose it has worth.

By your logic OP. Prove to me that feminists aren't 100% correct and everyone else is delusional. See? See why you don't want to use that logic? Fucking idiot.


Why does it matter than?

There are no absolutes so you are right.

It doesn't but I acknowledge that I exist and while I'm here I may as well amuse myself.

Proof comes before an answer. You can't make a claim and declare it true without proof. It just makes it an unbacked statement with no value.

Within myself I have ran through checks of my existence and acknowledge that I exist within myself. I have no way of perceiving a world that I do not exist in.

So the fact that the world's existence up to you amuse you, that's the point?

What if your checks are wrong, what allows you to claim they are correct.

In a way. There is no reason to make the post because I know the answer. I could cut myself off from the world because I only see it as games or I can play games and pass the time.

"before I" "after I" Tell me OP, what do you mean by that word I?

What kind of games do you play?

When I perform an action, as I intend to do, I receive feedback that verifies my actions.

I am the navigator.

But see, you don't exist.
And there is absolutely no way for you to prove to me that you do exist.
You're just probably a figment of my imagination..
Or at least that's all your worth, you pretentious little faggot.

pointless philosophy just except jesus already

This fallacious nonsense allows anyone to make any argument period. Also that faggot that said there are no absolutes or any argument like that ... that logic is based in a misunderstanding of shit. There is absolutely no way I have a bottle of no-thingness. Period and I never will have a bottle full of no-thingness. Don't try and use uncertainty or anything like that to fight shit. Any argument like solipsism is an attempt at simplifying extremely complex realities. There are absolutes within the system of our reality. The idea that thing aren't possible is only from a perspective of infinity in the sense of an infinite amount of possible existences blah blah blah. But we very well may find one day that other universes do not or can not exist because of a fundamental rule of nature therefore possibilities will and can be limited.

there are 7 billion human beings on the Earth who are capable of thinking the same

From your perspective, yes. from mine, no.

>"Prove to me that the world doesn't stop existing whenever I, and only I, go unconscious."
>You are this retarded.jpg
OP is a Massive Faggot, as always.

What is the I and what is the world? Why do you seperate the two?

Ok, thats called sense, or maybe even call it consciousness, but that dosent answer the question. That gives no verification of your tests, what the tests are, what trials or regulations strain those tests, or what you are even testing.

you're not god. you're a degenerate

The world ends after I die catch on quick, huh?

Your perspective? Don't you remember, we've already established you don't exist. Keep up with the adults now.

I just can't find what difference does it make.

God here.
I do not exist.

Clean up your argument and I'll revisit it.

You need to expound. What are you having a hard time seeing a difference in?
Unless it's a rhetorical statement. Then it doesn't really matter.


When I perform an action I require a response to validate that I have performed an action. I have 100% confirmation of my actions over countless trials.

K, so this validates your god how?

Solipsism... I win!

Now prove to me you're not receiving this validation from another program designed to keep the matrix harmonious?
You can't?
Didn't think so mr. computer simulation.

There are huge amount of evidence of the past, but you think that nothing exists before and after you.
So you are not really responsible for anything?
You said you can play? What do you play?
are you happier this way?

The image is not truely cannon. I do not claim to give life, only to be all that I know for certain.

No matter what I say you're just going to say that that isn't proof because reality could be an illusion or some such pointless jackassery

I'm not

Perception can not be shared. You can not see through my eyes nor can I through yours. My tests are sound within my perception.

nargus veranum shi vaah

In a way you did, Nothing before you existed, but when you became everything became. but that dosent matter. Your original post/claim has no proof because of your trials, they are unrelated.

But you cannot perceive anything because you do not exist. Fuck, man. You're dense to boot.

Do you have children or planning to have?

Yes, technically everything and everyone COULD be a figment of my imagination. But I know it's not because I'm not 17 anymore.

when one person suffers from a delusion, it's called insanity.
when a group of people share a mass delusion,
it's called religion.
>one can claim to be something that doesnt exist, that just doesnt make it so.
>fuck off

Who said anything about figments of imagination?

Never made a claim that every person does not exist only that they may not if I were to die.

If this was true there would be no such thing as suprise or new discoveries as everything would fall into what you already know. There would be no artistic piece you couldn't understand, no such thing as randomness. The proof is that there are things beyond your comprhension and opinions different from your own. If you were truly God you would subconsciously create a paradise. This world is not a paradise. Theoretically you could argue that your mind wishes for free will and discovery, but even that Is a fallacy as if that was truly your wish you would not come to such conclusions that you are God.

What's the logic behind that?
Are you keeping everyone alive through some sort of magic?
Is everyone's lifeline linked to yours?
Back up your claims with some evidence. Not just 'cause it might'. Not a strong argument there, tardacious.

What if my mind is masochistic?

cogitas ergo es
quod erat demonstrandum non erant ante vos

Then your mind would not believe itself to be God.

The past, present, and perceived actions to come are woven into my existence.

what do you think this thread is about?

First prove to me that you exist.

I've already stated that perceptions can not be shared.

Impossible, because I am God.

because im older than you
ill live longer than you
besides, youre just a figment of my imagination

Well, I would simply read the original text to figure that out.

You're a figment MY imagination.

We are all one. I am you, you are me. I'm god, you're god.

older than me?? impossible!

Your both figmentd of my imagination. You will fall in line.

Aww, baby's first existential crisis.

Go easy on the Descartes and solipsism if you can't handle it without becoming a megalomaniac, you fucking inbred.

So I see the figments of my imagination seemed to have the belief they are truly conscious, quite funny.

You are older than me so that I may make sense the world around me. If the world had to be it would not likely come to be with only infants of the same age.

It really is. The extent at which my mind wishes to prove to me that I'm not alone is magnificent.

>edgy faggot just discovered solipism

Fool! That is because you have no perceptions to experience. You only think you do so you can fulfill your role to interact with me. As soon as you cease to interact with me, so will you cease to exist. Your experience is given to you to make for a convincing interaction with myself.

But you see, I am real, but there is no true scientific method to prove so. I guess belief is the foundation of everything.

Well you need to work on your reading comprehension than, because this thread is about solipsism, the theory that nothing but the self can be known to exist, in other words the theory that everyone else is just a figment of your imagination. Do try to keep up.

I hope William Shatner crawls down your chimney, slinks up to your bed, and rapes you with a claw hammer tonight.

Who is in a crisis? I'm perfectly comfortable where I stand.

This simulation gets it

If you can die, as you admit to having the ability of, your not the Christian God at least, therefore, the world will continue.

We are one. You are me, I am you.



Well matched. Are you me?

This is now a porn gif thread.
Bet you can't post a hotter gif than this. That girl on the right sends my cum rocket into orbit every time.


>what is burden of proof

you're super dumb

which god?

pila ludere

Only because that is most convenient to me for you to be that way. Had I needed something else from you for the furthering of my journey, you would be something else. But believe yourself to be content for that, in some even insignificant way, has given me something to experience.

Faith really is the foundation of everything.
Perhaps all of human sentience is a single being with conflicting opinions and ideas and hopes.

Your intelligence is severely flawed if you've honestly considered this.
>Prove to me that the world existed before I was born and will continue to exist after I die.
The notion is completely delusional madness.

Prove to me that there aren't ten fat gay niggers orbiting our planet as we speak.
You can't.